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  1. grbfst

    Mollie Module

    There was talk about a new Mollie module but it seems to have fizzled out. I am getting warnings from Mollie themselves about changes. Any news on this?
  2. Any news on the Mollie module? Things are changing on the Mollie side.
  3. Sorry Datakick, I know it's open source. Me being a bit autistic here. I only need to have the check removed on combinations<>virtual products since I will provide downloads through other means (custom video messages). So there will be no associated product downloads.
  4. Might I add I asked for this in 2019?
  5. What would be an easy fix/hack? Presumably this can be overridden in the code, where should I look? Not afraid to do some PHP hacking.
  6. Hi all, Just installed the latest thirty bees (1.4.0) and when adding a product, making combinations and clicking "Virtual product (services, booking, downloadable products, etc.)" I get: "You cannot use combinations with a virtual product." Why is that? It's perfectly normal to have different variations for a downloadable product, say "home", professional", "server" or the like. please advise. Marc
  7. I noticed the images for related products don't show in a blog post. After perusing the code i found the culprit: in line 175 of bleesblogrelatedproducts.php it states: $product['image'] = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product['id_product'], $product['id_image'], ImageType::getFormatedName('home')); But if 'home' is not in your "image_type" table it won't generate the right url. So I changed it to: $product['image'] = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product['id_product'], $product['id_image'], ImageType::getFormatedName('community-theme-default_medium_default')); and now the images show
  8. As mentioned a while ago: I would love to have the possibility of having combinations for virtual products as a standard feature. For now, when adding a product in the backend, if you tick virtual product you cannot make combinations. A virtual product can have several combinations, ie: operating system; number of users, license variation. Also the possibility of having a different description for each combination would be a big plus, for now it can only be the one that is from the standard product. With that option also the possibility to have the description in the csv import when importing combinations. Another small thing: sometimes with selling software the customer needs to show proof of something (i.e. being a student or having a previous version). So the possibility at product level to show a warning when something is added to the cart and/or show something at the payment screen would be a nice plus. Regards, Marc original thread at
  9. Helloooo developers, Is this something being looked at? Regards, Marc
  10. I would love to have the possibility of having combinations for virtual products as a standard feature. For now, when adding a product in the backend, if you tick virtual product you cannot make combinations. A virtual product can have several combinations, ie: operating system; number of users, license variation. Is this something that is being adressed in a future version of ThirtyBees? Also the possibility of having a different description for each combination would be a big plus, for now it can only be the one that is from the standard product. Regards, Marc
  11. For me it does not work. Level depth is set at 4 but I cannot add categories to the menu.
  12. Hi all, Since today I have a weird problem where the HTML belonging to the tab "Images" (afbeeldingen in Dutch) does not show. I must admit I have been meddling with backoffice code but have gradually put back all original code, still nothing. Anyone experienced this? Regards, Marc
  13. @dynambee for products I am now using this script: https://coderwall.com/p/fwoaqq/prestashop-background-cron-csv-products-import-modified I have adapted it a bit for virtual products. It is a handy way to import large numbers of products. Just hoping the backend (import) will not change with updates. For now I need to concentrate more on module development for ESD Delivery and License codes. Price and Stock updates are a breeze with your explanation. I saw it as a handy way to import large numbers of products. Just hoping the backend (import) will not change with updates. Regards, Marc
  14. No, no cache-ing as yet.
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