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Everything posted by AnnaLisik

  1. Are core devs of PS sane? Dont think so.......
  2. will do. Thanks :)
  3. Inside composer.json there is dependency of satooshi/php-coveralls, whereis by Googling it one can find that this package is deprecated Proof here
  4. Is it even doable in Git (as a version system; not GitHub)? I think protocol prohibits this. But GitHub does not allow this for sure.
  5. @Chandra some food for thought. When Im presented with new things for me, first thing I do is to gather as much info as possible about new product. So I went straight to their web and few huge no-go popped up instantly: 1. SubPage Pricing. Standard/Pro/Self-hosted. Standard tactic = minimum amount of users while price per user is whats written in larger font, so to get your price, you need to multiply price/user * users count; 2. Self hosted plan. First bullet = Hosting included followed by barely visible question mark with hoover that says "managed hosting on our servers". So, self hosted or hosted by them (and surely paid extra)? Im more than sure there are many more no-go's, but above are major ones for me. Honestly, their product may be of outstanding quality, but the above disqualifies it for good in my case. I will not trust company that uses such tricks. Sorry. Edit: Just looked at thier repo on GitHub and guess what? their software does not even pass build step. Yeah, may happen, Worrisome, but still can happen. But, master branch was last updated (commited to) on 23th of July 2019. Want more? Here you go: 855 releases. Many, but ok, till you click on it: last release (12.7.1) was made 4 days ago, and - now grace yourself - 885 commits since than (since 4 day) : wow, they must be cyborgs that operate 24/7..... its around 2 commits per second....
  6. AnnaLisik


    Sorry to see you go.
  7. AnnaLisik


    As of @wakabayashi he is unbanned now; This was simple misunderstanding. Simple as this. No bad feelings involved. Sorry for this. As of @M4ketech sure, will send him an invite 🙂
  8. AnnaLisik


    @Theo Aaa this one. Than Im also in. You are correct. OK will send the m an invite Sent 🙂
  9. AnnaLisik


    @netamismb probably yes 🙂 @Theo I still have no idea which topic you are talking about?
  10. AnnaLisik


    What private forum are you talking about? Can you PM me a link please? EDIT: @musicmaster just joined Discord 🙂
  11. AnnaLisik


    @Theo Ive sent an invitation. Now its up to @musicmaster and @Occam to join or ignore it.
  12. AnnaLisik


    How many of them is successful and can be recognized as a fully blown successor of TB? @dynambee I dont (fully?) agree with loosing things like forums/blog, website, knowledge, partners etc. Why did you say TB would loose it?
  13. AnnaLisik


    Effort yes; lot of work: also yes. But its the same with every project that wants to be/is successful
  14. AnnaLisik


    Now I get it :: in your concept fork = start over. But no. By fork, I understand taking the code as-is, just changing the owner of repo and push/pull paths. Thats it! No need for redoing anything. Just change owner, than change push/pull paths locally and off we go - the project is ready to accept contributions. As simple as this. There is absolutely no need to duplicate anything..... Thats exactly what I understand when talking about fork Yes, of course. But, only if new fork is going to be given new name. Thats a breeze. In most IDEs there is an option that will allow you to do this
  15. AnnaLisik


    In this case the only (?) thing that would change is the owner, right? why? Oh, and forking does not need to mean rebranding; in this case rather save brand, but change owners.
  16. AnnaLisik


    Let me answer you: I did not register as Im self learner, and, if/when problem arises, I like to solve it myself.
  17. AnnaLisik


    Someone who has managerial skills probably, who is with the project from start, who has the most accepted PRs, whatever.... criteria is one thing that needs to be established....... It would be nice if owner of the repo = project leader.
  18. AnnaLisik


    Im affraid Im not following what you were trying to communicate here?
  19. AnnaLisik


    I agree, but on the other hand, reputation follows the project, and - correct me if Im wrong - the only person that will change is the repo owner. Correct? All I want to establish is that if people ( = potential devs) would come to the repo, they will see known (and well-established) nicknames so they will instantly catch.
  20. AnnaLisik


    Why do you think that forking is not ideal solution here?
  21. AnnaLisik


    @Theo if Im needed, just PM me :) will have notification on the email so I can react as needed :) Thanks.
  22. AnnaLisik


    Hey everyone, I can create fork of TB as Im heavy-user as well as customizer (my customization are internal only) so I know codebase quite-well and thus I can lead a fork. But Im not going to take-over company.
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