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Everything posted by Bside2234

  1. It's a brand new install. I did change a few core files. I kept track of my changes. I'll change them back and see it if helps. How do I check to see if I have the latest version a the Niara theme? Grabbed it off Github. Didn't fix anything Edit: So I reverted any core files/CSS I did. I ran the compare in the Core updater and it shows nothing is different and it's still doing it. I'm going to disable modules one-by-one to see if any of them are causing the issue. Well, disabling the modules (I only installed 4 new modules) didn't do anything to help. I also went into themes/Advanced and changed Directory from Niara to Community-theme-default and that didn't help either. Then I went to Advanced Parameters/Debug Mode and set all the debug mode to yes along with disable non TB modules and all overrides. Still didn't do anything. Any other ideas?
  2. TB 1.2.0 using Niara theme. The attributes and When out of stock functions seem to create the opposite actions that they should unless I'm missing something? If I have Deny Orders selected for When out of Stock: I have a product with the options/attributes of No and Yes. No being set to $0.00 and Yes increases the cost to $20.00. I have the stock quantity for No set at 0 and the quantity for Yes set at 1000. The Add To Cart button is showing while the No is selected and it's disappearing while Yes is being selected. The site isn't exactly live right now but I've made it live temporarily so you can have a look: https://griffineffects.com/tb/mods-kits/dunlop/cbm95-crybaby-mini/cbm95-mini-wah-mod-service#/27-q_control-no This also happens when I change it from Radio Buttons to Drop-Down Menu so it's not radio button specific. If I set it to Allow orders the Add to cart button works just fine. It's just the Deny orders/Default:Deny orders settings that make it work opposite than expected. Edit: Oh, I'm also using Stable and not Bleeding Edge if that makes any difference and it's a fresh install. I attached some pics also
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