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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. It is, but for me starting with a new website, and only selling in the USA, it seems to be fine. I'll know better when I make a sale.
  2. @Havouza I just signed up for Stripe. Sorry it isn't available in Cyprus. Just when we thought that was a more or less "global option" for shops.
  3. alwayspaws

    PS quality

    Michael D, let's hope the day comes very soon when you won't have to read those articles ever again.
  4. They all crash. We expect them to work at lightning speed and not drain any resources, whether it's battery life or RAM.
  5. LOL. It's a sign of the times even though this cartoon/comic was drawn long ago. :)
  6. I thought the comic was funny! We are all very serious people who need a break once in a while.
  7. @Global-Moderators @administrators I don't think posting a "new topic" in the technical help section is efficient because there will end up being a very long list of issues that can be put in a technical help subcategory. Even if the new subcategory is called "General" , it will still at least be categorized. I have a few questions that relate to thirty bees but don't go under the existing subcategories.
  8. Reply received from Buffer: "Yes, you are right that it is a Buffer cookie. We have the same string of letters at the end of the link to download our extension: "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/buffer/noojglkidnpfjbincgijbaiedldjfbhh?hl=en." This is string is how Chrome recognizes our extension. When you search your Cookies area for "Buffer," this odd cookie should also pop up. I'm sorry for the oddness with it, and I just wanted to make sure you knew that it's a legitimate cookie so you don't have trouble in the future."
  9. @Traumflug "@MockoB: I think all this caching stuff should melt down into a single on/off button. Perhaps also a selector on where to apply the full page cache, but that’s it." Excellent points. I especially like having the choice to turn something on or off rather than having to configure specific details I know nothing about.
  10. I totally agree with @MockoB and @wakabayashi We need to know what to use and what settings to use. I read your summary @moy2010 and appreciate it but it's still mysterious.
  11. I want to edit this: http://docs.thirtybees.com/merchants-guide/admin-area/ Clicking "edit me" brings me here: https://github.com/thirtybees/docs/blob/master/thirtybees/merchants-guide/admin-area.md but it doesn't have the expected content. How do I find where to edit it? This is only one example. I looked for other docs to proofread and got the same result, such as: No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - by thirty bees located here: https://docs.thirtybees.com/merchants-guide/native-modules/nocaptcharecaptcha/
  12. @Havouza I completely agree and hope one of the nerds :) can come up with something.
  13. Now you'sound like me, except that you already have one working shop. Good luck with your fresh start. Also, thanks for the idea to back up cms pages. I'll do that on my live site so I'll have the content. Kudos!
  14. Tnx. Deleted. Can you please delete this entire post?
  15. I have a theme in mind that I'd like to install (before the prices go up, which they always do when I wait too long!) so, thirty bees is installed in my test site. I haven't done much of anything else except update the modules that had updates. I also updated the copyright since I found it by accident. Would it be best to install the new theme first before configuring everything else? I plan on copying the text for cms pages from my live site, if that matters.
  16. I thought I saw someone say they found a second theme in thirty bees but I can't find it in admin under prefs - themes. Is it there?
  17. Want me to delete this topic? I can't mark solved. :)
  18. I did that so that worked but I did not find what I was looking for. Thanks. I knew I should just post here.
  19. https://docs.thirtybees.com/ I enter search terms and press return and nothing happens. It says it's using Algolia Search so it would be nice to try it out. Maybe the docs aren't ready to be searched?
  20. I get email updates and was brought to a page not found. Is this the correct link but needs to be edited when referring to github? https://forum.thirtybees.com/github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees About the visual glitch, let's try to avoid embedded JavaScript if we can.
  21. @Traumflug There seems to be a problem with the email update link - Traumflug created this issue in thirtybees/thirtybees From here when I click on thirtybees/thirtybees I am brought here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees - not found
  22. It's screwy but: Crowdfire - Chrome Web Store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/.../jgnbklefkgedfbpjebhjgibfnobjcbli?hl=e... Rating: 4.1 - ‎53 votes - ‎Free - ‎Chrome I have their chrome extension. Same for buffer.com: Buffer 2.13.27 crx for chrome | ChromeApps.co https://chromeapps.co/buffer/noojglkidnpfjbincgijbaiedldjfbhh/ Buffer is the best way to share great content
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