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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. Have looked thru them. Problem is that not one of them state what php version they support
  2. Everything we use in modules manage php 8, its just the theme that don't. As I read your answer PS 1.7 and 8.x themes can work with TB?
  3. We run the latest version of TB. It rund php7.4 because it seems there is some modules that cant handle php8. It seems that the Theme is the problem. I know there is no TB themes but before PS themes worked. Now PS has no 1.6 themes anymore and I assume 1.7 and 8.x does not work. Am I correct?
  4. Ok I copies from another one and changed the content THANKS for the help. Not something simple really
  5. Can I just create an empty new_order.txt
  6. That does not exist in any mails folder
  7. @datakick It is not translated but it is present in the mail folder for the shop language swedish. So at least it should be sent. It exist both in the root mail folder and in the theme mail folder. More suggestions please
  8. @datakick I just noticed that the change say ssl. SSL is really depreaced so we use TLS. But perhaps it does not matter, it mostly a name change
  9. I have implemented the code but I doubt it is the problem. Php Mailer already handle the certs correct. And I assume the mail alerts should use the PhpMailer also so it is something else that doesnt work
  10. @datakick Late answer Its very common when you have many domains on your mailserver that you create one cert for all the domains by making lets encrypt create the same cert for multiple domains. its nothing that compromize security but when you get 20-30 domains on the email server it a pain in the but to keep track of all the different serts if you create them one by one. The problem here seems not to be the same. The php mailer works without a problem sendig out mails to customers, but the mail alerts, which I assume also use Php Mailer does not. So hardly the cert cant be the problem I will test the code change
  11. I cant remember any code change datakick have done. Cant find that post
  12. @the.rampage.rado Ok thanks that sorted out that problem. Now all mails to the customer works. BUT. The admin mail still not work for some reason. There is not much to configure in the mail nocice module more than email address and I have put 2 there just to be sure. And if the PHP Mailer module now is correct configured, the admin mail should also work but nothing. And nothing in any log that I can find. I have also checked the mail.log from the mail server but nothinng
  13. We get this error when testing mail. So who is the sender? The customer service email address and the smtp username is same so who is the sender? Recipient address rejected: Sender is not same as SMTP authenticate username
  14. Not much to misconfigure in the php mailer. And still it works everywhere except tb.
  15. Just one more thing. We also have an opencart shop with 7 services we sell. The contact for on that shop which is a virtual domain on the same server as TB use exactly the same settings and works flawless. The mail arrive 10 sec after I press the send button
  16. and that old post has no meaning for our problem. And still I dont understand why it works everywhere else with the exact same settings
  17. @datakick my hosting provider is a dedicated server over wihich I have 100% control. The second dedicated server we have is our own email server with postfix and dovecot. I have 100% control on that also. So your assumtion is totally wrong
  18. We still have mail problems When trying to send a testmail iI get this error Failed to send email: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Connection failed. stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`mail.mxmail.pro' did not match expected CN=`mail.jv80.se' The smtp host is fully working I can use it with both webmail and the mail client I dont know where it get mail.mxmail.pro from, the smtp server used is mail.jv80.se
  19. @netamismb as I wrote to him, that module has been installed long time, but only that module does not send any admin mail. but it is solved now
  20. Ok then I remember wrong or we had that module installed before but it was not activated in some version. Anyway, because we use a payment gateway /provider that has this functionality built in we always get mails by new orders. Now we will get 2. The only difference is that we now get also when payment is made using bank transfer even If we get a push from the bank also when the payment is done
  21. Must be a change. When we started with TB 1.0.1 it was working. I have never seen this module before. Now we run 1.5.1
  22. I use it already but that is not the problem, because mails to customers goes out normal. But I did not know about the mail alerts that must be a new module. It was not installed so I installed it and now all is OK.
  23. Have found and the email address is correct but no email is sent. Strange
  24. We have a strange error. order emails does not come to the shop owner the customer get all mails and if I send a test mail to the owner from BO it works as it should. But not when it come an order. Now I suspect we have seet wrong email address somewhere but I cant findout where. HELP PLEASE
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