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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @spidawebs said in How to associate multiple categories to products via csv?: If your fields are separated by commas you need to use something other than a comma to separate the categories and then select that in "Multiple value separator" when you do the import. So use a semi colon for example: Dog Tee Shirts;We Love Dogs This works! Thanks! It's in all three categories now. I did it like this: Dog Clothes;Dog Tee Shirts;We Love Dogs products and combos import: field sep is comma mult value sep is semicolon
  2. @jnsgioia I tried it with just Dog Clothing~Dog Tee Shirts~We Love Dogs and it won't show up anywhere but the home page. Screenshot of We Love Dogs subcategory:
  3. Thanks for starting this post, @Pilou. I noticed a few on my site but it's still PS 1.6
  4. @jnsgioia I don't even know why the Home page is there. I'm going to try your method but I need more than one sub-subcategory associated with the subcategory, so would I do this, for example? My First main category is Dog Clothing. Subcategory is Dog Tee Shirts. Under the Dog Tee Shirts I need two and sometimes more sub-subcategories so We Love Dogs is one and Patriotic is another. In other instances I need to associate products like these with Dog Birthdays, etc. Dog Clothing~Dog Tee Shirts~We Love Dogs~Patriotic
  5. @yaniv14 said in Easiest way to add multiple images to each product?: Can you check the image url with chrome inspect element This is the result but since this is PS and I'm only getting things ready, I'm not concerned that I can't see the images when editing the products. It would be easier, but I just go to my site and refresh the page and all the colors are there. No need to troubleshoot, yaniv, but thanks very much!
  6. @MockoB said in Easiest way to add multiple images to each product?: Thanks! I have to find a developer obviously :) Instead of a developer, why not just increase your screen size when you need to see the images? On Mac it's control plus sign (+) and to reduce it is control minus. Or, change the resolution of your monitor.
  7. @yaniv14 said in Easiest way to add multiple images to each product?: Back office images in product are displayed in smalldefault. Make sure you have smalldefault for products in Preferences -> Images I verified that the setting is that way. Thank you.
  8. @Traumflug said in Easiest way to add multiple images to each product?: I think it should work the way you do it. Obviously thumbnails aren't created. Does Backoffice -> Preferences -> Images -> Regenerate Thumbnails help? No, it didn't help but I'm not worried about it as long as I see the images online. I followed these steps in case I'm missing something: Preferences - images - Regenerate thumbnails Select an image - products Select a format - tmsmalldefault Clicked regenerate thumbnails Cleared cache and went to the product - still no image shows.
  9. This worked for me but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this, since I have several colors of products and several products to do this with. (I can't afford Store Manager right now, or maybe not for a long time). I uploaded one combination product in admin. Rebuilt the index to add the product. Clicked to edit the product. In the product's images section, I clicked to add a new image and selected all the images for that specific tee shirt and clicked "upload files" and added the caption. You can't see the images in admin unless you click them, but they are on the site. This is what it looks like after the upload is done (and yes I know the caption is the same) And here is the final result which is what I'm going for:
  10. I want a tee shirt to be in Home, Dog Tee Shirts, We Love Dogs Using a csv, what format do I use in the category field to associate a product to more than one category? I tried: Home, Dog Tee Shirts, We Love Dogs Home,Dog Tee Shirts,We Love Dogs They do not get associated with those three categories when I upload one test combination product csv. The screenshot shows where the associations are if I do it manually, but I need to use a spreadsheet.
  11. @dynambee update: Since I'm starting over, I decided I didn't want to migrate and have a lot of old junk on my new site, so I installed the latest thirty bees and updated the modules that needed it. I'm taking my time because after two years, what's another year? :( but I'm very encouraged and motivated now. There's also a plus to this for the community, I hope, because since I am starting new, I can notice and report little things without feeling embarrassed. lol.
  12. @mdekker yes, away from my live shop. @dynambee I want to do a test migration of an existing shop. @Havouza I'm not able to make a lot of changes to my live shop right now, so I want to do all of this in my own time.
  13. What thoughts do you have about putting a copy of PS in a test environment and then migrating that to thirty bees? I plan to download thirty bees 1.0.1 – released April 26th, 2017 here: https://thirtybees.com/download/ and I'm looking at the migration instructions here: https://thirtybees.com/migrate-from-prestashop/ Thanks!
  14. I opened a ticket, quoted the developer and they cannot resolve my problem. My modules page in my developer site admin is blank! This was AFTER they "fixed" it. It's PS 1.6, though.
  15. @jnsgioia Have you tried ImageMagick module on your PS site?
  16. That sounds extremely helpful! Maybe I'm not lost in a forest after all. :)
  17. @Traumflug that's good to know. Just yesterday Michael and somebody else were talking about something wrong with PayPal and it was fixed. Since I only use PayPal I'm hoping that is in the latest install.
  18. @roband7 Thanks! Very appreciated. @jnsgioia - this information will be very good for when you create a support ticket. Please post your results here once you get it working. Thank you very much!
  19. I've been reading several posts and see that there are various fixes and updates for many issues. Are these updates being incorporated into the very latest thirty bees install as soon as they are discovered and fixed? Whether they are minor issues or not, when brand new visitors come along, how would they know where to start with updates? If you don't incorporate all the updates into the initial install and the initial migration tool, can you notify us in one summary post per day or per week as to what we should update? To me, constant updates are a major concern, since I'm still working on getting my products on my original site. I want to wait to install thirty bees or migrate until I have at least one working site. If I'm understanding correctly, I can install thirty bees and import my categories and products, as well as copy the contents of my CSS pages and other information from my current site over to thirty bees. Is this correct? I'm not a programmer or software developer, so it isn't as easy for me to play around with code as it is for many people here. Thank you very much for all the help each of you provide!
  20. @jnsgioia Yes, when you have time it's probably best to open a trouble ticket. This is from siteground but was before the thirty bees upgrade was released: Mar 24, 2017, at 8:41 PM, SiteGround: "ImageMagick module It appears that the ImageMagick module is not compatible with PHP 7.0. We changed the version to 5.6 and it was installed successfully." @Global-Moderators @roband7 can you please tell us if this is still true?
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