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Everything posted by e-com

  1. I found the cause. Module "Auto Currency Formatter" so messes up the display of numbers for currencies. - for English US: €45.59 - for Polish: 45,59 € I don't use this kind of modules introducing such chaos to the backend interface and I couldn't figure out the reason why to you it displays amounts for currencies like this.
  2. I think President Clinton wanted to implement metric system in US, but met powerful resistance from conservatives.
  3. If number is a currency amount, the format from currency is taken. If number is a standard number such as quantity, the setting for language is taken.
  4. Tools::displayPrice method displays amounts according to currency format, Tools::displayNumber method can also format for currency. If we have several currencies in store, e.g. USD and EUR, then once the amounts are with a point and once with a comma. And there is a bit of confusion with this. We have to report to UN so they unify numbers around the World 😄
  5. Numbers in database are stored only with a point. If any number is a currency amount, it is displayed on backend and frontend according to our settings for that currency. If we type any number into an input, we always use a point.
  6. "Block CMS" module configuration: Configuration of the various links in the footer
  7. e-com


    Access to gpt-4 API is in limited beta version, meaning you have to sign up for a waiting list and wait for them to give you access. https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/overview Whereas ChatGPT Plus account ($20/mo) provides: - available even when demand is high - faster response speed - priority access to new features
  8. e-com


    I added two new models: gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4. The gpt-3.5-turbo works nicely. For gpt-4 I have signed up for waiting list, but I have not yet received access to the API.
  9. Two modules add the same to footer: "HTML Block" and "Block Contact Infos". After installing a new application, it is best to take some time and review configuration of all modules.
  10. "HTML Block" module installs such a demo block. In configuration of module you need to delete it.
  11. e-com


    I haven't had much time to work on it in recent weeks, but I've got most of it done. There are AdminControllers done for manual content generation. They have two methods "Generate" and "Send". All that's left for me is to make methods for CRON tasks. I tested a little bit quality of this content for Polish language. English language is nothing to test, because 90% of Internet is in English 🙂 And after short tests I can say that this name "artificial intelligence", is a marketing babble of corporations wanting to sell customers their next product. Lots of grammatical, stylistic and logical errors. Such a primitive animal as human will not develop a real artificial intelligence in next hundred years 😄 I'll find some time then I'll add this new GPT-4 algorithm. OpenAI API client is also improved every now and then. Edit: You have to wait for API to GPT-4: https://openai.com/waitlist/gpt-4-api
  12. Unfortunately, but there is no way to download EU VAT number database to your server and perform validation locally. And VIES server works tragically, it is perpetually overloaded 😞 The only solution I can think of is to create a new order status "Awaiting EU VAT number validation" configured identically to "Awaiting bank wire" and plug it in all electronic payment modules. Validation of EU VAT number must be done manually by store staff and change the status to "Payment accepted" if number is correct. However, not all payment modules have ability to configure statuses. Stripe module has this possibility, but Paypal module does not.
  13. Module works perfectly. I did tests with old Stripe API v.2019-10-17 and new v.2022-11-15. Zero PHP 8.2 errors, payments posted correctly.
  14. Google Maps is a commercial paid service: https://mapsplatform.google.com/pricing/ And it would be best to drop it completely from thirty bees core. On frontend, it is best to replace stores map display with a module. Just add one new hook to stores.tpl And on backend, those maps in order panel the size of a fingernail are, in my opinion, a completely unnecessary embellishment 🙂 I have a ready-made module of free OpenStreetMap and I can provide it to include it in thirty bees repository. And if someone wants to pay google to display maps, then and will pay to make a Google Maps module 🙂 There are dozens of services for displaying maps, also with help of modules it will be possible to implement any of them. If @datakick approves modification, I will submit OpenStreetMap module.
  15. e-com


    Those lying articles that google will penalize AI-generated content are written by SEO scammers making very big money from SEO and copywriting. Official google guidance from a dozen days ago: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/02/google-search-and-ai-content Quote: "Is AI content against Google Search's guidelines? Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies." And all content written by these so called "SEO specialists", is only for manipulating search rankings 🙂
  16. e-com


    Module is in concept-building phase. Of course, like any properly made module, there will be multilang and multishop. When I close concept phase, I will write more about how it will work.
  17. e-com


    Such artificial intelligence, which creates entire pages for us: formats texts, inserts tables and bullets, inserts correctly selected images, etc. etc., is probably not going to happen in a hundred years yet 😄
  18. e-com


    Google has already officially announced that it will not penalize AI-generated content with filters or bans.
  19. e-com


    5k tokens come from configuration settings for product, 1k short description and 4k description. For testing, I set large values to best check the spelling, syntax and logic of generated texts. But of course it is possible to change it in configuration. No, I am not a merchant 🙂
  20. e-com


    1000 tokens is about 750 words Cost of tokens depends on the model used. Davinci model is most expensive, but is said to be the best. https://openai.com/api/pricing/ In configuration of module I made settings for maximum number of tokens for each generation. Main use of this type module, I see in dropshipping with full automation of its operation. In most wholesalers product descriptions are either none or tragic. Most wholesalers operate in a closed model only for verified and logged-in customers, also google does not index anything from this data made available to customers. For google under SEO it is these wholesalers that have put up business card sites on wordpress with blog content. Suppose we import 10k products from wholesaler to our shop. What's next? I calculated three scenarios of action for 10k products: 1. We create product descriptions ourselves. Assuming that we create a description of one product for 15 minutes, work 10 hours a day for 5 days a week, it will take us one year (50 weeks to be exact) for 10k products. Our own work should also be priced somehow. 2. We outsource content writing to copywriters. Assuming average rates of Polish copywriters and analogous amount of content that ChatGPT generates, this will cost 675000$. In Western Europe or USA, that's certainly well over 1 million $. And execution time for such an order is probably several years. 3. We generate product descriptions using ChatGPT. Generation time = 4,6 days (40 seconds one product). Cost of generation = 1000$ (5k tokens x 0.02$ x 10k products). I have already made a module controller with configuration. But still some new ideas come to me 🙂 For sure I will have to experiment a lot to choose the best: model, temperature and prompt for query. I need to test different languages and products from different branches. Logging of CRON task times I will still add to estimate real generation times. And if you want to apply this new invention 🙂 to generate meta data, here is OpenAI PHP API client: https://github.com/openai-php/client Only requires a minimum of PHP 8.1
  21. Thirty Bees installer has minor bugs, installs data from when United Kingdom was a member of EU. In Localization -> Tax Rules, remove United Kingdom from tax mapping. There should be only 27 countries. Countries installer also has bugs inherited from prestashop 1.6. Countries: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Ukraine, United Kingdom are assigned to "Europe EU" zone. I took a look at PS 1.7 and I see that they have already fixed these bugs.
  22. Rather, such modules that translate 100% of content of the store, it does not exist. On other hand, when translating data that this module handles, I did not have any errors.
  23. e-com


    I didn't plan to make this module for generating meta data. Meta keywords have not been read by google bots for a long time, and meta title and meta description is very often ignored by google algorithms. Too many SEO scammers have manipulated search results through meta data. Now only visible content counts when indexing a given page. With such long ChatGPT content generation times, it only seems reasonable to act as a CRON task. Because to go into each product and manually generate this, it would take several years in a larger store :D. Surely you need to make a record to markup database, which content was already generated to not duplicate generation. Tokens for OpenAI API are paid, Microsoft has poured 10 billion $$$ into this business, it wants to make money on it. I need to test different models and temperature for algorithm. I guess text-davinci-003 seems to be the best model. Temperature is a value between 0 and 1 that essentially lets you control how confident the model should be when making predictions. Lowering temperature means it will take fewer risks, and completions will be more accurate and deterministic. Increasing temperature will result in more diverse completions. When I finish module, I will provide information on where to download it.
  24. Yes, I change price of the product when creating a BO order. Standard price of this product is 10 EUR, in order I change it to 9.98 Order saves correctly.
  25. I did a test on TB 1.5.0 bleeding edge. You can enter any product price for an order created in BO.
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