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Everything posted by Manisch
@pedalman said in DSVGO ThirtyBees Modul: artfreegdpr1.0.7.zip Danke für den Tipp! Scheint so weit zu funktionieren. Habe nur das Problem, dass im Kontaktformular keine Checkbx auftaucht :O
Kennt ihr euch eigentlich mit Verträgen zur Auftragsdatenverarbeitung aus? Habe gerade die Diskussion, wann man das mit Google (Analytics) und Facebook (Pixel) abschließen muss. Mein Verständnis ist es, dass es jeden betrifft, der so einen Dienst nutzt, weil Kundendaten von externen Firmen weiterverarbeitet werden. Das Gegenargument sei, dass das nur wichtig sei, wenn noch eine Agentur dazwischen geschaltet ist. Wenn sich ein Shop-Betreiber direkt bei Analytics anmeldet, dann würde es ohne Vertrag gehen...
@vincentdenkspel Seems like you have to edit this thread's title (: Or a least mark it as "solved" :D
@wakabayashi said in DSVGO ThirtyBees Modul: Ich lese gerade ein Interview: https://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2018-05/vera-jourova-eu-kommissarin-datenschutz-grundverordnung-dsgvo/seite-2 Was soll man dazu noch sagen? :dizzy_face: Zitat: ZEIT ONLINE: Die großen Konzerne können einfach einen Anwalt anrufen, um die DSGVO umzusetzen. Aber kleinere Betreiber, gerade Blogger und Vereine, haben oft nicht das Geld und wissen nicht, wie sie alle Kriterien umsetzen sollen. Jourová: Die sollen mir eine E-Mail schicken. (E-Mail: [email protected]) ZEIT ONLINE: Wir werden das genauso veröffentlichen. Jourová: Ja, ja. Machen Sie das. Ich werde ihnen raten, dass sie sich auf ihren gesunden Menschenverstand verlassen sollen. Ich werde da mal spaßenshalber eine Mail hinschicken :D Aber ich muss sagen, dass ich im Zuge meiner eigentlichen Arbeit einer Hand voll kleineren Webseiten (Vereine, Geschäfte, Ferienhäuser...) einen Hinweis auf die DSGVO gegeben habe. Scheint aber keinen interessiert zu haben bzw. niemand hat sich deswegen gemeldet...
@blindpenguin we are kinda on the same page. With Fluent and Material I mean a "flat and simple" design-language. Looking at your examples it seems like they somewhat match this idea.
An dem Modul wird schon eine Weile gearbeitet. Letzte Woche hieß es, es soll diese Woche veröffentlicht werden. Hoffe es passiert nicht auf den letzten Drücker (:
I agree that the theme could use an update. I also think this is something the community can help TB with (: I'd love to see it orientating on Google's Material Design or the upcoming Windows Fluent Design.
I took a look at the campaign a few days ago and also was a little frustrated about the current progress :/ I'm one of those who doesn't make that much money yet, but I donated 10$ and almost felt ashamed for it because it was the smallest donation :D But I thought every bit helps... @lesley perhaps you could update your forum-signature. I would guess that people who visit the forum aren't that interested in a cloudways trial because they've already handled it somehow. "The more money that thirty bees brings in, the more we can stay in the forum and help users by answering questions." is an important info. Perhaps you can rewrite it a little like: "Help us to help you. With your donation we are able to spend more time in the forum to answer your questions". You kow...picking up the people where they stand (:
Hi @snowycat, as far as I understood, the customers always get the recovery mail, or emails in general. It's just that they say "it still doesn't work".
Hello there, This is more some kind of small talk: Every here and there, there is a customer who complains that his or her password just won't work. They say "even the recovery password is incorrect". Most of the time I end up changing their password manually and then it works just fine. But I'm wondering: Is it really the "technology" or is it just the customer who might not be best friends with this new internet-thingy? Of course, I'm questioning the tec at first. Does the recovery-mail not send? Is there a database-issue? But on the other hand, I tested the pw recovery myself before the shop went into production. One customer said it must be because she uses a @gmx.com mail address. Can that really be? I think it's difficult to find the actual cause of this issue since I don't have access to their personal mailbox or don't know what the new password should look like. Also, I don't want to show off a customer by proving him "Hm, when I try the new password, it works totally fine. You don't seem to be very smart". But actually...most of the time I end up thinking just that and don't investigate much further :zipper_mouth: So what is your experience? Is the system buggy or is it the customer?
So as I noticed, it's mostly an issue with older/imported orders.
@gonssal Yes, I noticed this and I thought it was a bug at first, bur it's only when your cart is empty, which makes somewhat sense.
@baarssen hmm, I can't say much about the pricing. The owner always says that "catfood is a difficult market" because people tend to mindlessly buy the cheaper stuff. She even lowered the price. If I remember correctly, it once was 2,39€ and now is 2,02€. In the end...she kinda has...one order per day :x So there really needs to be done something. The theme is this one (modified): https://www.templatemonster.com/prestashop-themes/b2bstore-prestashop-theme-64019.html
I activated the option "Full page cache" but I haven't linked any modules to a hook because I had some CSS issues with it before :/ I think this shop finally needs to grow before they invest in a better hosting/server. Maybe tomorrow I have time to add a CDN and perhaps this will help a little.
@wakabayashi Thanks (: Yea, more content (especially a blog) would be great. The old page had one, but content-creation isn't the owner's strongest suit... I haven't activated a CDN yet, perhaps it would help in Switzerland. On the other hand I'm not sure I can get that much more out of it with the current webhosting.
hello there, so nobody has really used this sub-forum before? Well, then I'd like to give it a try :) Even though I'm not sure how much sense it will make since I want to talk about a German page... There is a client I'm working with for many years now but still their business hasn't been that successful. I guess it's mostly because they had no clear "message" and strategy other than being just another catfood. Anyways, I gave it a little make-over and therefore switched to thirty bees. www.canelis.de One of the most important Updates is this landing-page: canelis.de/was-ist-gutes-hochwertiges-katzenfutter Which should tell the customer what makes a good catfood and why Canelis is so good. I'm struggling a little with it's google rank - can't get better than ~43 (keyword "hochwertiges Katzenfutter" = high quality catfood). But I'm not sure why. The competition isn't that good... Any ideas how I can improve the rank in an organic fashion? And any general thoughts?
@datakick Well, a confirmation of the exact problem would be worth something. So if you're really willing to at least take a look, I won't say no (:
I could still need some help on this one (:
@mdekker sorry but it doesn't work. It keeps saying "unknown"...
Sooo, after a new wave of spam-messaged I had to take a second or third look. This time I installed version 1.0.1 (not 1.0.2) of the module - finally it works perfectly fine. I just hope it can actually handle the spam...
Ah ok, so there is something else wrong with my invoice :D
Hmm, this time I installed the version from github, but it doesn't make any difference. The two main-tables I see are ncrcgroup and ncrcvisitor. It feels like tha base table ncrc is missing. I was thinking, perhaps I can add the keys directly to the database. Just can't find where...
@zimmer-media Still looks fine to me, but I'm no expert in databases. All ID and order-references are unique :/ @SLiCK303 I actually kept the ps prefix. I tried to import the databases but hat troubles to get logins working, even with changing the keys. In the end I used Store Manager for the import. Is your Logo and customer address missing, as well?
Could it be that the module won't install properly? It seems like NCRCPUBLICKEY is missing in my Database...?
Hmm, I though I checked it. At least I took a look at tb_orders and it seemed fine to me. Every order still has it's own, unique ID and it's not like a customer can see every order of everyone ever made. But on the other hand I can only explain this error by some wrong linked database entries. I just don't know where and how to check...