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Everything posted by JamesBlond008

  1. I tried to install Cookiebot and that gives me exactly the same "not compatible" Error? Am i missing something? I changed the Versions in the Database and settings file. :/
  2. Sadly renaming the Zip File didnt work for me. Any other hints for me? Its not my Server so i dont have the Option to restart the PHP Server
  3. Its curious... i changed the statsmodule file and zipped it but after uploading it via BO on the Server its back on $this->tbversionscompliancy = '> 1.0.3'; where is the module upload folder so that i can delete the old zip file?
  4. Yes: define('PSVERSION', '1.0.5'); define('TBVERSION', '1.0.5'); In the statsmodule file it says 1.0.3 I changed that to 1.0.5 but the error still appears
  5. Hey Everyone, i wanted to update the statsmodule on my updated v1.0.3 > 1.0.5. But i get the "not compatible" message.
  6. Eventuell helfen hierbei die html umlaute. Beim & Zeichen wäre das & a m p ; Ein versuch wäre es wert.
  7. Both are exact the same hm....
  8. There are Datas inside them. As you can see in the following Picture, it shows me the Stats from 2017 but noch all of it. I dont know why is that? We had Orders in each Month.
  9. Its still 0
  10. Can someone help me by this Problem?
  11. Thank you very much my Friend
  12. 1.0.3 Sorry for the Missing Information
  13. Im on 1.0.3 TBS i cant use that
  14. I removed this Module and wanted to install it again. But Computer says No .... with the following Error Message: 1. Module NVD3 Charts cannot be upgraded: Error while extracting the latest version. 2. thirty bees updater: There was an error while extracting the module file (file may be corrupted). 3. Module not found
  15. Sorry to bump this Thread up, but i have this issue sind 1. of January 2018. Everything was fine in 2017 with the Stats but now it shows Zero. My Shop is running on PHP 7.0
  16. I translated that stuff what i needed in prestashop/modules/custompayments/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl I know that this will disappear when a new update is coming out but thats all i can do right now. Hoping the best for the solution in the future
  17. Hey Community, i need help to find out, how to translate this Module into my Language. Any hints would be awesome :) Greetings
  18. lul if so then wrong Forum :D
  19. Versuche mal die Aktuelle Version: https://github.com/thirtybees/custompayments/releases Modul deinstallieren, Ordner "customepayments" via FTP löschen (findest du unter module) und danach die zip Datei im BackOffice installieren (Module -> ganz oben rechts -> Neues Modul hinzufügen)
  20. Thank you very much Slick. That was the correct Solution for me. Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year to you and ThirtyBees Community
  21. Did that already but that didnt help
  22. I was Migrating another Shop from PS 1.6.x to TBS 1.0.1 and Updated to 1.0.3 The Problem is, that the Community Default Theme doesnt load because it says "Bad Configurationfile" I tried to upload the Folder directly. I renamed "config.xml" to "Config.xml" I added the Template into the BO as ZIP. but nothing will work. Am i missing somethine here? ...I was using the newest Community Default Template...
  23. The EU Vat Number is not a guaranty that the Customer is a real Registered Trader. What if the Customer takes a VAT number from another Company for Registration?
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