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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. Back office images in product are displayed in smalldefault. Make sure you have smalldefault for products in Preferences -> Images
  2. There are many ways to achieve this. I would probably override getSubCategories() function or assignSubcategories() from the controller. This will only deal with category page. You will also need to override blockcategories module getTree() function if you want to hide it from the module as well. If you need to hide it from the top menu than its a bit more complicated. of course you can also do it inside the template, but I don't recommend it.
  3. See if you get any error log in nginx log.
  4. Ok, I've created github issues in the main repo. Hope I didn't miss anything. btw, now that you have a demo site, I think you should deal with this issue: https://github.com/thirtybees/homeslider/issues/1
  5. After 5 tries it finally worked, donno why and how. When it failed, it was giving an error about: Invalid argument for foreach at line #1170 in AdminThemeController.php. It seems like there is something wrong with "$this->to_disable".
  6. In product page the formatted price with symbol comes from product.js which returns different than the way Smarty does. This cause a bug with Israeli shekel because when using it in RTL language the direction is RTL and the symbol need to have a space between the price and the currency symbol (because the symbol needs to be on the left side of the price). the content is from smarty "{convertPrice price=$productPrice|floatval}" and the price is from product.js ₪‎59.66
  7. yaniv14

    tbupdater error

    $locale fall back should be default language locale
  8. When entering configuration of tbupdater module I am get this when debug open. Notice line 67 file C:\wamp\www\levis\modules\tbupdater\views\templates\admin\blockupgradebutton.phtml [8] Undefined property: TbUpdater::$manualMode Notice line 39 file C:\wamp\www\levis\modules\tbupdater\views\templates\admin\mainjs.phtml [8] Undefined property: TbUpdater::$manualMode I am using TB v1.0.1
  9. Tried to install new beesblog module and got an error. Installed it from the module section (without downloading the module directly to the folder). The error I am getting is: Warning in line 386 in file C:\wamp\www\levis\modules\tbupdater\tbupdater.php [2] Illegal string offset 'en-us' I added English translation because "in line" and "in file" were in Hebrew. My guess is that it is related to the fact that I have only one language installed and thats Hebrew, so no ['en-us'] can be retrieved.
  10. This is a known issue also in Prestashop
  11. When having a store name in Hebrew, after trying to upload a new logo. The logo is being renamed to the store name - logo - timestamp (i think). The actual filename is being created with gibrish text instead the unicode one, which makes the logo file unreachable. You will have to manually rename the logo name to match the store name.
  12. 1.0.1 installed locally from https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/releases/download/1.0.1/thirtybees-v1.0.1.zip. Changed installation language to Hebrew during installation which mean only Hebrew language installed (no English at all), maybe thats why I am seeing this issue?
  13. https://crowdin.com/project/thirty-bees/da
  14. I am getting an error when trying to export a theme. line: 1170 in file: controllers\admin\AdminThemesController.php Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  15. css cannot really be considered as issues.
  16. The official link in the bottom is wrong. thirty.com instead of thirtybees.com
  17. TB (as well PS) is saving allot of statistics information that increase the DB size allot. Usually I truncate those tables manually to reduce DB size. So I think we should have an option in the BO to do that process, either by truncating or deleting rows. I am talking about: connections, connectionssource, connectionspage = saves IP address, referrer, etc.... of connection guest = saves guest information (similar to GA) page_viewed = well.... you know pagenotfound = same....... This is nice info to have but in 99% of websites are useless, plus you have GA/Piwik for all that information and more. In some cases those tables can reach 100MB-500MB (depend how many years your site in running). I had one case that I tried to backup a client DB and it ended up in 750MB, after truncating those tables the same DB was only 11MB. Now, I am no SQL expert but I believe that smaller db will execute faster.
  18. yaniv14

    TB reCaptcha

    Ok, you're the boss. But you know that it doesn't need to collide with anything, we can only add support to TB send to a friend module (from core) and TB core controllers (contact-us). If we done with this post, can you mark this as solved please.
  19. yaniv14

    TB reCaptcha

    I would like to implant a google reCaptcha in TB core functionality. I think this is too important to have built in instead of as a module. I need to know if the mod's will approve this kind of PR. If going that way, I think it should be in Preferences -> General or Preferences -> Store contacts. It required 2 text fields for public and private keys and maybe enable/disable switch. It can be used for contact us page, registration page, send to a friend module. Any thoughts?
  20. @Traumflug https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/208/bug-or-what
  21. yaniv14

    Bug? Or what?

    Can you open a bug report on this issue please. I never opened a bug report for that issue, I just posted it here on the forum.
  22. yaniv14

    Bug? Or what?

    try all lowercase and see if its working. I reported few weeks ago that I cannot login to admin if the admin folder/url contain uppercase letters.
  23. yaniv14

    Bug? Or what?

    Did you have any uppercase letters in the admin link that did not work?
  24. yaniv14

    Git ignore?

    I just pushed new PR's separated for the main repo and for the theme repo.
  25. yaniv14

    Git ignore?

    Now I see where I was wrong. I looked at the main repo as the only repo, when I should have worked with different repos for different checkout/commits. I'll probably start again from scratch and redo my PR again as well.
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