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Everything posted by e-com

  1. There is a module repository on github: https://github.com/thirtybees/mdimagemagick But actually this module is completely unnecessary for TB 1.4.0
  2. This urls rewrite rule works properly only for images with jpg extension. For images with webp extension it does not work.
  3. That's right, but not really 🙂 https://xyz.com/405/product-url.jpg - is correct https://xyz.com/405/product-url.webp - is bug
  4. And are you creating REST API apps for correct environment?
  5. I created new REST API apps: https://developer.paypal.com/ In configuration of module, I entered new CLIENT ID and SECRET keys. And module communicates correctly with paypal API. And for sandbox environment, do you also have an error?
  6. Change PHP to 7.4 Only after upgrading to TB 1.4.0 bleeding edge can you set PHP 8.1 And you should run Core Updater again.
  7. I made a customization of thirty bees file manager to support WebP format. Modified imageLib class - correct generation of WebP thumbnails. Also need to modify htaccess in directory: /img/cms/ If you guys think this is a good solution, I will make redesigned filemanager available on github.
  8. OK, I'll do a PR on github.
  9. I support this idea as much as possible. With modern browsers, keeping this dual jpg+webp support for archaic browsers is pointless. Unnecessary generation of terabytes of images to server disk 🙂
  10. I found the cause. In CoreModels and CMSRole classes, tables have utf8mb4_general_ci encoding declared. Is this necessary? Can't these tables have utf8mb4_unicode_ci encoding like rest of database? Performance difference between utf8mb4_general_ci and utf8mb4_unicode_ci is tenths of a microsecond.
  11. e-com

    CSS Module Available?

    Overwriting CSS of template with your own CSS is the best example of how websites should not be made. Then such pages take an hour to load :) But if you absolutely must do it, then: Preferences -> Custom code -> Add extra css to your pages
  12. Too many products in home page modules. Home page is not used to display all products we have in store, just advertising a few or a dozen. These modules do not have pagination so loading thousands 🙂 products takes so long. In addition, it is a good idea to set PHP 7.4 and memory limit at least 512MB.
  13. Using a PHP script, I converted 100% of database tables to utf8mb4_unicode_ci. Vast majority of prestashop modules are so sloppily made, that we have all the coding from all over the world in database 🙂 For what reason does Core Updater want to convert some tables back to utf8mb4_general_ci ?
  14. e-com

    VAT Module issues

    All stores have automatic validation disabled and for new customers they do manual validation: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/#/vat-validation Manual validation is also Russian roulette 🙂 Sometimes you have to click several times before you get validation. Especially for Germany it is tragic.
  15. e-com

    VAT Module issues

    I have been doing tests of this EU VIES server using SoapClient. This server is one big tragedy. For some countries it sometimes returns a response and sometimes returns an error. For some countries response times of more than 10 seconds. It is better to disable this validation service in module, because it is not suitable for stores.
  16. e-com


    This setNewConnection() method in Connection class with dozens of bots, this is a laughing stock and not bot detection. Wanting to do it decently, it would be necessary to implement, for example DeviceDetector library from matomo: https://github.com/matomo-org/device-detector
  17. I have never yet encountered a hosting on which Soap was not installed. If there are such pseudo-hostings, then such a thing should be avoided from afar 🙂 And after Brexit, Northern Ireland code "XI" is missing from getPrefixIntracomVAT() method.
  18. I am testing this number: DE321281763 🙂 https://group.mercedes-benz.com/provider/
  19. Now there's a error on front office, even though the VAT number is definitely correct: There is 1 error VAT number not registered at your tax authorities. Better not to implement this class? https://github.com/cba85/eu-vat-validation/blob/master/src/Validation.php I tested it, it works fine.
  20. EU VAT number validation has not worked for three days: VAT number DE285368537 could not get validated due to a validation web service outage (Server error: `POST http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/services/checkVatService` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: Error 500--Internal Server Error And VAT number is valid: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/ Maybe someone knows, what has been changed on EU server?
  21. Yes, for example for PHP 8.1 on debian: https://packages.debian.org/en/sid/php8.1-redis And phpinfo();
  22. Redis cache works fine in TB. Also, I suggest checking your Redis configuration on server.
  23. Yes, it is possible in configuration of customer groups.
  24. Preferences -> SEO & URLs Edit page: "index"
  25. With the number of blockers that Internet users use, these Google Analytics statistics are worthless anyway. https://www.onaudience.com/files/adblock_report.pdf Better install Matomo on your server, there is a native module for Matomo (Piwik) in thirty bees.
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