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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @jnsgioia i'm going to try that soon. How did you ever figure that out? I'll change the spreadsheet and the settings on the import page. Thank you!
  2. I replaced the contents of the AdminImportController.php file as indicated. I still have the same problem: A double slash where the category should be: https://prestatest.alwayspaws.com//dog-t-shirt-tee-shirt-printed-with-love-is-a-four-legged-word The category page is correct - https://prestatest.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes but clicking to get to the subcategory of dog tee shirts brings me here: https://prestatest.alwayspaws.com/index.php?controller=404 Admin - imported two combination csv's, (obviously one at a time), to see if either would work. Neither did. I've actually been experimenting for several days, to make them work. One spreadsheet has a comma as the separator for multiple values and the other has a semicolon as the separator for multiple values. I tried each of them with import settings of: field separator semicolon and multiple value separator as a comma and field separator comma and multiple value separator as a semicolon Each time I uploaded the combination csv admin displayed "import successful". I then reindexed, cleared cache - forced compilation and tried two browsers - FF and Chrome. What could I be doing wrong? My host installed TB for me in my subdomain. I think they knew what they were doing. :) Mistakes like this are often attributed to "operator error", so I'm open to further suggestions until I get this right.
  3. @mdekker said in Has anyone used the csv import for combination products?: Can you try replacing the contents of the file /controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php with this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/ThirtyBees/master/controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php ? We took the 1.7 importer, but it was utterly broken. Since then we have applied a lot of fixes to get it working properly for 1.0.1. Once I've accomplished this daring feat :) I'll post my results. Thank you very much for the fixes.
  4. I will do this soon. Of course, I'll make backups. I was busy editing the docs. :)
  5. Hopefully the fix that Michael just posted will work just fine!
  6. Do you see anything wrong here, so far? I upload my CSV and match the headings and do an import. My product shows up with no combinations at all. Single products work fine. The T-shirt on this page has several colors and sizes but when you click on it you go to a page not found
  7. @mdekker said in Combinations import.csv error - does not show combinations - double slash problem: The new URL system has proven to be a complete mess. Nothing ever keeps in mind (modules, even core code) that the URLs need to be written to the database. It also seriously affects store commander, because those apps write directly to the database. Therefore we have decided to redesign the system for 1.0.1 (sucks, I know) and the replacement already looks a lot better. (Based on regex, like ps old one). We are going to keep the database table, though. It will contain redirects from previous product pages etc. and we'll add a mass import center so you can import the URLs of your previous CMS and turn them into redirects if necessary. @mdekker @lesley - What can I do in the meantime, please? (Lesley, the issue is a double slash between the dot com and the category name.) Should I go back to PS 1.1.11 for now? Even that is a new store, but I can import combinations to it. I really need to get my products online. If I can't get them in my shop, I'm going to have to close my business.
  8. I replied to the other discussion first.
  9. Oh thank you! And I see, however I always read the manuals before I do anything unlike most people unfortunately ? Believe me, reading docs and manuals save a lot of time and work. Please read my tutorial, pretty please? It's the only one I can write because I am not a developer. I was / am proud of it and really hoped it would help a lot of people.
  10. Please see the below forum post. I wish I could help further but I need to get products on my site and can't get them on until the double slash in the URL is fixed. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/92/tutorial-on-setting-up-the-paypal-module-paypal-v4-0-0-by-thirty-bees
  11. Please enter in your next post in this forum your proposed changes to the text and notify @twistcapmedia We value and are very appreciative of any way you can help us with this project.
  12. I created both sets of credentials at once, otherwise I would've had to go through it a second time and create another section of the tutorial. Is there anyway you can start fresh with another site you have and try the tutorial again?
  13. Hi @Traumflug :) IMO anything that doesn't work as it should is because PrestaShop has so much wrong with it, which is why we're all here. The TB team has been, and continue to, work very hard on this project. This is why we need many more people to donate just a little bit of time so that the top TB developers can concentrate on the really difficult parts of the project. :) If anyone has expertise in a particular module or a section or anything regarding TB, please help us. Thank you!
  14. I didn't have a problem and wrote the tutorial step by step as I went through each. I stated that you have to save all the credentials. Once I get through other problems, I will look at the tutorial again and update it as needed unless someone else does it before I do.
  15. @jnsgioia Which docs are you referring to? Your website?
  16. So now you're hooked! lol. I'm working on editing docs now.
  17. Imported products - successful. Reindexed. Cleared Cache. Imported combinations - successful. Reindexed. Cleared Cache. On the home page single products show up and work fine, but clicking on the combination tee-shirt goes here: page not available: PLEASE NOTICE the double forward slash in between .com and dog-t-shirt: I don’t know where it’s coming from or how to fix it. https://prestatest.alwayspaws.com//dog-t-shirt-tee-shirt-printed-with-love-is-a-four-legged-word Please help. Thank you. Stephanie
  18. @Havouza said in Image handling stinks in PS: PS 1.7 themes will not work @jnsgioia - I hope you didn't pay too much for the theme.
  19. It seems like that's the way it always is with PS. Your site looks great!
  20. Great plan! Are you using your own theme or the default theme? My products won't upload so I'm about to get a new theme and then fill in everything I need to, while waiting for the error fix.
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