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netamismb last won the day on February 25

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  1. Hi guys, I start using the MailChimp today, but I can't figure out how to sync the store clients in MailChimp. Anyone could enlighten me?
  2. In Google Console, Google is crawling a lot of pages (more than 1k pages) with index.php?controller=trigger&ts=1710225603 which is going to {"status":"failed","error":"Forbidden"}. Any idea how I can get rid of them?
  3. I managed in the end to pay with PayPal. Thank you!
  4. I still can't renew my subscription, this is what I get in console.
  5. I used a Revolut card for Ivory member.
  6. I also have an issue with my subscription, I just got the error: There was an error processing the payment. Please try a different payment method or contact us for assistance.
  7. thanks a lot for this. The issue was with a postal code being wrong hence the module for dealing with the delivery threw an error. I wouldn't have managed to figure it out without Collect PHP Logs.
  8. In BO, when I want to visualise an order, I get a 500 error. Is there a way to debug this? I have tried with the debug on, but it didn't show anything. It happens suddenly... In console I get 2 errors: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token index.php:117 Failed to load index.php:1 resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
  9. in Search console I found: <img class="img-responsive center-block" itemprop="image" src="https://www.rock4u.eu/1134-Niara_large/camiseta-mujer-iron-maiden-logotipo.jpg" outside of search console <img class="img-responsive center-block" itemprop="image" src="" srcset="https://www.rock4u.eu/1134-Niara_large/camiseta-mujer-iron-maiden-logotipo.webp" title="Camiseta mujer IRON MAIDEN - Logotipo" alt="Camiseta mujer IRON MAIDEN - Logotipo" width="458" height="458"> But this page is indexed in search console.
  10. The link is ...., how to reproduce: - add a product to the cart, - go to checkout (ir a la caja) - the product and the description are visible, but one needs to scroll horizontally to see the price, quantity and total price
  11. Is not related to TB version, I am using Niara v1.3 and Tb 1.3 in one site and in another TB 1.4. Might be the issue the cart module.
  12. I have an issue with the cart - Niara theme, the product summary in the cart is not responsive Steps to reproduce: - Add a product to cart - Confirm - The product summary is not responsive - you need to scroll to the right to see the quantity and the price How can I make this responsive?
  13. I have an issue with the cart - Niara theme, the product summary in cart is not responsive Steps to reproduce: - Add a product to cart - Confirm - The product summary is not responsive - you need to scroll to the right to see the quantity and the price I am missing something?
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