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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @lesley said in thirty bees now on Cloudways:

    @alwayspaws I would recommend staying with siteground or going with a2. Cloudways is kind of easy to use, but it is set for a technical level of use. Also, you have to factor in that cloudways does not have email servers, so you will have to pay for that as well."

    @Traumflug said (among other things which are very compelling and helpful!)

    Because all this is a bit overwhelming I tend to simplify such choices: look at the key features (web space, DB, email), then at how long it takes to cancel the contract and if that’s short enough, simply go ahead. Working on good product presentation is much more important than saving a dollar or two on server hosting.

    I'm going to stay with Siteground. I do not like the idea of a host not having email and there is no sense in spending extra for it when I have it at SG. I'm chatting with SG and think my best option at this point is to downgrade to the startup plan.

    I need to evaluate a bit more and its a good thing I have a month or so to do so.

    Thank you for everyone who contributed to this discussion.

  2. @mdekker I followed the videos and set up the Google API and then in the BO Google Administration module I entered the client ID, client secret and Profile number.

    Clicked "save and authenticate" and I got Google 404 error: Error: redirecturimismatch

    "The redirect URI in the request, https://www.alwayspaws.com/modules/gapi/oauth2callback.php, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. Visit https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/24181xxxxxx xxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=xxxxxx to update the authorized redirect URIs.

    I tried again and do not see different credentials to enter.

  3. @lesley @mdekker My Siteground account is expiring in late December. Renewal for 12 months is $162.00 plus $19.80 for SG Site Scanner Malware Monitoring.

    This question is because I do not know all that I need for TB:

    Does cloudways $17.00 per month have all the features I have with the Siteground "Grow Big" (shared hosting) for $16.00 a month?

    Cloudways pricing by the month: https://www.cloudways.com/en/pricing.php#monthlyKyp

    Siteground pricing for new customers: (mine is just a bit more) https://ua.siteground.com/hostingcompareplans.htm


    0_1510236420501_cloudways small biz plan most popular is 17 a month.jpg

    SITEGROUND - 3 page of screenshots with all the features for the Grow Big (their medium plan)

    0_1510236492394_Siteground pricing for grow big plan - page 1.jpg

    0_1510236522268_Siteground pricing for grow big plan - page 2.jpg

    0_1510236535055_Siteground pricing for grow big plan - page 3.jpg

    @vzex Any thoughts since yours is expiring nearly at the same time?

  4. @DaoKakao @Traumflug

    No wonder why I didn’t understand the instructions. I’m on a Mac. (Good excuse!)

    In my opinion it’s better to work with what I know instead of spending endless hours researching to figure out how to implement some of the suggestions.

    I enjoy learning and before I ask questions I do a lot of Googling.

    I hope everyone understands how much I appreciate any help I get.

  5. @daresh said in Spend X to get free shipping module:

    Actually those template changes utilize data already present in Prestashop, nothing added by the module. All that this module does is displaying the same info under the cart. So if you want to optimize those messages, you need to work on the template.

    Are you able to tell me how to move the "spend X to get free shipping" sentence so that there is a space in between it and my Amazon button?

    I included your name in the Screenshot above. (Sorry for the trouble for a free module).

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