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Everything posted by hfxracing

  1. Well I switched because saving products on PS was taking on average 2 to 5 mins something was wrong. I was going to go opencart but same as ps you can't upgrade from 2 to 3 & most plugins I needed where for 2. so I backed up my site & say well 30 bees can't make it worst. and here I be & good news problem is gone! yah now I can get back to marketing & Selling.
  2. The featured tab is not on the home page
  3. Yes the featured is on to display 8 id 53 which is the correct category random is Yes
  4. Yes in 2nd position for both
  5. yes that loads fine
  6. Hi I did a search here on this but no clear on step by step how to fix the featured mod is running the cat is on & the right number is selected but it is still not on the home page. It's the only issue I really had converting. Well images but that is fixable. the hooks section gives error that is failed to load module list live config. Not sure what to do. just need those two things back & we are good to go.
  7. I don't believe in buy modules for things the cart can do naturally it was the PHP version I lowered it then once complete put it back to 7.2
  8. @hfxracing looks like I answered my own question you must downgrade your PHP to 5.5 or 5.6 before the button works.
  9. I got this same issue. is going to 5.6 the fix?
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