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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. Pictures you can only add in the post if you use the Reply button, not Quick Replay. There is a button top right to use. Second from the right Yes the whole folder. Then you need to install it from BO
  2. Mine looks like this
  3. I hope that TB 2.0 make most of this history. It will break backward compatibility but at least the users will be aware and hopefully a part of the process. Windows has suffered from the backward compatibility guarantee for many many years
  4. I think mine cover that and much more. There is not a word about guest account
  5. Everything can be done, the practical and legal problems are something else. The other possibility is to really state for the Guest customers what is saved about them
  6. I just copies the folder from PS and the copied it to TB
  7. Havouza

    Clear Demo Data

    That is hardly anything that the normal TB user will ever understand.
  8. Havouza

    Clear Demo Data

    Good Boy!
  9. I know how sensitive our products still are for the customers year 2017. And all statistics show that guest checkout gives more business. But I want it to be real guest checkout, that take away the customer info when the order is delivered
  10. It would be a BIG mistake for us to disable it. But we will make it more as I want it to be
  11. If there is some interest I will ask my Sri Lanka developer what he can do. He do a lot of scripts for me to automate everything
  12. Havouza

    Clear Demo Data

    At least a choise of adding them or dont. Was it not like that long ago?
  13. There is a module that take away orders. It is even free I think. Made by third party I dont remeber who now. Its called deleteorders free. But you can be right about the legality
  14. That is not the question. It would be possible to delete the info let say when status is delivered. And the only difference in time is what it take to write a password. But anyhow. I think that about 75% of my customers use the guest account possibility. If you look at my shop you see why. I have not asked but I am quite convinced that they are somehow anonymous when they have bought, That nothing is saved about them that can be misused in some way. But there is no real difference. They are all saved in the account table, the only difference is that they are flagged as a guest account and no password is saved. But it would be very easy to get all the info about them. It's a hypothetical discussion but interesting
  15. There is a LOT strange in PS, just one of them
  16. There is a db structure difference. The second product db would not be necessary if the multi possibility was not there. or the code to automatically copy from one table to another when products are added
  17. When the module is installed you configure it by adding the categories you want to the menu. They will all show up on the config page
  18. @mdekker @twistcapmedia Perhaps it would be good to add some more to the tutorial. It is important to advise the merchant that both sandbox and live credentials are important. The text under the Go Live button is not really correct. If live credentials is used but the Live mode is off, then it stop working, not going to sandbox as the text suggest, Perhaps the text should also be changed or even better develop a way to have both credentials registered in the module
  19. I copied the blocktopmenu folder tp modules in TB and then installed it. The footer links is another module
  20. Perhaps it would be good to add some more to the tutorial. It is important to advise the merchant that both sandbox and live credentials are important. The text under the Go Live button is not really correct. If live credentials is used but the Live mode is off, then it stop working, not going to sandbox as the text suggest, Perhaps the text should also be changed or even better develop a way to have both credentials registered in the module
  21. So the payments work fine but 1. you can't use the login, 2.email notifications don't work. ? In my paypal account I have a return URL to the PS Paypal Standard module I used before. But that cant be used for sure.
  22. Out of a customer perspective, it is in my view cheating. The only difference is a password really. Has nothing to do with anonymous shopping where the customer info is not saved after the order is completed. It would ofc be very easy to get the info if you wanted and I don't think that is what the customer think
  23. Hi! What is the real difference between a registered account and the guest account? Still, most info must be stored.
  24. I gave up and use the old Top Menu. Simple but stable
  25. I have had some interest in the db structure to be able to manipulate prices directly in the tables. I soon found out that it is not so easy. If you add a product somehow through the BO this product is created in 2 tables. Tbproduct and tbproductshop. These are almost identical the shop variation has a column for shop id. Now I wanted to base create a selling price by multiply the wholesale price by 1.5. If I do it in the db using SQL I must do it in the productshop table, otherwise, it has no effect, But if I manipulate the wholesale price in the same table it does not show in BO. BO read the wholesale price from the product table and the selling price from the product_shop table. Why it is so is perhaps how it is done in a multi-shop setup. For me, with single shops, it make no sense
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