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Posts posted by nickz

  1. So far the  searchenginejournal.com did not really come over as scammers,mthey rather look into the Google Speech and translate it. 

    On 2/26/2023 at 2:14 AM, e-com said:

    Those lying articles that google will penalize AI-generated content are written by SEO scammers

    Google itself says clearly:



    Is AI content against Google Search's guidelines?

    Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.


    People using AI to save on contentwriting, contentwriter who produce word counted texts are among those mentioned.  Writing to manipulate. 

    I don't think the public will download AI apps to use those in search, search engines will implement it till they find out the public rejects their results. The search engine market will change. Bing as the first searcheingine to implement their predictive software is the one to watch. 


  2. 1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

    But what has it to do, if a merchant uses AI as a tool? When talking about text generation: either the text is good or not...

    Well people will use it and once their shop gets kicked from the index or is penalized the outcry will be hard. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-says-ai-generated-content-is-against-guidelines/444916/

    Most people hyping the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer as ChatGPT is named won't see those adverts In Spanish language forums there are many people crying since the automatic content crreation gained track. 

    There are some useful tools in the pretrained sector for video and photo edition. AI it is not under my definition. 

  3. ChatGPT is hyped by the people strong in their belief that an app changes behaviors. My parents won't use chaGPT and if known that AI is running a search engine they even might change their Search engine. So will million others. So far the socalled AI run on data from the past.


  4. 1 hour ago, smarterweb said:

    yes, breaks the store completely. I tried with just the lib folder but that does not solve the issues.

    Don't you work offline on localhost on your shop?

    To work online I suggest to rename original files and folders with whatever i.e._ and upload whatever replacement you have in mind.

  5. 11 hours ago, lesley said:

    I have clients (canada) that have to offer two languages unfortunately. The french in Canada are proud and require most things be both in english and french. 

    yeap that's why I believe letting people choose is the best way. I see many people putting up 2 and more language solutions in shops who haven't have their first sale. In oder to be customerfriendly, which in my view of it, it's the opposite of friendly.

  6. 17 minutes ago, lesley said:

    Even though, with cloudflare their detection is not based on an IP list, it is based on the hops.

    Being dynamic and swapped countrywise its well possible to err. I think it is way smarter to please shoppers letting them choose the language they wish to use. Forcing a language, based on whatwhatever parameter is not really userfriendly, rather user unfriendly.

    Being located in Venezuela, I'm forced to use a VPN frequently. Some US, UK pages won't open. Airtm is blocked by all local ISP also privates.

    Cloudflare for most shops I guess it is an overkill. Offering 2 or more languages in shops which fight for each and every customer from just one country is totally unnecesary, IMHO.

  7. 14 hours ago, lesley said:

    That is not how dynamic IPS work in general, IP's are purchased / leased by companies and they use them. Most all ISP's are regional, so they are used in the same region / country, but dynamic to users.

    I have had IP of the 190. 185 range and saw similar ip in the EU a few month later. Movistar is a gobal player, so is telekom.

  8. 20 hours ago, Mark said:

    I only want to use cloudflare country headers since I know they are accurate.

    How do you know. IP are mostly dynamic and that means that an IP range from Brasil can end up in the EU a month later.

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