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Everything posted by e-com

  1. Encryptor is a new class in thirty bees, not existing in prestashop, so I missed it. It will be better this way: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/ab1ebcbb181913d9b1400d2d95e468241e2be025 And a performance test from profiler. Smarty cache to file system is definitely more efficient.
  2. It's a fact, all benchmarks have shown me that a smarty cache for MySQL is much slower than a cache for a filesystem (and with encryption it will be even slower). That's why I do not use smarty cache for MySQL in any store 🙂 Fix is just so that there is no security hole.
  3. _PHP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ key and PhpEncryption library have been in Thirty Bees since version 1.0.0. I have already implemented this modification on several stores in versions 1.3.0 and 1.4.0. And it certainly works fine.
  4. Do not modify smarty.config.inc.php as recommended by PrestaShop, because it is a nonsense fix. This patch encrypts data written to the PREFIX_smarty_cache table, preventing SQL injection attacks. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/f215fd84a59b6fee6f4eae4cae190101c926be67
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