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About oliiix

  • Birthday 09/01/1983


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  1. Hello There 🙂 I wasn't sure where to ask, so I think here is probably the "safest" place 🙂 I wanted to push this quickly in case it got forgotten and ask if there's already any work being done on the below issue or if someone could say until when it might be fixed. Or if someone has the time and will 😅 I sadly don't think I have the time to learn all the necessary code and fix this bug :S https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/538 Thanks a lot for reading 😉 All the best, Oli
  2. I have setup a customer group called merchants with different percentages for different categories. Also the price display for merchants is, unlike for normal customers, without taxes. Now I'd like to replicate this behavior to the invoice generation. So that normal customers (group 3) have in invoice.product-tab.tpl the product prices with taxes included and merchants see prices without taxes in the invoice. I have added different behaviour into invoice.product-tab.tpl by using {if $customer->id_default_group == 5} - clauses. This works fine for the product-tab.tpl, yet then I get weird behaviour in the total-tab. When ordering with shipping option that adds fees everything behaves as wanted, yet if there's no shipping fees, the final total is presented without taxes for merchants. Looks like there might actually also be a bug in there 🙂 Is there any option to switch the invoice behavior to replicate the settings of the customer group? It doesn't really look like it when I scrub over the templates code, but maybe there is before I start editing too many code lines 😉 Thanks for any advice 🙂 edit: oh and btw I'm still on 1.2.0, didn't have the time to test the update and migrate 😉 Best Oli
  3. it is in fact working now for me as well 🤯. Sorry for that. Last two times I tried it did install itself but never showed on frontend, no matter the browser or what settings I changed, no errors, nothing 🙂 maybe my last test-shop-instance was broken somehow.
  4. I found this module which is free and works very nicely on PS1.6, yet it doesn't run on TB and I thought if someone is interested in maybe adapt it for TB that would be great and probably useful for a lot of people. I sadly just don't have the time :S But maybe there's someone out there who could need it as well and has time and capabilities to do so 😉 https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/717631-free-module-age-verification-popup/ not sure about the license, you'd probably have to contact prestacraft for making code edits and providing them to the public.
  5. Thank you @toplakd it works perfectly now! About a problem I came across that you, Thirtybees might be interested in providing options for at some time in case it's useful for multiple people and not only me 😉: There's always the possibility to provide a "pay on pickup" payment and shipping option. It would be great if the local VAT could be used for this even if ordered from a country that would have it's own vats normally. Maybe it would even be useful if this behavior would be a global option in TB Admin somewhere called "enable pay and pickup in store" (which automatically adds the pay on pickup shipping and payment options to frontend. This way payment wouldn't be setup through the custom payment methods module and represent a single payment option as a whole. And this way a new tax rule could include this as an option. Meaning you could setup one tax rule for payments made via pay-on-pickup and one tax rule for same country that is for the rest of the payment and shipping options. Just a rough idea, you don't have to reply to this so this thread doesn't get unnecessary longer with this side story 😉
  6. wow @toplakd thank you very much for this detailed walkthrough!!! I was able to see my mistake, thanks a lot! Will give it a try tomorrow 🙂
  7. So I have an austrian store also shipping to germany. For germany my products need to have a different vat. My products are set up with the austrian vat. I created new taxes settings under localization > taxes (named taxes germany). Then I went to localization > tax rules and deleted germany from the taxable goods rule (the standard applying to austria). Then I created a new tax-rule for germany only and assigned the new taxes to this rule. But when I change my (only) address from my client account to a german address all the taxes disappear and I only see the netto-price. Also strange is if I set the tax-rule inside the product edit form to the new rule, it also shows the nettto price under the brutto price (attached screenshot). The tax for Taxable Good Germany should be 19%, not 0. Am I misunderstanding something? 🙂 To the general problem of having diff taxes for germany only, do I need to change all my products to virtual products now? Or shall I wait for the module to it to properly work in the end? I don't yet get it 😉 I like the idea of prices staying the same, yet making this an option would also be great 🙂
  8. Here's another thing that might be interesting: AGE VERIFICATION and it would probably be very fast implemented as there's already a free prestashop module available for it. That's a functionality I'd call basic functionality in todays eCommerce: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/717631-free-module-age-verification-popup/ I sadly haven't had any time yet to check, why it's not working in TB (just doesn't show the age verification popup but seems to work fine "otherwise"). If I can find the time, which in the moment i really can't, I'll try to fix it and put it up for download but might be faster if someone else might be able to do so 😉 It's an age verification module I use in some of my prestashops. Full shop verification or category based with a one button option or having to enter the whole birthdate for approval.
  9. one thing that could be added: A way to ensure given emails in account creation are correct, or let's say an option in the backend that allows activating this feature 😉 At the moment I'm displaying two email fields with authentication(-create).tpl and validate.js that enable/disable the submit button when emails are matching/not matching. An option of course would be my way to include two email fields. At least for the second no copy/paste/etc functionality should be active. In case you consider sending out activation-link emails I hope you'd make that another option that could be set in back office as this could have a negative impact for us because users then bother us again just because they didn't get the account activation email. I think both of upper options should be implemented and given to admins as an option to deactivate/activate. Would be great if it's possible to activate/deactivate both options independently. I think you already solved the "bug" that passwords are sent via email, can't check right now but if passwords are still being sent via email, this should of course be fixed as well,, but I think you've done that already. I seem to remember a post about this on TB somewhere.
  10. thank you very much btw, I normally don't forget that :'D thanks for your help!
  11. I cannot really give you access to my store, so I installed a 1.1.0 shop from scratch and this problem seems to be persistent, the price for the second combination is wrong, about the same amount, so this is a bug now as it seems 😞 What I did: - install fresh 1.1.0 TB - remove all taxes and tax rules and set one up for all countries that has 13% - add the product with it's two combinations to the coffee category - create merchant customer group and put a discount on the coffee category with 52.80%. - create a user and assign him to the merchant group The prices are like in my previous post from my live shop: Comb A: 15.87 (correct imo) Comb B: 82.24 (wrong imo) Creating a bug report now...
  12. That reminds me of some other important thing: please keep the top menu bar alive haha :'D I hate this ugly beast on the left side 😉 Top bar is much better accessible
  13. Some idea of a more general nature: I just read through some articles about bootstrap alternatives and stumbled across an interesting article which is targeted at mobiles. I know TB is mobile friendly etc, but how about changing your strategy in general (not that I had any idea of your strategy^^) to deliver a mobile-first application that is made for mobiles but also works great on desktop. We ourselves have already over 50 or 60% mobile users and this number will be going up even more for everyone in the future. So I think design and code wise it should be created with mobile-first thoughts, ideas and strategies in mind and just make it work for desktop afterwards. I believe this to be very future proof and a step before so many others. Maybe what it would need first is just a new theme that is first only created for mobile view, maybe a completely different interface that is most easy to use on a mobile device and then try to adjust that layout to desktop. Or make a theme for desktop (current ones) and one additional for mobile that is lightweight. Codewise I can't say anything about it, I know only little about the full prestashop core, just enough to make some most simple modules myself or make slight core adjustments (which I have actually left behind with prestashop :'D). But maybe it's possible to not use the full extent of the code when a mobile is recognized to make it more lightweight, no idea 🙂 Just something to keep in mind I guess, mobiles will be the top devices for viewing websites, they ofc already are. Thought of sharing that as I have to get used to the mobile first fact myself, I always forget about these tiny devices and love visiting websites much more on desktops myself, yet there are other people out there and they tend to do the opposite :'D
  14. So either I'm calculating something wrong (again), have it set up incorrectly, or there's a bug regarding price calculation in my shop when there's a combination with increased price and a customer group discount active. Here's my product settings: TAX: 13% No-Tax Price: 33.619469 Retail price = retail price combination A: 37.99 Retail price combination B: 113.00 Setup Combination A: no price change Setup Combination B: imp. on price: + 75.01 (tax incl) -> tb puts 66.380531 into tax excl. field, I think it should be 66.371681 >> How is now the price calculated for my merchant group which has a category-discount of 52.8%? My calculation of what the prices should be (prices for this group are shown w/o taxes, rounded): Comb A: 15.87 (33.619469/100×47.2) Comb B: 47.2 (113/1.13)/100*47.2 What TB displays in store (prices w/o tax): Comb A: 15.87 (same as I have) Comb B: 82.25 (far too high?) So Combination B price in store seems far to high. How is this price being calculated? Shouldn't TB's calculation be more like the result for (113/1.13)/100*47.2 = 47.2? Thanks a lot for your help/advise 🙂 All the best, Oli
  15. I'm on 7.2 currently after switching from 7.1 a second ago 😄
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