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  1. This is the Stripe checkout page that I land on after clicking Stripe on my website, with the only option being pay by card:
  2. OK Thanks. I'm experimenting with Stripe Checkout, which is supposed to support all payment types selected in the Stripe dashboard. But mine only allows card payments. I found this in classes/StripeApi.php public function createPaymentIntent( Cart $cart, string $methodType = \Stripe\PaymentMethod::TYPE_CARD, array $methodData = [], string $returnUrl = "" ) { $paymentIntentData = [ 'payment_method_types' => [ $methodType ], I'm not a coder, so I may be completely off-base here, but I'm wondering if TYPE_CARD should be there. https://docs.stripe.com/payments/dashboard-payment-methods : Screenshots below show a TB cart using Euros as currency, and the preview seen in the Stripe dashboard. On Stripe website I have almost all payment methods selected, and the Stripe preview shows more options than my setup.
  3. OK have the latest module. When configuring the module and selecting the Payment Methods, SEPA and Sofort both require webhooks. So I set up the webhook in Stripe, but which events does it need to listen to? Right now I have it listening to: charge.captured charge.dispute.created charge.expired charge.failed charge.pending charge.refunded charge.succeeded payment_intent.requires_action Is that enough?
  4. beetea2

    linked orders

    Thanks for both your replies. ASM is Advanced Stock Management? I'm not using it (as far as I know), and none of our products have any particular carrier assigned, but you've given me some clues to investigate further.
  5. beetea2

    linked orders

    We got 2 orders recently from the same customer, one right after the other, but just one payment (which covered the cost of both orders), and ThirtyBees marked the orders as "linked" I tried to reproduce this feature on my test site, but don't see any way to link two orders. It's a really nice feature, but how does it work and how can I link two orders? TB 1.5.1 with PayPal payment module.
  6. 5 years later and I'm grappling with this. Is this theme-related? I'm using Panda 1.6. I can't create an account for a country that does not have states, if the USA (with states) is the default country in Localization. If I change the default to Belgium (with no states) I can create accounts for any country. TB 1.5.1 No errors are recorded and nothing happens when hitting the create account button. Guest accounts - no problem.
  7. Found these logs in the Stripe developers section. Each incorrect payment has this message: I'll open a ticket on github...
  8. OK thanks. Just got another error from a new order. And again the order total amount was incorrect. (The amount that Stripe collected did not match the order total) If the customer has a product or two in the cart, then changes something like adding more products, or changing the shipping option, it appears that the Stripe module is not recognizing the updated total. The original amount is charged, but the customer gets an error message because the amount charged did not match the order total. I've got to test this on my test site, but in the meantime we have to monitor all Stripe payments and refund those that don't match an order. There have been 15 of these so far this month. No problems with the PayPal payment module. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me a clue as to what is going on.
  9. I've been having problems with this new Stripe module. Several times in the past few days the customer gets an error message after using the Stripe module "A processing error occurred" The order is not finalized, but the payment goes through on Stripe. So the customer (and us) never receives an order confirmation. This has happened with Apple Pay a few times, so I disabled Apple Pay in the module configuration, but it just happened again with the customer using a VISA card. Often the customer retries successfully with PayPal, so then we have to refund the Stripe payment. I just found this in the log file: [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Payment validation start [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Payment method id: stripe_cc_form [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Payment method: Credit Card [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Stored payment metadata: {"type":1,"methodId":"stripe_cc_form","ts":***,"cartId":***,"cartTotal":7271,"id":****":"****"} [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Payment intent id: ******** [12:32:32.3232] [****************] ERROR: Failed to validate metadata: Cart amount has changed [12:32:32.3232] [****************] Validation end Many (if not all) of these errors show an incorrect order total, but the PayPal module gets it correctly. I'm using TB 1.5.1 and Stripe API version 2023-10-16 Should I change the Stripe API version? One of the above messages seemed to say no. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  10. Thanks for the recent update. I intend to sign up as a monthly contributor and would prefer to pay by PayPal. We have a USD paypal account, but when signing up it appears my only option to do monthly payments is from our bank account (in CAD). Can I not do monthly payments directly from the Paypal account? PayPal is already taking a hefty chunk in exchange fees.
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