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unica e-shop

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Everything posted by unica e-shop

  1. @lesley Aha, so it is a drag and drop function, but why is it bad to have full featured HTML editor? If not there should at least be an option for different fonts and size.
  2. @lesley um i see, because i was going for a full featured HTML editor, so i don't have work with code, it will make it easier for ecommerece like me to edit any CMS page, or email template. but it would have been much nicer with fewer buttons, but with all those features included.
  3. @lesley It really does look much more nicer. Today i just came across this one and i really liked it, and it is open source, what do you think: https://www.quackit.com/html/online-html-editor/full/
  4. I would also like to see a full html editor (like tinyMCE) incoprted into the thirtybee, instead of the limited and normal HTML editor, as it will make it much easier for eCommerce like me who doesn't have much technical knowledge, this is a minor feature but it will have a great impact.
  5. Thank you all, anyways i found the soulution by importing the theme by FTP to our server and then adding it through "themes" at backoffice and choosing the option import from FTP
  6. could you please give a step by step guide on how to do it, i dont have much technical skills. Thank you
  7. Hi, Today i bought a prestashop 1.6 compatible them from apollotheme, when i am trying to install it i get a message "404 request timeout", do you have any suggestion on what i should do? Thanks
  8. @lesley exactly that is why i am suggesting that since slider will and is a part of ecommerce so why not incorporate a slider that is way better (in my opinon) then the standard one, and is free as well (so there is no extra work)
  9. @Havouza your right, but i was suggesting that why not make an already free module a part of thirty bees, not that they should make all their own modules free :)
  10. I would like to see this module as a native part of thirty bees instead of the normal slider module, this module is free and really powerful, so it would be nice if it could be a part of thirty bees: !Sliders Everywhere! by Syncrea Another module i really love to see, is a module that allow you to customize --> invoice document sent as a pdf to the costumer, i really dont like (visually) the standard invoice pdf file that is sent to the customer.
  11. Or set an option under product page, like: Fri shipping? which you could enable or disable, as it please you.
  12. @Traumflug I know that option, but when you have to set shipping for over 200 different products then, it is extremely time consuming. I am asking for integrating the solution with thirty bees, becouse it is very useful. @MockoB Thanks for your understanding!
  13. Hi, I realy miss the ability to set different shipping rules for different categories, like setting "Free shipping" for a category, and when the customer buys different products one with free shipping and one without, then the shipping rule for one without "Free shipping" would be applied. Is it something you are looking at, and will include it in near future, or do we need to buy a custom made module for it? Thank you.
  14. Does thirty bees, support translation for danish language, i mean like in prestashop, where 90% of it is translated in danish, or would i have to do it manually, by translating every word from English to danish?
  15. I would like to see a one page checkout like on our site, because it is beautiful and easy: www.unicae-shop.dk
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