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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @Random my mouse was hovered over the other color when I took the screenshot. I updated the image above. This is the URL:


    Also see this forum post for additional info / ideas:


  2. @mdekker said in Mails and the powered by message:

    These are the translation options on the Translations page. If you pick e-mails, you get to see the e-mail editors where you can adjust them.

    I opened localization > translations > Type of translation and selected "email templates translations". Selected Transformer theme. Language: English.

    Clicked "modify".

    I just can't see myself sitting here and updating sixty-six (66) core emails and all the module emails.

    0_1509967967402_localization - translations - Type of translation - email templates translations - Transformer theme language English modify.jpg

    There has to be a better way, especially for non-programmers, to do this "globally".

  3. @jnsgioia said in Using one main image that shows all colors - combination colors are not in the correct order on the product page:

    @alwayspaws Are the colors in the right position on this page?

    0_1509917979911_Screenshot-2017-11-5 Product Attributes Color • StarGeezer Stuff.png

    That’s a great idea! I’m on my iPhone and just checked. The attributes are not in that order so I’ll change them around.

    Thank you for sending me another life ring! :-)

  4. This is done with a CSV and I intend to keep using CSV's.

    I'm using just one image that shows ten colors.

    On the product page in the front office, the colors are not in the order I entered on my CSV.

    I entered the colors on my csv in order in which they are displayed in the image, as follows:

    red, blue, purple bright pink, black, light pink, grey, white, baby blue, brown.

    They are in the order I want in the BO combinations section of the product and the BO Mass combinations update.


    0_1509897357776_product page - incorrect order of colors.jpg

    Combinations showing in the combinations section are in the correct order:

    0_1509897425133_colors are in the right order in BO combinations section of the product.jpg

    I tried a lot of different solutions but none worked, so in the meantime, I'll add a sentence to the description stating the colors from left to right and top and bottom row.

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