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Everything posted by Dolfijn

  1. I get this error in the SendCloud integration log. I copied the message exchanged. Looks like I can't use the SendCloud integration anymore at this moment. What is happening? I'm using TB1.5. As far as I understand, it (sendcloud) is asking for an url (/currencies) that is not supported by TB? { "id": 626504775, "base_url": "https://www.gquipment.com", "full_url": "https://www.gquipment.com/webservice/dispatcher.php?display=%5Bid%2Ciso_code%5D&ws_key=***************************&url=currencies%2F", "method": "GET", "response_code": 401, "response": { "body": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<prestashop xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\">\n<errors>\n<error>\n<code><![CDATA[26]]></code>\n<message><![CDATA[Resource of type \"currencies\" is not allowed with this authentication key]]></message>\n<additional_info>\n</additional_info>\n</error>\n</errors>\n</prestashop>\n", "headers": { "Date": "Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:41:25 GMT", "Vary": "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent", "Server": "Apache/2", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Keep-Alive": "timeout=2, max=100", "Access-Time": "1726566085", "Content-Type": "text/xml;charset=utf-8", "PSWS-Version": "", "TBWS-Version": "1.5.1", "X-Powered-By": "PHP/7.4.16", "Content-Length": "234", "Execution-Time": "0.004", "Content-Encoding": "gzip" } }, "request": { "headers": { "Accept": "*/*", "Connection": "keep-alive", "user-agent": "SendCloud/1.0 (prestashop; https://www.sendcloud.sc)", "Authorization": "**********************************************MVk6", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" }, "payload": null }, "created_at": "2024-09-17T11:41:25.359375+02:00", "exception_type": null, "exception": "Error 401 (Unauthorized): We can't access the integration to request the orders.", "protected": false, "additional_data": "", "formatted_date": "17-09-2024 11:41:25" }
  2. Ah, found it. I was looking in the Admin folders. Thanks again!
  3. Sorry, I missed your reply. Thanks for the clarification. I find on the Internet that you can put them in the sitemap, but only as a location. Also, google does index pdf files :-) Only question I still have is where the TB code that generates the sitemap is located. Can't find it 😞
  4. They made an typo in their server name that is linked with my service account.
  5. I'm using the SEO sitemap module and i did not check the option to exclude attachements. But, they are nowhere to be found in the sitemap. The attachements in my case are datasheets, so valuable from a SEO point of view. Google doesn't index them. First, because they where blocked in robots.txt (if have fixed that) but now it is 'complaining' that they are not found in the sitemap. I'm happy to have a look at the code by myself but I can't locate it. I would have expected it somewhere in the Admin folders but can't find it. So, where is it 🙂
  6. Five years later and I can confirm that this works. Probably already for a long time. But now this thread has a conclusion 🙂
  7. Ah, thanks. I didn't know that you can paste your own code in this way. This will help!
  8. In the end, it was a configuration error at the email service provider. Nothing wrong with TB PHPMail, as expected 🙂
  9. That is the question. I'm using it for the first with TB 1.5. And there is no data in the Google Analytics dashboard, although it says that it is retrieving data. I just would like to make sure that this module is indeed suitable for GA-4.
  10. No there are no invoice*tpl files in my custom theme. I upgraded to TB1.5 with the option to override my theme (my old one was to much modified) and from that I created a custom theme. But with hardly any change made yet. It is the community theme. Other idea's where I can have a look at?
  11. I have exactly the same behavior. After updating from TB 1.1 to 1.5. If I use my test account, which has its delivery address in Netherlands and Invoice Address in Hungary. I use PostNL carrier. Only difference is that the error is 100% persistent. It always goes wrong: you pay the shipping cost and the invoice shows free shipping at 0 costs. The info displayed in the shopping chart summary in the shop is correct. Its 'just' the invoice that is incorrect. Anybody a clue? BTW, I don't know if this has anything to do with the two different addresses.
  12. Updating from TB 1.1 to 1.5 I ran into trouble because in the old environment you can use non encrypted SMTP while, if you do so in TB1.5, you are using TLS anyways due to the default enabled AutoTLS function. So, if your email provider supports TLS, it will be selected in the negotiation process. So far so good. But my provider happened to have some config problem with its certificate. So, email using TLS doesn't work, while you are thinking that you are not using TLS. Was very confusing for me. Because it will take a while for my service provider to sort things out, I changed the default to : public $SMTPAutoTLS = false; in PHPMailer.php. Shouldn't it be an option, to facilitate these kind of situations?
  13. I finally opened a file and wrote some php %variables to file. It works.. $file = fopen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/myLog1.txt', 'a'); $my_own_message = strval($idShop); fwrite($file, $my_own_message); fclose($file);
  14. The picture explains it all. I solved it by overriding style in global.css. But should this not work out of the box? I added the following override to create some extra padding: /* Override padding-left*/ .col-xs-12 .col-sm-12, .col-xs-12 .col-sm-4, .blockcmsinfo-block .col-xs-12 col-sm-4 { position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 15px; }
  15. Ok, this one I could figure out by myself :-). You can adjust the aspect ratio under Preferences->Images by mutating a nice table. I discovered it by reading the PrestaShop 1.6 manual. As I don't now much of TB or PS. Is there one for TB? I searched for it first but couldn't find one?
  16. I migrated from TB1.1 to 1.5. Now when I create a new product, its pictures have another size and aspect ratio. The old pictures all have a landscape aspect ratio and the new ones are 1:1 and bigger (higher). The two different sizes create a very chaotic visual view. I hope that I'm wrong because that would mean that I have to redo every product picture in the shop. What am I missing? BTW, I'm using the community theme.
  17. I did that several times today but I'm glad you asked because now it helped: it works. Many thanks! At least one more issue done on my list 🙂
  18. Yes, I see them installed and enabled. I also see the BO menu for the blog and they work ok too. I also see all the posts in the BO. Its the FO where nothing shows up.
  19. Or has this something to do with the position page in the back office? I don't know where to start because nothing is shown.
  20. Still looking for the cause of this problem. Which code is activated when I press the test email button in the back office? Maybe I can figure it out from there. I'm getting that desperate 🙂
  21. I migrated from 1.1 to 1.5 and I'm using the community theme. The blog posts itself are there if you know there url's. But they aren't visible on my homepage as they where in TB1.1. I thought I used the 'Bees Blog Recent Posts plugin' for that. However, that changes nothing. What can I do? I don't see any other option in the BO.
  22. It's a long time that I debugged PHP. I would like to do so to better understand what I'm doing wrong (as I often do 🙂). I'm running in production at a hosting provider. I will only use it to analyse backoffice code. I already switched debugging on and also did so in defines.inc.php. But a simple echo('Hello'); is never seen..? How can I do this in TB 1.5?
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