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unica e-shop

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Everything posted by unica e-shop

  1. Dear @lesley, @Traumflug and all other who has participated in making TB, we really appreciate your great work, and thank you for all you effort to make this project great. I am personally very happy with TB, and who ever would ask me about where they should build there webshop, i would always recommend them to use TB. So i hope none of you see this post as critic or any negative post. The reason why i think it is important that there are some news, updates, every 2-3 months is that - TB is still in it is starting phase, and if there isn't any updates people will get some negative thoughts. - I am very sure that a lot of module developer and companies who develop web shops does visit TB now and then, and if they don't see any updates they may not focus on TB. So if you just some time post a post in the announcement section every 2-3 months it would be sufficient, and it is not important that there should be new features etc. just something like how many members we are, just so we and those who intend to make modules for TB know that something is going on. Thank you again.
  2. I use panda, with the TB bleeding edge and it works superb! you can check our website to get a idea: www.unicae-shop.dk
  3. @Traumflug Thank you very much, know i am more relaxed :), would have been nice if is a made a blog with describe shortly whats is going on so people like me are updated :), it will also show that the work is still going on. But anyways thank you for replay, and for your hardworking.
  4. @AndyC I can still not see it as 1-2 weeks, it shows correct when i use the link.
  5. I also see it as in stock, dispatched in 2-7 days
  6. @AndyC No it Advanced EU Compliance v3.1.3 that is available in the module section in back office, normally if it is activated it does show when product will be available again, and in that case you could change it via the module interface.
  7. Hi Andy do you use Advanced EU compliance module?
  8. Hi all, It has been a while that we have heard any news, updates about TB so i just wanted to know what is in the progress, what we can expact? Is the community growing? Any new updates planned? Thank you.
  9. @AndyC are you using TB 1.08? Becouse i had the same issue, but when i contacted the panda developer he helped solve it, so it did work agian. @toplakd I Like your approce and would really like to implement it on our store, but i since i dont have programming skills, could you please a post full descrption of how to it, maybe in the member blogs, so more people can benefit from it. Because it is a very nice way of doing it.
  10. No i don't have the one page checkout for this, but i know that knowband one page checkout works fine with it. I just don't used because our payment module doesn't work with it.
  11. Hi gluhicom, The best theme to use with thirty bees in my opinion is Panda theme: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme It works great with thirty bees, can be easily modified to your needs, and has a lot of future + the support is exceptional 🙂 You can see our website that is based on panda theme : www.unicae-shop.dk
  12. Hi all, When an product is out of stock, and the mail alert module option "notify me when in stock" where should the costumer add his email to receive notification? Best regards, Umar
  13. Dear all, I was trying to export full information for my products as CSV, but noticed that by using the default "export" function in backoffice -> products only exported id, image, name, price, Quantity, ref, and category but not full description, i searched for at way to do it easily, and came across this very helpfull articel: https://premiumpresta.com/blog/export-products-for-csv-import-prestashop-1-6/ That explain in full detail including the code. -.... And if you dont want to read it all just need the code then download it directly from Github: https://github.com/PremiumPresta/export-products-for-csv-import-prestashop-1.6 Hope it will be usefull 🙂
  14. Hi alle, I was just searching for a method to make it possible to have collapsible in our CMS page and found this useful tutorial: https://mypresta.eu/en/art/developer/create-collapsible-accordion-prestashop.html I thought it might be helpfull if somebody need it :). Best regards, Umar, Unica e-shop
  15. @colorful-ant Thank you :), these are small matters i will fix them right away :), I was thinking more about the look, and user easiness 🙂
  16. Hi all, I just changed the look of our store Unica e-shop and wanted to know your feedbacks on it. Btw we used Panda theme. 🙂
  17. @musicmaster yes I did check it, and no it wasn't a collection file. But strangely it is working now! Thank you @musicmaster 🙂
  18. Hi, I am trying to upload a theme, but it dosent show up in the theme page, i have tried to upload it throug FTP, and directly but no, it doest show any message only: "File download failed". Please help, thank you. 🙂
  19. Thank you for your help @lesley. Indeed that was the problme. 🙂
  20. Dear musicmaster, Thank you for your replay. When i turn on the debug mode i get the following message: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Swift_Message' not found in /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/classes/Validate.php:91 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/install/controllers/http/configure.php(122): ValidateCore::isEmail('unicae.market@g...') #1 /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/install/classes/controllerHttp.php(182): InstallControllerHttpConfigure->validate() #2 /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/install/trystart.php(34): InstallControllerHttp::execute() #3 /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/install/index.php(56): require_once('/var/www/unicae...') #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/unicae-shop.dk/public_html/classes/Validate.php on line 91
  21. Hi, I am trying to install a tb, but it doesnt show anything, after typing my information, about shop, name, email, password, nothing happens only an blank page. What is wrong, the version i am using is tb 1.08, uploaded by FTP to host server. Thank you.
  22. Yes i did have issues because it said error 500 when i tried to enter back office and frontpage. So my hosting provider changed the version back to php 5. and it worked for one of my site but the not the other one
  23. :) sorry i meant TB
  24. Dear mod, please close this topic as it is realted to php
  25. Hi, My hosting provider has updated thier server to php 7.01, how do i update prestashop to use php 7.01? thank you
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