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Everything posted by okom3pom
I actually work on a new version. I think t release it this week
@datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: New version 1.0.2 has been released. You can now migrate review and criteria settings from native product comments module. Nice ! thank for work
@zimmer-media ``` Is it possible to extend the options? For example VIP silver VIP Gold VIP Platinum ``` Not for the moment @FooLab In the customer Vip Card page with a countdown on how many days remain and a counter on how much the customer has saved using the VIP Card. Done ! but not how much the customer has saved using the VIP Card I thought about mail reminders… something like 30 days and 7 days before expiring and then when expired. Plus an overlay when the customer log in. In progress how about an “mini” html widget “hookable” with the count of how much have you saved (if the customer have already a VIP Card) and/or invite guests and “not vip card owners” to get it. For a VIP version :p
V 1.0.10 Add shoppingCart Hook to propose VIP Card Add Vip Card history Add Count Down on Vip Card Controller and shoppingCart Hook if VIP TODO https://github.com/okom3pom/okom_vip/blob/dev/README.md#todo
Fail :biohazard:
@FooLab How about the possibility to remember to customers that the VIP Card is expiring on the website when logged ? Where is the best way for you ? In the new version i add a new ShoppingCart hook to propose the vip card if card is expired or not a vip customer but i can add this information on an other hook / page ? Before i put a new version
Very useful! With this, you could make something like Amazon Prime o Zooplus Spar program, right? Yes i use this module on my website for Free Shipping on year, and special offers for VIP member Customers can buy the VIP Card and then for a year (or more/less) they have discounts or benefits. You have the choice. Select the actions in the cart rule or in the group Ex: Free Shipping How about the possibility to remember to customers that the VIP Card is expiring (on the website when logged and by mail)? Good idea for the next version
Module VIP Card for Prestashop 1.6.X.X AND Thirty Bees 1.0.3 Simple module to manage VIP cards based on two cart rules One on a product (the VIP card) One on a VIP Group When a customer buy a VIP card and the order change to a desired status, the customer automatically enters in the VIP Group for XX days. Features Vip Cards history Add Vip Cards from back office All cart rule and specific price available from VIP Count Down VIP Card ShoppingCart hook to propose VIP cards See TODO for next featured and bug fix Installation Create a VIP card product Create a VIP group Cart Rule Add a cart rule with condition : The Vip card Product and add a free shipping action or other action. Add a cart rule with condition : The VIP Card Group and add a free shipping action or other action. Module Configuration / Use Module Add the id_product of vip card Add the id_group of vip groupe Add the idorderstate that will pass your customers into the VIP Group. Add the number of days of validity of the card. Cron Task You can add a cron job to automatically delete expired vip cards. The url is available in the module configuration. /!\ Remove module /!\ When you delete the module the vip table is not deleted, you must do it manually if you want to clear the table. All members of the VIP group will be removed from the group TODO Move html and js to a tpl file Check if it's a guest order Remove VIP card product from cart if customer is VIP Add 2 recall XX days YY days by e-mail Move Vipcard to a model Bug fix VipCard expired or not expired but not 0 or 1 in vip.tpl Fix tanslation Hard coded Fix Table name in UPGRADE Module Carte VIP pour Prestashop 1.6.X.X && Thirty Bees 1.0.3 Simple module pour gérer des cartes VIP, il est basé sur deux règles de paniers Une sur un produit ( la carte VIP ) L'autre sur un Groupe VIP Quand le client achète une carte VIP et que la commande passe dans un statut souhaité, le client passe automatiquement dans le Groupe VIP pour XX jours. Créer un produit Carte VIP Créer un groupe VIP Règle de panier ! Ajouter une règle de panier avec comme condition l'id du produit de la Carte VIP et comme action FDP offert ou autre. Ajouter une règle de panier avec comme condition l'id du groupe de la Carte VIP et comme action FDP offert ou autre. Configuration / Utilsation du Module Ajouter l'id product de l'article : carte VIP. Ajouter l'id group Client VIP. Ajouter l'idorderstate qui passera vos clients dans le Groupe VIP. Ajouter le nombre de jours de la validité de la carte. Vous pouvez modifier les dates d'abonnement depuis une commande ou depuis la fiche client du BO. Tache Cron Vous pouvez ajouter une tache cron pour supprimer automatiquement les cartes vip expirées. L'url est disponible dans la configuration du module. /!\ Suppression du module /!\ A la suppression du module la table vip n'est pas supprimée, vous devez le faire manuellement si vous souhaitez effacer la table. Tous les membres du groupe VIP seront retirés du groupe TODO Déplacer le html et je js dans un fichier .tpl Vérifier si ce n'est pas une commande guest Supprimer / Bloquer le produit carte vip si le client est VIP Ajouter un rappel sur les cartes qui vont expirer Screenshot
4K product 27K combinations In index i add combination reference, combination ean13 and synonym for product name
I tell you that tonight (France) normally the number of visit will be double
FeedBack : Sales starts today in France. In analytics 250 visitor Brad use 1.6 Giga
It is a good project. My BRAD search page have a lower exit rate than the prestashop search page. Filters are very good also for some site.
I forget to say ElasticSearchConnector don't work with the last 2.x.x elasticserach ( my 2.4.5 ) [quote] Fixed, search query generator has bug. ES does not accept source:false it only like source:{} Sorry for the problem, bug will be fixed in next release of the module. [/quote]
A litle contribution https://github.com/Invertus/brad/issues/9 https://github.com/Invertus/brad/pull/8 https://github.com/Invertus/brad/pull/7 And an other issue but i don't understand in french :) https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/616292-methode-find-module-avec-searchphp-comme-front-controller/
For me Brad is faster on my website. If i have the time i test elasticsearchconnector on 30Bz
ElasticSearchConnector and Brad does not work as same Brad indexes all product informations. Search query -> ElasticSearch give result -> php decode result -> Print ElasticSearchConnector retrieves the id_product via elasticsearch and uses an override of the class Search to give the results Search query -> ElasticSearch give result -> php decode result -> SQL query id_product IN (xx,yy,zz ) -> Print
I migrate my test shop to 30bz Brad work fine for the moment i have only 300 indexed products chafoins[dot]com/presta2/ Login : oups Password : okom3pom
I also use a trick to highlight items from my brand // Boost DMH Products $words_dmh = ['amortisseur','boots','etrier','licol','gogue','masque','transport']; if( $body['manufacturer_name'] == 'DMH Equitation' ) { foreach( $words_dmh as $word ) { $search = Tools::replaceAccentedChars(strtolower($name)); $pos = strpos($name, $word); if ($pos !== false) { $body['manufacturer_name'] = 'DMH Equitation '.$word ; } } } In search the articles of my own brand are first
I use brad with PS Currently I don't use filters. Problem's of categories can come from filters ? U can test : esprit-equitation[dot]com Ex synonyme : coffre = boite / chabraque = tapis
On my website, 4k products, 27k combinations Brad module with synonym, elasticsearch use 800 MB if ($isFuzzySeearchEnabled) { $searchQuery['query']['bool']['should'][] = [ 'multi_match' => [ 'fields' => ['name_lang_'.$idLang.'^8','manufacturer_name^5','default_category_name_lang_'.$idLang.'^5','ref_combi^5','attribute_keywords_lang_'.$idLang.'^3'], 'type' => 'most_fields', 'query' => $searchQueryString, 'fuzziness' => 'AUTO', 'prefix_length' => 2, 'max_expansions' => 50, 'minimum_should_match' => "60%" //'operator' => 'AND' ], ]; }
Hi, First sorry for my english I test the brad module and it is really fast. I changed order by when fuszzy is enabled. In the index options I add stopword section and synonim section. In my activty tapis = chabraque ; bombe = casque .. ... I actualy test operator AND