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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @lesley Just to be sure I understand, if I change my image for a product and then update that product's URL, it won't affect rankings, correct? The rankings change would only happen if we rename the URL of the product, itself. Is this right? Because i have been writing and overwriting products for two years now and I have to stop it.

  2. @lesley said in Force clear chrome cache?:

    The only other thing I can recommend is to always change the resource url on update of a slider or theme image.

    @vzex - how do you like the quoted part of the solution?

    That's a great idea! This way we aren't losing anything in rankings because we're not creating a whole new URL. Is this correct, @lesley? If we are changing the whole URL, it's not what I want.

  3. @vzex Exactly! as far as "extracting money" from customers! :)

    If you create a new product, you may lose some google juice.

    As @Havouza told me long ago (2 months in TB time!), people don't read docs, so I'm not sure of the FAQ option, either. That will make them jump through hoops, too.

    We need a way to do this that we can understand (or, me, anyway!). I'm unclear about cache, also. I'll be watching this forum closely!

  4. @lesley said in Why Thirty Bees?:

    Its a long story really. I saw my sales decline as the market around PrestaShop declined, so this year I was going to start a company that focused on general e-commerce SEO and marketing. I was looking for a name and my fiance came up with thirty bees, so I bought the domain. In trying to find a name for the software everything we looked at had a trademark already or the domain name was taken. So I suggested using thirty bees and people liked it.

    Been wanting to know this since the first visit here! :)

  5. @vzex I'm with you there, 100%. Mac (and maybe PC) Chrome never refreshes until you clear everything each time you make a change. Simple shortcuts do not work. For this reason, I check my site by constantly clearing all history in FF and Safari because I don't want to clear Chrome after each change. When I do that, I have to go back and enter all my 2FA's as well as all the regular logins (Of course I use a password vault, before anyone says anything about that). Too time-consuming.

    I'm not so sure about the article you found Vzex because that page is dated March 2016.

    I'm looking forward to a resolution to this situation because I know that customers will not realize they have to refresh their browsers if we happen to update something while they're shopping, for instance.

    (side note for @lesley - if I misinterpreted this, also, I'm staying out of discussions because 3 strikes and I'm out. Nah. lol)

  6. The transformer theme (themeforest) and the warehouse theme are supported by thirty bees per Michael Dekker. Also, @lesley and I convinced the Transformer theme developer (Jonny Li aka tantan199 aka sunnytoo) to support thirty bees.

  7. Thanks @spidawebs I need to check this with @mdekker to see if it's the same problem. We discussed this in another forum that we're trying to make sure everyone can use the same separators and also now, we can use any spreadsheet format, which is great to know! Here:


    @mdekker said "I also did some tests BTW and noticed that importing xls, xlsx, whatever, works pretty fine. You just have to demand that the multiple value columns are in the right format. (Separated by a comma, values that can contain a comma are quoted ")."

    I think the Category column is a multiple value column if you're trying to use more than one category. Same for tags.

    I don't want to make changes until it's confirmed because several updates were made to thirty bees.

  8. I uploaded some products with multiple categories separated by commas.

    Instead of the products being associated with the correct categories, a new category was created by stringing them together.

    Is this a bug? I originally didn't use spaces but was told to use spaces in between the category and comma for multiple categories.

    The example is a dog dress that should be in the dog clothes main category and the dog dresses subcategory.

    0_1500942206303_Categories separated with commas create groups of categories.png

  9. @dynambee said in Let's talk about Search!:

    IMO the best way forward at this point is to develop the first module (the ES module) and once that has been released have a new vote to choose the next module to crowdfund. Having the first module available & working well will be a great proof of concept and example of the excellent quality of these crowdfunded modules. My hope is that having such an example in place will encourage even more people to donate which will result in more modules for everyone. Spreading out the crowdfunding drives a bit also makes it easier for those who donated to the ES module to donate again to the next project, which will also help.

    Just my 2 yen's worth.

    Agree with you, Ian. One step at a time is better. My two pennies worth. :)

    @lesley - What do you think of @dynambee's suggestion?

  10. @roband7 Thanks! I'll check out the blog.

    Checked out the blog!

    @lesley @mdekker @administrators @Global-Moderators @dynambee

    Let's see if we can get more contributions, because the below is a great motivator!

    "If we exceed our goal by $1000 we are going to also expand the blog module as discussed in our post here. If we exceed the goal by $2000 we will expand the blog module and also expand the review module as discussed in the post as well. That should be incentive to help us break our goals, because all three of these modules can directly help your shop and your sales."

  11. @lesley This person has emailed me three times now and will only say that her family has bought from me in the past and was happy with it. I tracked them down on FB because it's a charity with a large following. I point blank told her, politely (!) (I'm always polite!) that it's impossible that her family has bought from me because I'm a new site and I keep records of everything.

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