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Everything posted by Fathira
hello few hour ago trailing slash missing in website home page see my site home page https://www.mysite.com/ , other url https://www.mysite.com/women/women-clothing-and-dresses/designer-sarees/printed-saree/ but today the trailing slash missing now url home https://www.mysite.com other url https://www.mysite.com/women/women-clothing-and-dresses/designer-sarees/printed-saree NO TRAILING SLASH IN END NOT EDITED ANY FILE AND FOLDER any effect seo, speed and other this issue ? trailing slash impotent or not end of url ? everyone know please answer thanks
thanks lesley
@lesly how to integrate TB media server in to cloud flare ? please say something
@ mahash p the issue solved the cbdom file code copy from other site and past hire it is ok see attach ment [01519193219490cbdom.php](Uploading 100%) [01519193296456cbdom.php](Uploading 100%) 01519193377348ccavenue public_htmlclassescontroller.zip
Hello New module JSON+LD can support other theme? I am thirtyparty theme Thanks
Thanks lessly Yes I try to contact to module developer
Thanks lessly and how to solve this issue i nstall a new multi vendor module.module work fine. now something issue now this vendor aria . vendor profile description html aria and product description html aria not visible . then i change performance smart java script set to no (off) after this issue solved . but that (smart java script) benefit missing. how to set this module with out smart java script ( dont want smart java script support for this module) or any idea please help thanks
Thanks lesley your support I successfully installed your answer correct the admin folder one file cbdom .File hire but it blank page . I get a copy the cbdom code from my old site (4 monrh ago I successfully installed this module in thirtybees) and past in this the blank cbdom file .Then after install success Lessly meny meny Thanks for your help
hi lesley please unzip this zip file . the inside details of how to install . it is download from ccavenue official website account page . it is created third party developer for ccavenue it is 100% free. use only not for sale 01507386370794CCAvenueMCPGPrestaShop_1.6.1.4.zip special thanks for your support
Sorry I sen d now
Thala lesley this module attached my first post https://forum.thirtybees.com/assets/uploads/files/1507265065842-ccavenue.zip
It is free module. it is provide ccavenue pymenygetwy . Download from ccavenue pymenygetwy account
hello i install a new multi vendor module now something issue now this vendor aria . vendor profile description html aria and product description html aria not visible . then i change performance smart java script set to no (off) after this issue solved . but that (smart java script) benefit missing. how to set this module with out smart java script ( dont want smart java script support for this module) or any idea please help thanks
THANKS ROB it is not copied from other site it is ccavenue payment getaway official module for pristashop . i attached that module . this module working now in my other site that not issue at line 106 in file modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php see attachment see this and help01507271236298ccavenue.php
thanks for your support yes sir the same module working my old site this now live . i created a new site but not work this . not idea see blow error [ThirtyBeesException] Class 'Cbdom' not found at line 106 in file modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php ccavenue->loadDefaults - [line 54 - modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php] ccavenue->__construct - [line - ] ReflectionClass->newInstance - [line 189 - Core/Foundation/IoC/CoreFoundationIoCContainer.php] CoreFoundationIoCContainer->makeInstanceFromClassName - [line 232 - Core/Foundation/IoC/CoreFoundationIoCContainer.php] - [2 Arguments] CoreFoundationIoCContainer->doMake - [line 253 - Core/Foundation/IoC/CoreFoundationIoCContainer.php] - [2 Arguments] CoreFoundationIoCContainer->make - [line 71 - Adapter/AdapterServiceLocator.php] - [1 Arguments] AdapterServiceLocator::get - [line 938 - classes/module/Module.php] - [1 Arguments] ModuleCore::getModulesOnDisk - [line 330 - controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php] - [3 Arguments] AdminModulesControllerCore->initContent - [line 366 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 743 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 63 - admin/index.php] please help me see this module 01507265062030ccavenue.zip
and also read this [ThirtyBeesException] Class 'Cbdom' not found at line 106 in file modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php { $this->uninstall(); $this->_errors[]=$this->l('Error in ccavenue payment method contact support'); return false; } $cbdom = new Cbdom(); $this->_cbdom=$cbdom; $POST['ccavenuepaylicensekey'] = $this->pglickey; if(!empty($POST['ccavenuepaylicense_key'])) { $license_key = $_POST['ccavenuepay_license_key']; ccavenue->loadDefaults - [line 54 - modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php] $this->page = basename(FILE, '.php'); $this->displayName = $this->l('ccavenue MCPG'); $this->description = $this->l('Accepts payments by ccavenue'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to delete your details ?'); $this->cbdommain = new Cbdom_main(); $this->loadDefaults(); } public function install() { $helper = new HelperForm(); $helper->token = Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModules'); anyone know please answer
hello today i try to install ccavenue payment gateway . i upload via cpanel . then go to admin panel and click modules and service . error blank screen with this warning see [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/bzcqhswi/public_html/modules/ccavenue/ccavenue.php: Class 'Cbdom' not found .where is check this ? see this attach it is the ccavenue payment gateway module one file01507190041929ccavenue.php please answer thanks
@mdekker ok i agreed it is server related i try different server some server not supported tb updater . it is feel heavy load admin panel and updating connect issue it both server documentation same but some server not supported see this result Previewing the timing breakdown of a request Timing breakdown phases explained Here's more information about each of the phases you may see in the Timing tab: Queueing. The browser queues requests when: There are higher priority requests. There are already six TCP connections open for this origin, which is the limit. Applies to HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 only. The browser is briefly allocating space in the disk cache Stalled. The request could be stalled for any of the reasons described in Queueing. DNS Lookup. The browser is resolving the request's IP address. Proxy negotiation. The browser is negotiating the request with a proxy server. Request sent. The request is being sent. ServiceWorker Preparation. The browser is starting up the service worker. Request to ServiceWorker. The request is being sent to the service worker. Waiting (TTFB). The browser is waiting for the first byte of a response. TTFB stands for Time To First Byte. This timing includes 1 round trip of latency and the time the server took to prepare the response. Content Download. The browser is receiving the response. Receiving Push. The browser is receiving data for this response via HTTP/2 Server Push. Reading Push. The browser is reading the local data previously received. thanks for your support
Updated to 1.0.3 & Now I'm Getting 500 Internal Server Error
Fathira replied to ajensen27's question in Updating thirty bees
@ajensen27 the thirtybees updater 1.2 and 1.3 somthing issue somthing server not all server i faced that . jest try 1.1 updater i am not sure to updating to 1.4 the 1.1 updater and say jest check cross selling install and check all public pages no 500 that s good it is not modul related server related sorry it is my experience -
hi i change to cache to apc,file, redias,memcached, and all but the setting.inc.php define('PSCACHINGSYSTEM', 'CacheMemcache'); how to work this ? sorry may be my bad experience if need changes this file to same admin setted cache driver name?
@mdekker no ? i paid 3 month ago server .i tested my ssl diffrent way all fine no security issue what i do ?
server thirtybees connectivity see attachment
@mdekker server thirtybees connectivity see attachment from server staff
@mdekker thanks i send your word to my server staff and check once more ssl side thanks