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Everything posted by hfxracing

  1. front end does not seem to be effected so far that I can tell it's not a busy time for me but I would like to get the whole thing sorted out. I just didn't want to loose the history on the website but maybe I should just say F it & do a fresh install.
  2. Done no difference still have the internal server error on the 3 sections performance,payment,Modules & services
  3. See that is part of the issue when I click modules & services I get a 500 internal server Error by removing google shipping by FTP I php errors are gone on the payment link but now even that too gives a internal 500 error. any guesses like I said I used the 30 bees tool to fix & repair the db and they I used the tool under that to optimize.
  4. I don't use googleshopping so how do I remove whole thing? I should mention my shop was mirgrated from PS to 30B's
  5. Oh I turned on the debug I get 500 error pn Performance & Modules but on payments I see this: Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Crypt_RSA has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/31/d658016058/htdocs/modules/googleshopping/lib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php on line 280 Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Crypt_Hash has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/31/d658016058/htdocs/modules/googleshopping/lib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php on line 82 Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Math_BigInteger has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/31/d658016058/htdocs/modules/googleshopping/lib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php on line 176
  6. I just upgraded for 1.03 to 1.04 I did a clean & fix DB issues and now I get this 500 Error on the 3 area's listed above I did have access before I did that also the updater is not working from 1.04 to 1.05 any ideas?
  7. Good to know
  8. @vincentdenkspel wow I do not have that field in my mailchimp I asume you are using the official 30 bees module for the sync to mailchimp? & it's updated and all that good stuff? and the field is always there before you enter anything? Or is itr appearing after you enter a e-mail address?
  9. I see what your trying to get the shipping cart to do but I recommend a inventory tracking solution and not use your shopping cart. I use quick books to see my inventory levels & I can make packs/bundles in there it will let me know when there is not enough of any one thing. if you set a min reorder point it will alert you so should never run out on your store. However you will have to update the inventory on your shopping cart to reflect that. Maybe add this to the advanced inventory feature in the store.
  10. I am not seeing this in mailchimp are you getting it after you enter their name & e-mail address?
  11. I find it's usually the customer. I just help them & go on about my day it's apart of the customer service experience. I also ask right away if they were trying to place a order and if so get the order squared first. Don't Loose the sale. Most people do not read e-mails or mis read them. Make sure the e-mail they are getting has good clear instructions that a monkey could do it. I fine you have to lead people to get the required action sometimes.
  12. I would take the direct & easy approach & use a bullet list for product specific Example: Tshirt they can come in a color black blue green etc so these are global sizes would be as well large small extra large etc If you have things that are only unique to that product I might add them this way Mesh material water resistant Bullet proof Unless I missed what you were going for.
  13. I think it's because your in sandbox mode. Your testing so its not a real transaction. I have used the button on the store to do a refund so I know it works. I prefer doing it directly at paypal since they show you all the fees reversed which you then can credit in your accounting.
  14. ya I have lots of fun with it too. what I did was deleted the key at google then made a new. went to moles section of the store entered the keys scrolled to the bottom looked for the reCAPTCHA box click the check box then save. I had to do this 3 times before it took
  15. @sunguyen The shoping cart does all of that right out of the box. Ebay & amazon are two different things so I do not know what is meant by that.
  16. @mockob Ok I see now Thanks
  17. interesting module I do not have a need at the moment but it looks very promising.
  18. Hey Hey Hey people can we put this back on topic. if you want to have a pissing contest take it elsewhere some of us are trying to make money Just a question because I looked at the above solution and you could make a new product for each type as shampoo & body wash are too different things. The cart had a buildt in default for the drop downs or am I thinking about another software. I thought attributes where for like Sizes sm med large or colors like red blue green. as the over all product does not change just some features. If the core does this why do you need this? like i said I might have missed what you where going for if so sorry about that.
  19. Stay your course bud you and your team are doing fine!
  20. I don't understand what his issue is with the team here. It's all on you bud(zimmer). not the TB team. you should have tested tb & the payment options before going live. If there was a bug not sure why it did not present itself in the testing. unless you did not try all options your customer would have been using the script for. Now with that said keep in mind your using open source software they all come with bugs. If your business was going to suffer you should have gone with a paid solution and tested this on the side. They cannot forsee every issue unless they put the software up & start selling subscriptions to use it. Which might not be a bad idea for a cloud based system. I still have a few bugs on my system. I am using that standard PS paypal mod I didn't switch to the new TB one. Why cause the one I have works fine. I don't use the default TB template either why cause the css & layout is different. It not a big deal when the time comes that I need that I will look into it. It's not the TB team's fault I got these issues its my fault cause I chose to migrate over fresh install. They warn you to back up & test. In the end you get what you pay for. So going on the cheap has advantages but it also comes with it's down falls. I switched because PS I did bug posts that sat there for a month with no reply from Dev team or even a dam moderator when they should be the ones to direct the issues to the admin. it's Why you give them mod powers to maintain the dam support forum. lesley took the time to write me paragraphs on the issues I had when above & beyond to help me out when he really didn't need too. It shows to me he cares about the project. The only thing I would like to see is that all mods get submitted & someone tests the living be jesus out of them & then they get the TB approved Module Seal & it then becomes the property of TB & you get a % on each sale. Then take those on each release & include the good standard upgrades like say slicks improved stats and they become apart of the core. Offer devs a bigger percentage for modules we need to make this better. (Bulk editing.) give them 80% of each sale until its completed. when devs drop of the face of the earth & they do. The mod is then marked no longer supports beyond version blah blah. You know what your buying then. But thats part dream lol. I like where they are headed & I think we just need to all support the community when a user has a issue we all should offer what we can to help & even offer a work around for them until it can get addressed. anyway my rant on the subject.
  21. I think if you set minimal re order point in your accounting you should not run into stocking issues & update your inventory levels daily. I know you might be looking for a automatic system like a pos that links to your website. I would suggest shopify as it will do that. Or follow the advise above but it will still require you to update the website.
  22. No I do not want to do that, I can live with the duplicates then
  23. same e-mail address & yes most are guest accounts
  24. Hi does anyone know if there is a setting I might have over looked that prevents a customer from registering a second or 3rd time? Thanks
  25. I just hope they never make the same mistakes here. A platform is useless if you can never upgrade to the latest version. As you will loose all your Seo & page rank & URLS if you need to start over each time. I had errors on PS 1.6 that I could not get help for so I came here. all the errors are gone. The team here was very helpful & took time to answer questions I had.I agree if they do not have build in things like Shopify at some point its cheaper to go with a paid service like that. I think they get that here so time will tell.
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