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Everything posted by Anima

  1. I am very relieved !!! Now all that remains is to do the review. It was very tiring, I do not feel like reviewing now.
  2. Will I have to do it all over again?
  3. Translation PT-BR :D https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/42/tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o-pt-br
  4. Olá pessoal! Traduzi uma quantidade considerável, mas como é muito conteúdo não consegui terminar tudo, mas o suficiente para trabalharem com mais conforto na loja. Também não fiz uma revisão ainda, mas vou continuar trabalhando nelas e melhorar o máximo possível. Quanto aos amigos portugueses acredito que conseguirão usar, mas será necessário muita modificação. Loja - 100% Área de administração - 100% Nomes de campos - 0% (acho que não isso não ser traduzido ou vai quebrar a loja) Módulos instalados - 100% (apenas os módulos que vem instalados na v1.0.0) PDF - 0% Modelos de e-mail - 0% 01487851485414br.gzip Continuação... Vou traduzir: PDF E-mail Como sabemos, português é um idioma com regras muitas regras (mais do que o necessário), então mesmo que eu faça uma correção apurada ainda pode haver erros, espero que os usuários me informem os erros para efetuar a correção. Como informar: Informar o local do erro e a palavra/frase completa. Obrigado a todos!
  5. I found it, thank you !!! I'm going to class now, when I come back I'll post the translation Portuguese (Brazil) here in the forum.
  6. Does not have the menu option in advanced parameters. Thank you very much for informing us that it is a bug, what matters is to have a workaround! :)
  7. Look at the left side menu!
  8. Anima

    How is going?

    What really worries me is the translation of the administrative area, I've already translated everything, and I can not translate that part. I need everything 100% translated, because there are people to whom I will migrate the store that does not understand any English!
  9. Anima

    How is going?

    I do not have so many products, about 1000. But something that worries me a lot about the migration is the images, I have an average of 5 images per product, it will be very complicated to add one by one. Can you tell me if the images will be a problem?
  10. I already want to put my store in production. But I have problems with the translation of the administrative area, did not translate everything and I need to put 2 more stores for more lay people. :)
  11. My English is pessimistic! I already translated, I already finished the front of the store, administration, modules and error message, now I would like to translate the text of the image, but I do not know where it is, and I would like to know if I should translate the field names too. There are many "_" I am afraid to bug everything :P
  12. Hello guys! I can finish much of the translation, now I need help to continue: 1. Where do I translate the side menu? (Catalog, order, customer, freight, location ... etc) 2. Should I translate "translation of name fields"? It was very tiring 9.9 and I noticed that in many fields there is still "PrestaShop". Thank you!
  13. I stopped the translation to pt-br. For some reason the changes are not being saved on the first try (using firefox and google chrome) Second, I see that I will have to do everything again when crowin is ready. This problem of not saving the changes on the first try is very serious, I suffered from this in PS but it was just with google chrome, firefox was ok
  14. Gwasch, teach me how to do it?
  15. I did not get problems with the translations of the prestashop (only in imput_max = 1000 but I decided, I'll even do a tutorial to post here ...) is practically 100% translated. Do not forget, I'm here to help with translation into Portuguese (Brazilian).
  16. mdekker, How long do you think you're ready?
  17. I'm having problems too, I'd like to translate to Portuguese. How do I help with the translation? Translating everything manually will be problematic! I am very interested in contributing with translation!
  18. I'm sorry for the confusion, I've always installed PS without problems before, just wanted to make it clear how this new method makes it easy for me that I have a very precarious internet connection
  19. Anima

    TB 1.0.0

    That's great, if the Cloudways values ​​are close to the OVH values, I'm sure I'll migrate.
  20. Anima

    TB 1.0.0

    Any news about the launch? I just setup a VPS and tested it with PS and saw that you just need to zip the .zip and index.php to do the installation. As my connection is horrible this was very good, avoided sending file by file which is very slow, TB will also be so? I'd love that. :) (Sorry for the bad english)
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