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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. ? @yaniv14 Many of us don’t even know we’re on GitHub!

    I think that there needs to be an announcement or a post that lets people know they can join, monitor GitHub and get information from it.

    GitHub is far too advanced for me. Perhaps you would like to make an announcement for our users, please? :-)

  2. @yaniv14 said in Modules order:

    You can't, unless you are checking github issues frequently. I don't know why @SLiCK_303 said he's sorry. I only pointed him to the topic that already dealing with this issue.

    It’s because when someone tells us this has already been discussed, it makes us feel like we should know about it already even though we don’t.

  3. Thank you @DaoKakao @yaniv14 @innercode

    With your clues I finally found where to disable the out of stock email alerts. It also helped me discover buried treasure. :). It helped me find the locations of various options for sending emails.

    BO / Admin

    Modules and services

    Search: email

    Tap “administration”

    Narrow the list down by enabled and installed modules.

    Admin > Modules and Services > Administration > Mail alerts > Configure Mail alerts > Merchant Notifications > Out of Stock > I changed it from “yes” to “no”.



  4. @SLiCK_303 I have noticed things don’t work and the next day they do.

    I keep thinking it’s my host refreshing something overnight.

    I don’t know what else to think especially after clearing browser cache and admin cache and doing things over and over again.

  5. Good morning @jnsgioia I found a note I made before getting off the desktop because it did not format correctly as shown in these screenshots: When reopening the CSV file you MUST set " Separated by" as a "SEMICOLON" and check the "Other options" section and enter the caret symbol which looks like: ^

    This is my products .csv and I only have two color choices and eight sizes.

    First attempt to reopen a saved .csv without the semicolon:

    0_1508245159385_reopening a saved csv without semicolon does not work part 1.jpg

    I didn't open the file when I saw the above. I clicked semicolon and left the caret and it looked correct:

    0_1508245212976_this is why I selected semicolon to reopen csv - part 2.jpg

    I'm having someone look over my CSV's and will let you know the outcome.

    Thank you!

  6. @Traumflug Help, please? I know you and Michael worked on this weeks (months?) ago, but it's back.

    Tags are being truncated again. It could be because of my .csv format but I'm not sure because I'm having a lot of trouble with the csv imports.

    My tags field on my csv contains: cute dog dresses, ruffled, flounced hem

    but the product shows this:

    0_1508209626602_tags are cut off again.jpg

    Also, product shows as out of stock but my csv has 200 in the Quantity field:

    0_1508209955217_qty on csv is 200 but product shows out of stock.jpg

    Back office screenshot of product shows zero quantity:

    0_1508210314530_BO products is marking this as zero quantity but I have 200 on the csv.jpg

    The rest of the trouble is in this forum post in case you're interested. :)


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