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Thumbnails in Shopping Cart do not show selected color


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To avoid confusing customers, I'd like to show in the shopping cart, the image of the color they have chosen.

I have a specific image for each color choice. In the cart it only shows the default color. Example: this shirt shows a light blue thumbnail but the selected color is light pink:

0_1504958439503_thumbnails dont show color chosen in cart.jpg

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First of all im not 100% sure the right color will show in the basket, but when to your site and when i select a different color on that product, it dos not change the image ad all.

Under the product >> combination, if you edit one of the products, did you select the images that should be linked with the product there ?

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@bzndk said in Thumbnails in Shopping Cart do not show selected color:

Under the product >> combination, if you edit one of the products, did you select the images that should be linked with the product there ?

Here is a screenshot of my combinations for one dog tee shirt. I thought it's connected by the specific reference code. I clicked to edit one of the combinations and at the bottom it asks: "Default: Make this combination the default combination for this product."

Maybe it will work if I leave it unchecked.

0_1504970678293_combinations for dog tee shirt.jpg

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That works great!

I need to do this from now on via csv which is how I add new products. I'm not sure how to do this with csv unless I enter the specific image for each color and size.

I'll also have to update all my current products but I believe @innercode module will help me with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@innercode I'm using your Mass Combinations Update module for my existing products and it's great!

@spidawebs For new products combinations with a lot of colors, should I use the url to the specific image color on the csv? I was just using one color at the end of each of the 81 combinations (colors and sizes) for dog tee shirts. Thanks!

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I've not had a need to use this feature before, but when you go to import combinations you will see a list of all the available options on the right hand side. Below are all the fields you can import:

Product ID Product Reference Attribute (Name:Type:Position)* Value (Value:Position)* Supplier reference Reference EAN13 UPC Wholesale price Impact on price Ecotax Quantity Minimal quantity Impact on weight Default (0 = No, 1 = Yes) Combination availability date Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...) Image URLs (x,y,z...) Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes). ID / Name of shop Advanced Stock Management Depends on stock Warehouse

I wonder if "Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)" is what you need?

Try it with one product and create a new column in your spreadsheet called "Image Position" and then map it to "Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)" when you do the import. If blue is your first image and red is your second then put "1" in the first row where you are importing the blue combination and "2" in the second row against the red combination etc.

Let me know if that works

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If you want to keep category A and get rid of category B, you just need to make sure every product in category B is also in category A and then delete category B.

I use store commander for things like this as it takes seconds, but I know you don't have it which doesn't really help you.

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@spidawebs That sounds confusing so let's put it aside for a bit.

I uploaded a csv and then imported the combinations with the “Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…)” and only entered one image URL on the csv.

0_1506020195632_csv with image position - 1.jpg

but I got this result:

0_1506020220881_csv with image position - errors - 2.jpg

PLEASE WAIT. I have to upload the extra images. Sorry.

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@spidawebs I uploaded the csv for products and combinations and uploaded the additional images. I'll get back to you after I delete and re-upload, because the combination color choices didn't show up. Probably just off a column because I included a new column - even though I did match up the headings again.

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I wonder if “Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…)” is what you need?

Try it with one product and create a new column in your spreadsheet called “Image Position” and then map it to “Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…)” when you do the import. If blue is your first image and red is your second then put “1” in the first row where you are importing the blue combination and “2” in the second row against the red combination etc.

It worked beautifully! You're a mastermind!

I added a note here after experimenting:

To get the correct color to show up in the cart, create a column named "image position" and assign #47 "Feature" for the products import csv.

0_1506022629721_to get color to show up in cart use column named image position and select #47 Feature for products import.jpg

Then for the combinations import assign the column named "image position" to “Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…)”

I rephrased the same thing to show all the specifics in case anyone else wants to use this:

To get color to show up in cart use a column named "image position" and assign it to "Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…)" for the combinations csv import

0_1506023100029_to get color to show up in cart use a column named image position and assign it to Choose among product images by position (1,2,3…) for the combinations csv import.jpg

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@spidawebs said in Thumbnails in Shopping Cart do not show selected color:

If you want to keep category A and get rid of category B, you just need to make sure every product in category B is also in category A and then delete category B.

I use store commander for things like this as it takes seconds, but I know you don't have it which doesn't really help you.

@spidawebs I created a subcategory under a related main category and am associating the products with the new subcategory. When that's done I'll delete the unwanted category. I know the URL's are changing but it's only 14 products.

Thanks very much for the help!

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I moved the small category products into another main category. That went very well.

Now I want to just disable a category (travel) until I figure out what to do with it, so I can increase my Main navigation font to be larger and easier to read. I unchecked the travel category in the category list but it's still there. I cleared the cache, reindexed and cleared the cache again. Cleared the browser cache and the travel category is still there.

@spidawebs Is there any other place I am supposed to disable a main top menu category? Thank you!

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