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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. yaniv14

    RTL support

    I am trying to add RTL support for the default theme. basically rtl is not only adding direction: rtl to *. To do it properly I need to change bootstrap grid flotation and more. All stylesheets being compiled from scss and bootstrap is being included in global.scss. Any recommendations on how to it nicely?
  2. What's the different between the two folders inside the community-theme. I can see that the css folder is the one that being used in the front office. And it seems that the stylesheets folder is used for the scss to css compiling. So why do we need to stylesheets folder? why not compiling to css instead?
  3. yaniv14

    Git ignore?

    @mdekker Can you please check if files/folder exists in your repo are also in the gitignore? I just started with this fork, I didn't do any modification yet, so there is no point to start over. Can you please check it for me? can you re clone your project to a new folder and do a web installation and see if you have anything in the uncommit files.
  4. yaniv14

    Git ignore?

    But now if I want to submit a PR it will include all 1500 files? Or your ignore will know to ignore it?
  5. @Traumflug you are right. One thing that PS is doing wrong, is not keeping the original file as well in the same folder (p/2/3/4). But instead is creates a cloned version of the file with product image id as filename. It should be in addition.
  6. Actually in categories is not that bad. c/103-category_default/bracelets.jpg c = categories images folder 103 = category ID category_default = image preference type In product is a bit more complicated because the image is being saved under the image ID and not the product ID. so product image ID 3652 will be saved in: p/3/6/5/2/3652.jpg (p = product images folder)
  7. yaniv14

    Git ignore?

    Hi, After forking and cloning the repo, I've installed TB locally and noticed bunch of files/folders added to my uncommitted files. I ran git rm -rf --cached . & git add . But now I have about 1500 uncommitted files. Is it possible that the original ignored files is different than the one I have. I would like to start contributing but ate to start on the wrong foot. I also noticed that RTL support (Front & Back) is depreciated allot from PS version, why is that?
  8. yaniv14


    I don't know if this is a good solution in your case. But you can setup something general for all products meta, like: Some info about my site/company.... and product {product name} from category {default category name}....... Of course this is just a general idea, where you have the same few sentences and you pull the Product name + Category dynamically. And you can modify meta class to use this description all the time if you did not enter something else in the product meta.
  9. @mdekker, why don't you send the norepy email from your server? Why do you need smtp for noreply emails?
  10. yaniv14


    Its a good idea if you product short description is up to 160 Chars. Google usually truncate the description after 160 chars. So its better that you provide a full description as you like instead of google ending up cutting is in the middle of a sentence.
  11. Not sure if its a bug or something local with me. When cloning the repo I get the cloned directory as ThirtyBees. I am using windows with wamp server and after installing I couldn't get to the back office. The login page just reloads again without redirecting. When changing the folder to "thirtybees" (small letters), everything is working fine. Also I found other issues in front end when browsing with ThirtyBees instead thirtybees, such as unable to add product to cart. Any thoughts?
  12. yaniv14


    The reason its often shows in google search result is because Google is not convinced that the meta description is relevant to your page content and in this case Google just grab something else from your page content.
  13. yaniv14


    Meta description is important. Here is a quick starter guide you can look at: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf I am sure you can find better docs online.
  14. yaniv14


    It used to be on previous versions of PS. There is no use to keywords any more. It's meaningless for SEO purposes.
  15. Hi @Doopie, I have purchased for my clients about 5 modules from Envato and 3 from ps addons, and all the modules are crap. I will be a shame to publish a code like that, even if I need to release it as open source it still be embarrassing to write a crappy code like that. I don't mind to pay for a module because time is money, but at least sell something good (and support it). Most times it's cheaper for my client to purchase a module for $100 instead of paying me to develop. Of course I am not talking about your modules (because I haven't purchased anything from you yet! i hope :smiley: )
  16. I think you guys missing my point. Maybe I wasn't clear in my post. My customer uploaded an image 1200X1200 pixel (600kb) from prestashop BO. All images preferences is configured to 100% quality, which mean no loose in quality. The image that prestashop saved in the folder (the original one, that can be regenerated later) is not the original one, but instead its a cloned version of it with the same dimensions of 1200X1200 pixel with a size of 415kb. And if I compare both files in Photoshop, you can clearly see the different. It's not blurier but you can see that the blue color (in this case) is faded compare to the original (its not as sharp as the original). I have done more than 50 PS shops and its the first time I've noticed that because the client mentioned it to me (this client really cares about quality). I have tried to look for solution online and it seems that it has something to do with the GD library PS use. take a look here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3617272/php-gd-bad-quality-on-resize and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3563103/php-gd-library-losing-quality-other-ideas/3565391
  17. This is just one part of the issue. I am not sure if you guys aware to the fact that the original image that PS keeps in the folder is not really the original uploaded file but a cloned version of it in lower quality. All images being processed by GD Library, and I couldn't find any way to maintain the original quality of the image. All thought the changes are minor, when your client is providing you with Studio quality photos, he expects them to remain the same.
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