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Everything posted by Nemo

  1. The defaults are semicolon for the fields, and comma for multiple values. They should actually stay the same across entities admin: themes\default\template\controllers\import\helpers\form\form.tpl Holds the defaults when there is none set yet in the cookie
  2. You mean you want to change the default setting in the import page?
  3. Well I guess they made them an offer they could not refuse :D They won't really last long at this rate
  4. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    I guess just try adding static $categorydisablerewrite to the class
  5. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Thanks for sticking to it :D You can just reach the file mentioned in the error, and change the type of the function to public, so it reads like public function getLangLink Let me know if you still have trouble
  6. What about using my product access module here? If you still need to display them though, it's better to simply edit the product controller, add a check on the customer being logged, and assign some variable you can use in the template to hide the download link http://store.nemops.com/free-modules/44-product-access.html#.WTFAXGiGOUk
  7. Could you specify "undefined message"?
  8. @Havouza Could you clarify? Font Awesome should be loaded in global.css, is it not available on the cms page?
  9. I agree, the migration tools should be able to take you to the fork side quite smoothly :P
  10. Actually, the database schema being almost identical, I believe you can just import those back in the respective tables :)
  11. The feed might just be stuck, what version is it reading now, in the module's info?
  12. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Uh actually the things @mdekker mentioned should be in TB already (apart form the canonical and editor), am I mistaken? A feature it doesn't have is, for example. the alt editor for images
  13. I think we will soon come up with a module that has the brand new jSON ld format anyway :) That way you won't have to edit the template anymore (aka you will be able to use any ps template and take advantage of thirtybees' features)
  14. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Correct, It can't work out of the box with TB as the rewrite system I was using clashes against this new one. The base version should work, but the ultimate will need features removed. As for the white screen anyway, make sure you enable debug mode, we would like to know more about the error
  15. Because having duplicates is a very bad SEO practice (that's my own idea at least)
  16. It is not, since PrestaShop simply ignores the friendly url and only uses the id, by default. Try using the right ID and another rewrite, you will see it takes you to the correct page anyway. It's just a very silly way of fake-redirecting they use. As for collisions, there is no real way to avoid them if you use the very same names, but since TB also checks the full url (say parent categories) chances are lower. One needs to be reasonable when structuring a site :)
  17. @zunxunz It will not, we are working on a url history that will keep track of all the previous urls and redirect them to the new edit: actually it should have been merged in the latest dev version already afaik, you should be able to try it.
  18. THat's very odd, we will have it checked. I take it as it's saving and retaining the value in the back office, correct? I wonder if someone accidentally broke the functionality in the front. Are you using the latest build or?
  19. You have to wait before google picks it up, try again tomorrow with the last you posted
  20. Right, the script tag must be removed, I guess we will implement a free html box as well, or parse the js one so that they are automatically removed What you need to use is just this <!–//–><![CDATA[//><!– (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,‘script’,‘https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,'ga’); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-xxxxxx-xx’, ‘auto’); ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’); //–><!]]>
  21. Can you take a screenshot of how you added it? I take it as you removed the extra script wrapper, right? Is it displaying in the front? You can share a url if you have it on a server
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