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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. I talked to the shopowner and asked him to test and he come in. Very strange. But I will test with deleting it
  2. There is a module with that name, has somesting to do with statistics. But I cant deactivate it to test when I cant access the module page and I cant see it in the module list in the db
  3. Stack trace 2. modules/gridhtml/gridhtml.php:30 source ()
  4. Fatal Error Access level to GridHtml::$_values must be protected (as in class ModuleGridEngine) or weaker in file /home/jv80/public_html/modules/gridhtml/gridhtml.php at line 30 Source file: /home/jv80/public_html/modules/gridhtml/gridhtml.php 11:* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to 12:* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email 13:* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. 14:* 15:* DISCLAIMER 16:* 17:* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer 18:* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your 19:* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. 20:* 21:* @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> 22:* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA 23:* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) 24:* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA 25:*/ 26: 27:if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) 28: exit; 29: 30:class GridHtml extends ModuleGridEngine 31:{ 32: private $_values; 33: private static $_columns; 34: 35: function __construct($type = null) 36: { 37: if ($type != null) 38: parent::__construct($type); 39: else 40: {
  5. This suddenly show up when I after dinner came back to computer and should go on translating a module. I can go everywhere in Backoffice but when I try to go to Modules I get a 500 error. I attach the decrypted error message TB say version 1.5 but I have installed 1.4 what I remember Any input velcome
  6. A module gives this error after the OS was updated. Shop using PHP 7.4 Php log say this PHP Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/jv80/public_html/classes/module/Module.php(963) : eval()'d code on line 2219 Somerthing to do about it, or delete the module
  7. Somehow it is solved. The php-fpm must have been updated and now require the M after the integer.
  8. From phpinfo.php Have no clue what has happened. Just stoped working post_max_size 16M 16M upload_max_filesize 8M 8M
  9. Already done. Upload quota is 8 mb and the pic was 9.8 kb
  10. Hi! Suddenly I get a new error when trying to upload a product image. Any hint what can have happened. Nothing is changed lowtide.jpg : Fil (storlek: 9779) är för stor (max : 0) In english it say that the file is too big, max 0 Server is ubuntu 20.4 Php 7.4 fpm Allowed upload size is 20 M
  11. yes wer use it. Flawless well worth the price Snabb- och Bulkuppdatering Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import v6.5.3 - av MyPrestaModules
  12. Well, all products have unique names, also in these problem cases. This must in my opinion mean that the URL also will be unique. This has at least worked in the other 1500+ products we have in each shop. After I rolled back, we recreated the same products, and now there is no problem. So I still don't think that is the problem.
  13. @wakabayashi To sort things out once and for all. We create new products manually one by one in bo. Fill in the different sections. Info, price, category, image etc. Nothing else. If we use excel we use a upload module for that, only to update prices. We NEVER mass upload new products. Tb create all URLs itself.
  14. Well it's about import to database. I doubt it has some impact on products that is uploaded 1 by one. We never import CSV files, if we upload we upload xlsx.
  15. I updated with the stable 1.4 5 days ago, which caused the problem. And I don't think changes has been made later.
  16. No I am not staying on 1.3. I updated to Bleeding edge 3 months ago and that say 1.4 so it was mostly finished then
  17. It's not only2 products. If we take them away, it affect all new product that I upload. So for now I use the blledinf edge we installed 3-4 months ago. When we upload the same products in the old version it works
  18. I wrote the post and added the pics. But they came up in wrong order. But I think it's quite obvious which pic is which anyway. But it does not matter now, the rollback fixed it so we keep it there. We have tested everything. Taken away the post that always show up, it just change post. Maybe something went wrong with the update but for now we keep it as is. Perhaps I will try to update it again and see if the same thing happens but that means some downtime if it goes wrong so that has to wait.
  19. Rolled back snapshot taken just before update so now is all back to normal. That update will not be installed here
  20. After update to stable 1,4 we have got a very strange problem. If you follow the pic you will understand 1. From phpmyadmin. Note the ref nr 85619 which is correct 2. BO Ref or artikelnr 85619. correct 3 nSearch for 85619. Note the image and price. Its correct 4. Detail for trhe product. Wrong refnumber (Artikelnr), wrong picture, wrong description. All Info and picture is taken from the 85626. Whatever product we add, it come correct in the first 3 steps but the get all info and ref nr from 85626. How is this possible
  21. Again, core updater were updated BEFORE I deleted the tb updater. I then reinstalled the tbupdster and directly tested to update to 1.4 stable without any update of the core updater. So your assumption is wrong. You also suggest it can be a adblocker. Who has an adblocker on a dedicated webshop VPS. But 1.4 is now installed and I assume that 1.5 will be years ahead so the problem is solved.
  22. The problem is that every error s always a user error never va software error. In this case I dont accept that.
  23. @datakick Well you can say whatever. The only thing I did between 2 updates, was to reinstall the updater. Nothing else. It was about 2 hours between. And I always have all used modules updated to the latest. So don't talk crap please.
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