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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. I have a 12 hour old backup but that is no use, Its also infected. The hack happened 20-08 it seems, that is the date of all the htaccess files. But I think we have found the security hole, its a module called simpleimportproduct from prestaworks. It has not been updated and when I asked the developer he say that our version has security problem. Unfortunately It was to late to update. The best thing now seems to be to delete the shop and start fresh. lesson learnned
  2. After 7 years we have had our shop hacked. How I have no clue about but it is a fact Looking for suspicious files I find 97271 .htaccess. And many many other. So that shop has to be rebuilt, not an easy task with 1600 products. We have 2 shops on the same server but the other one seems ok Just a warning
  3. Or if I can get a new 1.4, first transfer to that one and then update if the error is goene
  4. @datakick no one seems to be able to find what is going wrong, had a php programmer have a look but no progress. Now I want to test another road if it is possible. If I spin up a new TB 1.5.1 in a new vps, would it be possiible to then move database and necessary folders over? Som questions. Is there a big difference in the DB between 1.4 and 1.5? Seems so. our 1.4 has 339 tables. Our 1.5.1 shop has 358 tables Which folders should be copied? More than image folders?
  5. Thank you, that did the trick. I did not understand that @datakick meant to change the code. But now it works! Thanks
  6. Where do I find the module? PS addon shop?
  7. @datakick sorry I ask you directly but you seems to know a lot. Would it be possible to let a freelance php programmer update the module so it work also with newer php and 1.5.1 TB.? We have it working on the other shop on php 7.4 but that shop is still on TB 1.4 because its not possiblem to update it.
  8. Not if it comes from a corrupt file somewhere. The problem is that i cant update the shop because of it and perhaps repaired it
  9. @datakick Well now I have gone thru everything and in the end spun up a new vps and installed a backup of the shop but the error followed the backup so for me its more a TB problem than a server problem. But I cant find aany log that can explain it
  10. @datakick Well I got answer back from the developer of the module and they dont update it anymore because no one use PS 1.6 anymore so they have concentrated on PS 1.7 and 8.1. I have heard that before about other modules we have and now we really have to discuss what to do. There is no other payment gateway that is used in Sweden. With 2 shops, each with about 2000 products this is a huge headache.
  11. @datakick The developer now only have versions for PPS 1.7.2 - 8.1 Is it something I should test?
  12. We have the same module in the other shop, both with php 7.4 But we see what they answer
  13. I have sent the error medssage to the module author also
  14. @datakickI updated one of the shops from bleeding edge that said 1.5.0 to stable 1.5.1 and get a 500 error. The decrypted error message is attached Seems something is missing
  15. We have 2 single shops. As I assumed it would not be practically possible. have to run 2. Thanks
  16. Hi! How with all images? we have about 6000 in each shop. There is only unique products in each shop
  17. Would it be theoretically possible to merge 2 shops into 1. If so, how?
  18. Just to be sure I will make a fresh LAMP install and then restore the backups just to see if the problem is gone
  19. And the 6000 pictures will also be migrated to the correct place?
  20. As said before we have 2 1.4 TB shops on the same vps with ubuntu 20.04 and Apache and php 7.4. Server 2 has no issues. Firewall settings allow 80, 443 ssh. SSH is only allowed from 1 IP. Nothing more. I have blocked port 25 in and out because we had spamattacks on that server For the computer I run Linux Mint, no FW no antivirus And cnfig has not changed for at least one year on the server, more than package updates. No new modules and now updated modules Now when updating to 1.5 is not working, would it be possible to migrate to a new server with a fresh TB install?
  21. Ok then its something else that make it impossible to update to 1.5. The error details say nothing
  22. Does the update go on some other port than 443 or 80? Because our fw is very closed
  23. When I try to update I get this error Ajax request failed: error Detaljer Response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>403 Forbidden</title> </head><body> <h1>Forbidden</h1> <p>You don't have permission to access this resource.</p> </body></html>
  24. I have set the php version and stable so we will see Well I have full php logt in webmin since we started the shop 2016 and I dont think the module do something extra. But where do I find the module?
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