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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @vzex said in How did you arrive here at Thirty Bees? Tell your story!:

    Searching for a fix for the PrestaShop plain text email password issue! :(

    Always got frustrated with PS problems and lost motivation several times over the years since I already had a working non PS site.

    Seems I was searching more for PS fixes or how to remove all the distracting adverts in BO than actually getting it live.

    Things have changed!

    Thanks TB crew!

    PS Plus as a beekeeper I like the name ? What's the story behind the thirty bees name choice? I have a feeling it's coder related and not beekeeping :)

    Thank you for sharing. Things sure have changed!

  2. @DavidP said in How did you arrive here at Thirty Bees? Tell your story!:

    I found this via both NemoPS and DH42 blogs, which I count as trusted sources of material. The big surprise for me on PrestaShop was needing to use Google Translate to actually find fixes to problems as there's a lot of it in European languages. Due to this I got to following certain people and searching to see if they'd posted solutions, which is how I wound up on their blogs :)

    I got interested in TB because PrestaShop 1.7 looks like a flop, Magento 2 CE is still in development and then features I want are going to be in the EE paid version only (I can well see Magento 2 CE falling to the wayside as the CE/EE diverge) and basically PrestaShop 1.6 is rubbish compared to Magento 1. If it wasn't for TB I'd have talked my boss into ditching PrestaShop in favour of Magento 1 and see where we'd be in 2019. Given what is available on the market I fully believe TB could replace Magento CE 1&2 and PrestaShop for the SMB.

    I've not migrated our 3 stores yet, they're stuck in limbo on PrestaShop, and as I can't upgrade all 3 to 1.12 due to the stupid 1-click upgrade module (1.13+ there's been a lot of stuff broken that I need). I tested out a migrate, which went horribly wrong and so I'm waiting on 1.0.2 to try again. I expect to have both my and stores over on TB before Christmas with my store migrated around March.

    @DavidP Hi and Welcome to #thirtybees!

    Yes, @Nemo and @lesley (DH42) are very trusted, very technically knowledgeable and very helpful people, along with @mdekker @Traumflug @wakabayashi and more!

    I can't name everyone, but we're a great team of developers, module makers and merchants who all agree with your thoughts to one degree or another. For me, 100% against Magento (Nov 2015 failed site) and PS after two failed attempts to launch my website, which I began in November 2015. Yes, 2015!

    Only after arriving at thirty bees, do I actually have a fully operational website. Since I've only worked on it for a few months, there are many things I need to learn, study and become aware of.

    That's where the people of thirty bees come in. You have a question? They HAVE the answer! And if they don't, they make it their business to find out.

    For that reason, I am again mentioning some people and adding more who have helped me overcome difficulties during such times that I become overwhelmed. Their encouragement, helpfulness, friendliness and knowledge are amazing!

    Thank you, first to @DavidP for his wonderful synopsis of why he's here, which matches many, most, or all of us.

    Thank you (in no particular order!) to @mdekker @lesley @wakabayashi @Havouza @jnsgioia @Nemo @Traumflug @roband7 @vzex @twistcapmedia @dynambee @spidawebs

    If I forgot anyone, I'll thank you soon.

  3. The mailchimp newsletter announcement looks terrific!

    These are terrific Perks!

    "We are offering three different perk levels for our backers:

    The first level at $75 in backing instantly gives you a coupon to save 40% off one order of modules from Presto-Changeo. The coupon applies to the whole cart, not just one module.

    If you are not familiar with Presto-Changeo, they have over 60 modules, including a USPS, DHL, and UPS modules that can estimate shipping and print labels.

    The second level at $125 is for two hours of support, which is a 50% discount from normal support rates. This perk is for a 2 hour thirty bees support package from dh42.

    The third level at $500 is for a ten hour support package, also a 50% discount from regular support rates. This perk is for a 10 hour thirty bees support package from dh42. dh42 is one of the development companies behind thirty bees and they are also a world leader in e-commerce support."

    Let's all get involved. This project is truly worth it!

  4. @lesley said in Let's talk about Search!:

    We did it, we have launched the crowdfunding campaign for the the Elastic Search module, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/elasticsearch-module-for-thirty-bees-ecommerce/x/16912097#/

    I shared your post on FB and Twitter:

    Crowdfunding campaign for #thirtybees #opensource #website #design #ElasticSearch #module thirty bees

    Twitter: Retweeted with comment:


    AlwaysPaws‏ @AlwaysPaws

    Support #opensource @thethirtybees! TB & #PrestaShop Users Join our #Crowdfunding campaign for the #ElasticSearch #module on @indiegogoAlwaysPaws added, thirty bees @thethirtybees

    Support open source! The free and open source ElasticSearch module for thirty bees is now on indiegogo! http://ow.ly/L7aw30dACud

    Facebook shared and added comment:


    Crowdfunding campaign for #thirtybees #opensource #website #design #ElasticSearch #module thirty bees

  5. How often to people create an account when they're browsing the website and putting things in the cart? Not very often.

    i saw a website link that says "save your cart now" so where can I put that where they'll see it? And can they do that without setting up a complete account?

  6. The whole point of my asking this question is because I want to be able to use abandoned cart emails to remind them.

    I need and option the customer can select to save their cart which I actually use on other websites because I know that I'm going to be interrupted. I want something that will let them save their cart wherever they are. Nobody is going to know to log into PayPal or log into my site to have the cart saved.

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