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Everything posted by Bside2234

  1. Now looking at the database for this product: https://griffineffects.com/parts/potentiometers-trimmers/16mm-long-leg-solid-shaft This product has 2 combinations. 100K Log (A) which has a quantity of 1 and 500K Log (A) which has a quantity of 5. This is correct on the front office/store thanks to Store Manager but they are showing swapped still in the stores backoffice. The database table under tb_products for this product a quantity of 8. Shouldn't it show 6? I'm thinking maybe this column is showing the original combination quantity I entered when creating the product because I entered 1 and 7 as quantity originally. I'm not seeing any column in tb_product_shop that is referencing any stock quantities but I'm comparing the columns with the two products that have the correct quantities shown in the front end to see if there are any differences and there aren't that I see. I honestly don't really know what I'm look at/for in tb_stock_available or really what most of the numbers mean. I found rows (shown below) with a product id of 163 (which is the product id of the product linked above). I don't know how to tell if the 1 and 5 are mixed up here or not. Also, all the product have that row with 0 id_product_attribute and the quantity column which seems to show a total quantity. Is this correct that it's supposed to be like this? id_stock_available id_product id_product_attribute id_shop id_shop_group quantity depends_on_stock out_of_stock 3567 162 0 1 0 90 0 1 3570 162 3408 1 0 25 0 1 3572 162 3410 1 0 25 0 1 3573 162 3411 1 0 16 0 1 3575 162 3413 1 0 24 0 1 3577 163 0 1 0 6 0 2 3584 163 3421 1 0 1 0 2 3585 163 3422 1 0 5 0 2
  2. Ok. So I adjusted the quantities/stock of another product that had a few more combinations using Store Manager and it worked again so Store Manager is entering my stock correctly and making it show up in the store correctly but it still shows up in the store back office as mixed up. I attached pics of this other product which has 4 combinations. 100K W value is actually 16! So I just have to figure out why things are off when combinations are generated in the back office. Oooooh! I'm going to try and create a new product with combinations in Store Manager to see what happens!
  3. Thanks for the tips and I'll look into all this. I am just so confused where the actual problem is now. The Store Manager app/program seems to connect only directly to the database and make changes there and this actually makes my stock quantities correct so I was leaning towards it not being a database problem and more of a back office problem. The thing that's throwing me is with Store Manager, quantities are correct on it and in the store/front end now but they are still showing mixed up in the back office. This leads me to think something is wrong in the back office and not the database but I'll check the database a little more to see what's going on there. Edit: Oh, and it's not that 1799 is not in the settings. It it actually is a quantity of another combination. Seems the combinations quantities are offset by 1 row. Meaning the quantity of the first combination is actually on the second row, the second combinations quantity is actually on the third row, etc. The last combinations quantity is moved up to the top row. So each quantity for each combination is in the row below it.
  4. So here's another twist to my problem. I found out that even my original Prestashop site is having this issue now. I haven't had the Show Quantities on but all of a sudden I was having stock issues where customers were ordering stuff an I didn't have it. I know my stock is probably off a little bit but it's not off by that much if any. Anyway I turned on Show Quantities and discovered the issue is there too. So I just decided since I was having this problem everywhere that I would just go live with my TB store. In the process of doing this I decided to try the Store Manager program/app to export/import customers with passwords a little more easily. That went smoothly. Now to the twist part. If I adjust the stock of a product with Store Manager, the actual stock shown on the page is correct! It still shows wrong in the stores back office though. Below is my 16mm potentiometer I've been linking to for an example. This is it in Store Manager. I set 100K to 1 and 500K to 5 for simplicity in keeping track of what is what. Below is the pot as shown online showing the 100K is actually quantity 1! 500K also shows as quantity 5. So Store Manager is allowing me to enter the correct quantity/stock and it's showing up correctly on the front end BUT....the pic below shows it's still wrong in the stores back office. Now I wish I didn't have to fork out $200-350 dollars to get my stock to enter correctly but I may have to. I'm going to try it with a few other products (one's with more than two combinations) to see how it goes.
  5. I'd like to stay in the relative ballpark of what I'm paying now ($107/yr). I'm not opposed to doubling my hosting budget though if it's going to be worth it. Customers are mainly in the U.S. but I do a fair amount of shipping worldwide.
  6. I can't get the copyright info to show at the bottom of the page. It's not showing on my live site https://griffineffects.com/ and it's not showing on a fresh install of TB that I was testing with: http://griffineffects.com/shop/ I have the checkbox enabled in blockCMS. Is there any other setting I'm missing to make it show up?
  7. Yeah, as I was looking into what all of them meant a little, I do see what you are saying. At this point I'm just trying anything to fix it though.
  8. In the all the installs I hadn't turned it on. It was only until this last one that I thought I'd try turning it on to see if it made a difference. It didn't.
  9. I actually do have fiber internet access and I'll look into it but I don't have a lot of time to learn how to do this stuff and/or deal with setting things up, and/or maintaining stuff so this looks a little complicated for me but I'll still look into it.
  10. Ok. I'll give it a try
  11. I'm trying to fix it but I really don't know how. Clicking the fix buttons on these don't do anything. I went to the database/mysql and to to them and I'm really not sure what to change (i.e. where to add the (11) or if there is anything else to change along with it). I don't know much about databases and their structure. Edit: For example, the first one on the list "Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_pages has data type int instead of int(11)" I assume I put 11 in the Length/Values field but it does nothing. Adding the () throws a error. Not really sure what to do here.
  12. Thank you. I will.
  13. Did you fix them? I'm curious why TB would create a database that has so many "problems".
  14. Seems like zone.ee is based in Europe and I'm in the U.S. so I probably should look for something more local but I guess the one I use now is based in Europe somewhere but they have servers here too so I'll look into the zone.ee a bit more. Thank you. Right now I'm leaning towards A2 Hosting or Hostinger. I have a few others I'm looking at too but these two seem the most attractive to me so far.
  15. Do you all have this stuff in your Core Updater/Database Schema Tab? Database schema This tool helps you discover and fix problems with database schema List of differences Severity Flags Description Actions critical Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_pages has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_visits has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_registrations has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_orders has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_required_field.id_required_field has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_request_sql.id_request_sql has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_referrer_shop.cache_visitors has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_product_shop.text_fields has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_product_country_tax.id_country has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_product_country_tax.id_product has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_product_country_tax.id_tax has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_country.call_prefix has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_product_shop.uploadable_files has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_product_shop.customizable has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(2) critical Column tb_risk.percent has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(3) critical Column tb_scene_products.x_axis has data type int instead of int(4) critical Column tb_tab_module_preference.id_tab_module_preference has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tab.id_parent has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tab_module_preference.id_employee has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tab_module_preference.id_tab has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_carrier.max_depth has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_carrier.grade has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_cart_rule.reduction_product has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_stock_available.quantity has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_scene_products.zone_width has data type int instead of int(3) critical Column tb_scene_products.y_axis has data type int instead of int(4) critical Column tb_scene_products.zone_height has data type int instead of int(3) critical Column tb_specific_price_priority.id_specific_price_priority has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_state.tax_behavior has data type smallint instead of smallint(1) critical Column tb_specific_price_priority.id_product has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_product_attribute.quantity has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_customer_message.id_customer_thread has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_detail.product_quantity_in_stock has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_import_match.id_import_match has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_order_detail_tax.id_order_detail has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_detail_tax.id_tax has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_invoice.number has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_invoice.id_order has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_import_match.skip has data type int instead of int(2) critical Column tb_order_detail.id_order_invoice has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_module_currency.id_currency has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_module_carrier.id_reference has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_module_preference.id_module_preference has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_module_preference.id_employee has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_log.error_code has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_carrier.id_order_carrier has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_invoice.delivery_number has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_invoice_tax.id_order_invoice has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_product.quantity has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_customization.id_product has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_product.customizable has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(2) critical Column tb_product.uploadable_files has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_customer_message.private has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_product.text_fields has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_customization.quantity has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_customization.quantity_refunded has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_payment.id_order_payment has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_order_invoice_tax.id_tax has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_group.price_display_method has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(4) critical Column tb_gender.id_gender has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_customization.quantity_returned has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_customized_data.index has data type int instead of int(3) critical Column tb_carrier.max_height has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_connections.ip_address has data type bigint instead of bigint(20) critical Column tb_tax_rule.id_country has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_theme_meta.id_theme has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rule.id_tax_rules_group has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rule.id_tax_rule has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_access.edit has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_webservice_permission.id_webservice_account has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rules_group.active has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_access.delete has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_theme.id_theme has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rule.id_state has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_theme_meta.id_theme_meta has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rule.id_tax has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rules_group.id_tax_rules_group has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_tax_rule.behavior has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_webservice_permission.id_webservice_permission has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_access.add has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_webservice_account.is_module has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(2) critical Column tb_carrier.shipping_method has data type int instead of int(2) critical Column tb_webservice_account.active has data type tinyint instead of tinyint(2) critical Column tb_webservice_account.id_webservice_account has data type int instead of int(11) critical Column tb_carrier.max_width has data type int instead of int(10) critical Column tb_access.view has data type int instead of int(11) critical dangerous Column tb_page.id_page has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_pack.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page.id_object has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_pack.id_product_attribute_item has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_pack.id_product_item has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_viewed.id_page has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_type.id_page_type has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_cache.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_cache.id_language has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_cache.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page.id_page_type has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_cache.id_entity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_cache.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.gift has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.pdf_delivery has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state_lang.id_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_viewed.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.invoice_number has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.delivery_number has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.valid has data type int unsigned instead of int(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.recyclable has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.current_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_address_delivery has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_orders.id_address_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_pack.id_product_pack has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme_specific.id_object has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme_specific.entity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute.default_on has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_timezone.id_timezone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.cache_default_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.pack_stock_type has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attachment.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attachment.id_attachment has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute.minimal_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_combination.id_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_shop.default_on has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_shop.minimal_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_carrier.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_carrier.id_carrier_reference has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_combination.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_image.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_image.id_image has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_attribute_shop.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_product_redirected has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_category_default has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_shop_default has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.on_sale has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_manufacturer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.pdf_invoice has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_viewed.id_date_range has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_product_location.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_viewed.counter has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.online_only has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_product_location.id_warehouse_product_location has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.out_of_stock has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse.id_address has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product.minimal_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_carrier.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_carrier.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_page_viewed.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.unremovable has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_zone.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.id_order_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_zone_shop.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_cart_rule.id_order_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_cart_rule.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_cart_rule.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_cart_rule.id_order_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_access.id_profile has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_attribute_id has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.tax_computation_method has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.download_nb has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_webservice_account_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_webservice_account_shop.id_webservice_account has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_quantity_reinjected has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_zone.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_quantity_refunded has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_quantity_return has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_carrier.id_order_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_carrier.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_country.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_country.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_country.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_currency.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_zone_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_carrier.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_access.id_profile has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_access.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_carrier.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_currency.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_group.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_modules_perfs.memory_start has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_modules_perfs.memory_end has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_operating_system.id_operating_system has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_carrier.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_modules_perfs.session has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_modules_perfs.id_modules_perfs has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_group.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_shop.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_history.id_order_history has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_history.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip.shipping_cost has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip.order_slip_type has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip_detail.id_order_slip has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip_detail.id_order_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_state.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_state_lang.id_order_return_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_state_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip.id_order_slip has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip_detail.product_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip_detail_tax.id_order_slip_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.hidden has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.delivery has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_product_location.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.shipped has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_carrier.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_product_location.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_slip_detail_tax.id_tax has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.id_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.invoice has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.send_email has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_state.id_order_return_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_detail.product_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_invoice_payment.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_web_browser.id_web_browser has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_shop.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_message.id_order_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_invoice_payment.id_order_payment has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_invoice_payment.id_order_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_history.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_history.id_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_invoice.id_order_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_invoice.shipping_tax_computation_method has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_message_lang.id_order_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_message_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return.state has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_detail.id_order_return has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_detail.id_order_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return_detail.id_customization has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_warehouse_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_payment.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_return.id_order_return has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_state.paid has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax.id_tax has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.depends_on_stock has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.out_of_stock has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_stock_mvt has data type bigint unsigned instead of bigint(20) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.usable_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.id_stock_available has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_available.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_stock has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt_reason.id_stock_mvt_reason has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt_reason.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt_reason_lang.id_stock_mvt_reason has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt_reason_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.referer has data type bigint unsigned instead of bigint(20) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.physical_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_supply_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_stock_mvt_reason has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag_count.counter has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock_mvt.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.physical_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.from_quantity has data type mediumint unsigned instead of mediumint(8) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule.id_specific_price_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.from_quantity has data type mediumint unsigned instead of mediumint(8) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax_lang.id_tax has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule_condition.id_specific_price_rule_condition has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule_condition.id_specific_price_rule_condition_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.id_stock has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_stock.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_state.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_state.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule_condition_group.id_specific_price_rule_condition_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price_rule_condition_group.id_specific_price_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_state.id_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store.id_store has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_receipt_history.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_receipt_history.id_supply_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_receipt_history.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_state.id_supply_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_receipt_history.id_supply_order_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_receipt_history.id_supply_order_receipt_history has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_history.id_supply_order_history has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_history.id_supply_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_history.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_history.id_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_state_lang.id_supply_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_state_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag_count.id_tag has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag_count.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag.id_tag has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag_count.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tab_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tab.id_tab has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tag_count.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tab.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tab_lang.id_tab has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.quantity_received has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.quantity_expected has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supplier_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supplier_shop.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supplier_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_supply_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supplier_lang.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supplier.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store.id_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store_shop.id_store has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_store_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.id_supply_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order_detail.id_supply_order_detail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_ref_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_supply_order_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_supply_order.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_supplier.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_supplier.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_supplier.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_tag.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_supplier.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_supplier.id_product_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.id_product_redirected has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.cache_default_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.pack_stock_type has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_tag.id_tag has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_module.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_quick_access_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_range_price.id_range_price has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_range_price.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_range_weight.id_range_weight has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_quick_access_lang.id_quick_access has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_quick_access.id_quick_access has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_tag.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_profile.id_profile has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_profile_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_profile_lang.id_profile has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme.product_per_page has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.minimal_quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.is_shareable has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_group_reduction_cache.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_group_reduction_cache.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_lang.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.nb_downloadable has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.nb_days_accessible has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme_specific.id_theme has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme_meta.id_meta has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.id_product_download has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_download.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.id_category_default has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.on_sale has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.online_only has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_shop.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_sale.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_sale.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_product_sale.sale_nbr has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_range_weight.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_redis_servers.id_redis_server has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_word.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_word.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_word.id_word has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_engine.id_search_engine has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_index.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_index.id_word has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_search_index.weight has data type smallint unsigned instead of smallint(4) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop.id_theme has data type int unsigned instead of int(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop_group.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop_url.id_shop_url has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_shop_url.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_specific_price has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_specific_price.id_specific_price_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_shop.id_scene has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_referrer_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax_rules_group_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax_rules_group_shop.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax_rules_group.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_referrer_shop.id_referrer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_referrer_cache.id_referrer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_redis_servers.port has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_redis_servers.db has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_referrer.id_referrer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_referrer_cache.id_connections_source has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_risk.id_risk has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_risk_lang.id_risk has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_products.id_scene has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_products.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_tax_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_lang.id_scene has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_category.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_risk_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene.id_scene has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_scene_category.id_scene has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_theme_specific.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_order_detail.product_id has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections_page.id_connections has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections_page.id_page has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections_source.id_connections_source has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_zone.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections.id_page has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections.id_guest has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_zone.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections_source.id_connections has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact_shop.id_contact has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact.id_contact has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact.position has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(2) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_contact_lang.id_contact has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_connections.id_connections has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_guest has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_kpi.id_configuration_kpi has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_compare_product.id_compare has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_compare_product.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.recyclable has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration.id_configuration has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_kpi.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_kpi.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_lang.id_configuration has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_address_invoice has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.id_address_delivery has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_kpi_lang.id_configuration_kpi has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_configuration_kpi_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.show_public_prices has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.max_payment_days has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.optin has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.newsletter has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_gender has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_default_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_risk has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.need_range has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.shipping_external has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.range_behavior has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_contact has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_customer_thread has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.is_module has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_message.id_customer_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_message.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.is_free has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.blank has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.format has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.decimals has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country_lang.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_shop.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_country_shop.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_group.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency_shop.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier_lang.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency_module.id_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_currency_module.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_compare.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_compare.id_compare has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.level_depth has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.nleft has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.nright has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.cart_rule_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.id_shop_default has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.id_parent has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_shop.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.product_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.display_from_sub has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.country_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_product.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_lang.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.group_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.carrier_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_group.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule_value.id_item has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.shop_restriction has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_combination.id_cart_rule_2 has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_country.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_country.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_group.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_combination.id_cart_rule_1 has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.gift_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.highlight has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_carrier.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_carrier.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.gift_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule_group.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule_group.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.reduction_tax has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule_value.id_product_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.reduction_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule_group.id_product_rule_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_lang.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule.id_product_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule_product_rule.id_product_rule_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_product.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_product.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.id_address_delivery has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_lang.id_cms has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category_shop.id_cms_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_role.id_cms_role has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_role.id_cms has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.allow_seperated_package has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_shop.id_cms has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart.gift has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_role_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_role_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_cart_rule.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_cart_rule.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_role_lang.id_cms_role has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category_lang.id_cms_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_shop.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms.id_cms has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.quantity_per_user has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_category_shop.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.minimum_amount_currency has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.partial_use has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.priority has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms.id_cms_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category.level_depth has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_product.quantity has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category.id_parent has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms_category.id_cms_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cms.indexation has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_cart_rule.id_cart_rule has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_group.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attachment_lang.id_attachment has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image.id_image has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image.position has data type smallint unsigned instead of smallint(2) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attachment_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module_exceptions.id_hook has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute.id_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module_exceptions.id_hook_module_exceptions has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module_exceptions.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module_exceptions.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image.cover has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attachment.file_size has data type bigint unsigned instead of bigint(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_shop.cover has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_alias.id_alias has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_type.id_image_type has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_shop.id_image has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_shop.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attachment.id_attachment has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_lang.id_image has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute.id_attribute_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module.position has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(2) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.id_web_browser has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.screen_resolution_x has data type smallint unsigned instead of smallint(5) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group_shop.id_attribute_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.id_operating_system has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_shop.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.id_guest has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.screen_resolution_y has data type smallint unsigned instead of smallint(5) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_guest.screen_color has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module.id_module has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_module.id_hook has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group.id_attribute_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook_alias.id_hook_alias has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group_lang.id_attribute_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_type.width has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_image_type.height has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_address has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.id_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_memcached_servers.port has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_state has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_memcached_servers.weight has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.id_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message.private has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message_readed.id_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_access.id_tab has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_meta_lang.id_meta has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_meta_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_meta_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_meta.configurable has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_meta.id_meta has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_message_readed.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_accessory.id_product_2 has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_accessory.id_product_1 has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_memcached_servers.id_memcached_server has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_log.id_log has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_log.object_id has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_log.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_lang_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_lang_shop.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address_format.id_country has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_lang.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_mail.id_mail has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_manufacturer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_manufacturer_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_manufacturer_shop.id_manufacturer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_manufacturer_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_manufacturer_lang.id_manufacturer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_supplier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_mail.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_address.id_warehouse has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_manufacturer.id_manufacturer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_group_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_hook.id_hook has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.stats_compare_option has data type int unsigned instead of int(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.default_tab has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.bo_width has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_profile has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_range_weight has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_zone has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_shop.id_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee_shop.id_employee has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature.id_feature has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature.position has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_last_customer has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.optin has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_impact.id_attribute_impact has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_last_customer_message has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_range_price has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_carrier has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.shipping_handling has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization_field.id_customization_field has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization_field.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.deleted has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization.in_cart has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization.id_cart has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customer_thread.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization.id_customization has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization.id_product_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization.id_address_delivery has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization_field_lang.id_customization_field has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization_field_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_delivery has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.id_reference has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_delivery.id_shop_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(10) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.id_tax_rules_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_date_range.id_date_range has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customization_field_lang.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_carrier.active has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_customized_data.id_customization has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_lang.id_feature has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_employee.id_last_order has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_value_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_gender_lang.id_gender has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_gender_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_value.custom has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(3) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_value.id_feature has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_shop.id_shop has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_value.id_feature_value has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group.show_prices has data type tinyint unsigned instead of tinyint(1) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_reduction.id_group_reduction has data type mediumint unsigned instead of mediumint(8) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_reduction.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_reduction.id_category has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_impact.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_impact.id_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_group_lang.id_group has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_shop.id_feature has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_value_lang.id_feature_value has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_product.id_feature_value has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_product.id_feature has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_lang.id_lang has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_attribute_lang.id_attribute has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned critical dangerous Column tb_feature_product.id_product has data type int unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned recommended Columns in table tb_theme are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart_product are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tag are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `alias` in table tb_alias recommended Columns in table tb_supplier are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order_state_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_attribute_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_webservice_account_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_stock_mvt are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tax are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart_rule are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `resource_2` in table tb_webservice_permission recommended Columns in table tb_supplier_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_access are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_zone_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tag_count are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tax_rules_group_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_zone are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order_detail are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_supplier_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_alias are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_warehouse are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tax_rules_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order_history are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_webservice_permission are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_carrier are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_attribute_impact recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_warehouse_product_location recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order_state are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tab_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_carrier_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_address are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_theme_specific are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tax_rule are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tab are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_store_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_address_format are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_store are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_warehouse_product_location are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_theme_2` in table tb_theme_meta recommended Columns in table tb_stock_mvt_reason are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_webservice_account are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_attachment_lang are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `employee_module` in table tb_tab_module_preference recommended Columns in table tb_supply_order_receipt_history are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tab_module_preference are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_stock_mvt_reason_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_tax_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_attribute_impact are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_attachment are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_attribute are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_theme_meta are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_configuration_kpi_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_group_reduction are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_slip are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_group` in table tb_group_reduction recommended Columns in table tb_order_slip_detail are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_slip_detail_tax are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_state are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_feature_value are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_return_state_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_return_state are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_hook_alias are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `alias` in table tb_hook_alias recommended Columns in table tb_order_payment are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `hook_name` in table tb_hook recommended Columns in table tb_order_return are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_return_detail are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_guest are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_hook are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_state_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_feature_product are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customer_thread are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customization are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customization_field are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_attachment are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `product_default` in table tb_product_attribute recommended Columns in table tb_product_attribute are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customer_message are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_page_viewed are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customized_data are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_pack are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_orders are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_employee are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_delivery are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_page are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_date_range are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_page_cache are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_message_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_message are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `employee_module` in table tb_module_preference recommended Columns in table tb_module_preference are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_manufacturer_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_mail are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_manufacturer are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_modules_perfs are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_currency are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_message are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_access are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `page` in table tb_meta recommended Columns in table tb_module are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_meta are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_carrier are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_module_country are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_message_readed are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_carrier are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_log are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_image are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_history are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `idx_product_image` in table tb_image recommended Columns in table tb_order_invoice are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_hook_module_exceptions are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_hook_module are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_invoice_tax are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_invoice_payment are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product_cover` in table tb_image recommended Columns in table tb_order_detail_tax are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_import_match are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_order_cart_rule are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_image_type are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_image_shop recommended Columns in table tb_order_detail are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_image_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_customer are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_attribute_image are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cms are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_search_engine are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cms_category are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_search_word are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_lang` in table tb_search_word recommended Columns in table tb_shop_url are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_shop_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_scene_products are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cms_category_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cms_role are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_risk_lang are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `name` in table tb_cms_role recommended Columns in table tb_scene are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_scene_category are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_scene_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cms_lang are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `full_shop_url` in table tb_shop_url recommended Different unique key `full_shop_url_ssl` in table tb_shop_url recommended Columns in table tb_specific_price_rule_condition_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart_rule_product_rule_value are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_specific_price_rule are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart_rule_product_rule_group are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_state are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_stock_available are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_cart_rule_carrier are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_stock are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_specific_price_priority recommended Columns in table tb_specific_price_priority are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_smarty_lazy_cache are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_smarty_last_flush are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_smarty_cache are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_category_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_category are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product_2` in table tb_specific_price recommended Columns in table tb_specific_price are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_risk are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_required_field are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_sale are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_group_reduction_cache are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_country are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_contact_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_connections_source are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_contact are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_product_download recommended Columns in table tb_product_download are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_carrier are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_product_attribute_shop recommended Columns in table tb_product_attribute_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_currency_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_country_tax are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_currency are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `uc_id_currency` in table tb_currency_module recommended Columns in table tb_connections_page are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_supplier are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_configuration_kpi are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_carrier` in table tb_range_weight recommended Columns in table tb_range_weight are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_redis_servers are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_referrer are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_referrer_shop are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_compare_product are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_configuration are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_carrier` in table tb_range_price recommended Columns in table tb_range_price are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_product_tag are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_connections are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `id_product` in table tb_product_supplier recommended Columns in table tb_quick_access are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_configuration_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_meta_lang are in wrong order recommended Columns in table tb_quick_access_lang are in wrong order recommended Different unique key `product_sqlstock` in table tb_stock_available
  16. Had a thought...could I be possibly setting up the database wrong? I'm really not doing anything other than selecting to add a database and choosing a name or password but is there some setting(s) in the database I should be looking at? I'm just trying to think of things that are different from everyone else's install and why mine would be any different. I also enabled Advanced Stock Management and edited the product to use this and this didn't fix anything either. When I checked the Configuration tab in the back office it saw this so I'm looking into this: List of changed files Changed/missing/obsolete files have been detected. Obsolete files (12) vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key vendor/bin/update-versions vendor/bin/semver admin/backups admin/autoupgrade admin/CoreUpdaterBackup-2021-08-06--07-19-05 admin/themes admin/CoreUpdaterBackup-2021-08-17--18-26-27 admin/import admin/export admin/tabs admin/filemanager
  17. I honestly don't know. I'd have to check. Stock is messed up right from the beginning. It would be kind of interesting to see if someone bought something which quantity for which combination goes down but that still leaves the initial stock when the product is created messed up. So I guess to answer your question better. I've only noticed it during product creation/backend changes and I don't know if a product goes to 0 it affects anything because it's already messed up on the backend when it's created regardless if the stock is 0 or not. As you can see in the pictures above, stock doesn't have to be 0 for it to be messed up. RE: Cloudways. I've been looking into it and I think it's more than I need and way to complicated for what I need. I have a few others picked out that I think will work for me if I go this route. I really don't have much to lose by switching hosting. I found a few that look better/faster than what I have for about the same cost. I'm not giving up yet though. Just being trying to be prepared. EDIT: RE: It would be kind of interesting to see if someone bought something which quantity for which combination goes down but that still leaves the initial stock when the product is created messed up. Using the previous images I posted, If I order Value 1 which has a quantity set to 1, the actual quantity that is reduced by the order is of Value 2 which is reduced from 2 down to 1 so it's not even taking the correct stock/quantity when there's a order.
  18. I agree that changing servers may not be the issue and not make much sense but I really can't explain why it's happening on fresh installs with the demo products over and over again and nobody else seems to have this problem. Logic is starting to point towards my server or some setting my server/cpanel/database/etc. defaults to isn't right and I don't know what it is. I'm not sure what you mean by "which combination is standard combination". No, I don't use multistore. I run my store pretty "vanilla". Stock theme with a few CSS changes and not a lot of added modules. This is even happening on fresh installls using the demo products though without me changing anything other than one stock quantity to 0 and then it all gets messed up. Caches cleared and all turned off and it's still the same. I didn't change any other settings at all in this install. Everything is as it is when installed. I just added one test product. That's all I've done.
  19. Let me start off by saying, I'm not super techy when it comes to this stuff but I've been using/modifying/fixing Prestashop for a pretty long time now (guessing since somewhere around 2010) all by myself so I know a tiny bit of what I'm doing. I just don't want to get into something that is too complicated or going to take a lot of time up figuring things out. My store is pretty low volume so I don't really need any professional or large store kind of service. Right now I'm using some UK based company called LiquidNet. I recently tried installing TB and ran into a issue: and the only conclusion I have is that there is something different with my server than everybody else's and I don't know what it is so I'm looking into something else. There has to be something better these days. I've been with Liquidnet since I started using Prestashop. I thought this would be a great time to see if there was a better option while I'm switching to TB. Here's what I have currently: 10GB Backup 40GB Email Storage Unlimited Traffic 5 Domains/Unlimited Subdomains Dedicated IP 20 MySQL DB's SSL cert is extra I believe although I can't find a receipt for it so it may be included in my total. I pay $107 a year for this so I would like to stay in this ballpark if I can. I'm US based (Washington State). I looked into Cloudways as they were once a partner here. It kind of seems complicated and the way emails are handled kind of threw me off. I need the "bulk" emails for the order status emails, newsletters, etc. but I also need a @griffineffets.com emaiil because I do a lot of answering questions, helping, etc. and it seemed like I couldn't have both and/or it was going to cost a lot more to have both if it was possible.
  20. Here's a weird little twist. Not a good thing though. Installed Prestashop (the latest version of 1.6) and the same thing is happening. Stock is all messed up. It was even messed up on the demo products that it installed and I didn't touch. Thinking maybe this may be a issue with the newer versions of 1.6. I installed the same version ( that I'm currently using and is working just fine. It's messed up with this too! I'm not sure what to make of this. I"m thinking it may be a issue with my web hosting now or some setting either in PHP or somewhere that isn't right. I am up to switching to a new webhost and I've been looking at Cloudways but it seems overly complicated and the email service options leave me with a lot of questions.
  21. Thanks again for taking a look. Here's other things I've tried since. Changing PHP version to 7.0 and 7.1 and reinstalling TB (didn't fix it). Created a subdomain for TB instead of just creating a folder to put it in in my main domain (did fix it). No matter what I do, fresh installs, download TB every time (not using the same download), I get the same results. I'm at a loss. Prestashop 1.6 works just fine. I think I may try doing a fresh install of Prestahop 1.6 and use the PrestaShop to thirty bees Migrator module just to see what happens.
  22. Sent you the info
  23. I've done 3 fresh installs of TB now and I'm getting the same result every time. This last time I did it in a brand new folder and checked install the demo stuff. The ONLY thing I've done is change the stock on one candle combo to 0 and it messes all the stock up just like I've been saying. Am I doing something wrong? I've been using Prestashop since 1.4 and run/maintain the shop myself so I kind of know what I'm doing but maybe there is something/some setting in TB that I need to change? Here is the Demo/Test shop product I changed the stock quantity: http://griffineffects.com/shop/gifts/candle#/1-size-12_oz/22-scent-honey The pic below shows I just changed the quantity of Candle-Size-12oz. Scent - Honey to 0 The below picture shows 12oz Honey has a quantity of 1799 (quantity is mixed up with 24oz/Puffin) and should be 0 and the Add to cart button is shown. Now the below picture shows 12oz/Puffin has 0 quantity and the Add to cart button is gone. This is mixed up with 12oz/Honey. So all the quantities are mixed up. Honey/12oz shows 1799 items when it should be 0 Honey/16oz shows 899 items when it should be 900 Honey/24oz shows 3600 items when it should be 900 Puffin/12oz shows 0 items when it should be 899 Puffin/16oz shows 900 items when it should be 3600 Puffin/24oz shows 900 items when it should be 1799 I've now done this 4 time total (1 with my own products and 3 with the demo products). Brand new database ever time. I've use Filezilla 2 times and by CPanel 2 times to upload the files. Same result every time. If this isn't a bug, what is going on? Brand new store. Nothing change but one quantity to 0 on demo item and stock gets all messed up.
  24. I really need to get this fixed. I can't use this as it is. It's happening on all products with combinations that have mixed stock (some combos have stock and others don't) and deny orders is active. Even with Allow Orders selected the stock is backwards if one of the combinations is 0. I exported all products, installed a fresh TB, imported the products and it's still doing it. Can anyone help me???? I have a few other problems/issues with some other things too which happened in both installs of TB. The lack of help here is making me think of abandoning TB and going for something else. At least at Prestashop there were a lot of people that helped when I had a problem/question.
  25. So what I think is happening is it's "reading" the attributes backwards. If I have the stock quantity of Yes to 1000 and set the stock quantity of No to 1, when I activate the Yes radio button on the product page, it says "Warning Last Items In Stock". If I set the quantity of Yes to 0 and the stock quantity of No to 1000, the product page radio buttons work exactly correct. I added the item to the cart and it shows up correctly. So the attributes are indeed working backwards.
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