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errors, mail


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I have these issues

When I click on permissions in administration (admin panel), I see a list of errors:

Notice on line 366 in file /home/partbiola/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/4c/18/50/4c18509ebae805c3ea8acbff4cdea70c7aad50c3.file.form.tpl.php [8] Undefined offset: 103

lines: 366, 372, 373, 380, 387

2). I tested contact us, the message does not get to email. It shows on admin panel but does not go through to email that has been set in website.

3). I would love have Piwik tested on my site.

Thanks, Simon

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  1. Is just a notice, I would not worry about it.

  2. Is because you are using php mail to send from outlook. You are not getting them because of dmarc / spam rules. You need to use an email address off of your domain.

  3. I can let you know when we have it ported over.

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The error you are seeing in the admin panel is not a big deal at all. It is just a notice from smarty about an undefined variable which is a quick way of checking variables. It does not affect functionality or performance at all. If anything it would increase performance.

The mail, you won't get it in your mail / spam folder. Outlook will not deliver it, it will be dropped at the server level. You have to use an email from your domain, or set your domain up to send the emails from outlook. I have not used outlook.com for emails, so I am not sure if that is possible.

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