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  1. Habt ihr auch das Problem, dass mit dem Modul in den Bestellungen die Transaktionsnummern nicht unter Zahlungsart angezeigt werden? irgendwo scheint es diese nicht richtig zu übergeben, obwohl sie in der Datenbank in der tb_paypal_order Tabelle drin sind.
  2. Hi, I think I found a bug. If you have an order with VAT exemption and you do a partial refund the credit slip then calculates the prices as if there was taxes in them and also shows a line with tax amount. I tried this on 1.2 and 1.4 (community default theme) To reproduce: - have TB with VAT Exemption module installed and configured - create a customer, address in different EU country with company name and valid VAT Number - create order - in bo make a partial refund for a product - download credit slip and see the taxes on there Is there any way to have a correct credit note? Thank you!
  3. Hallo, das wird wohl nun relevanter, da Paypal die Gebühren anhebt, wenn man kein Paypal Checkout benutzt. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, das in ThirtyBees zu integrieren? Funktioniert eventuell das offizielle Prestashop Modul?
  4. Hi, does anyone know an easy way to keep the "Add to Cart" button always visible on product lists? Mainly fo the mobile version it would be great not to have the hover function but have the button shown up all the time. Is that possible with an CSS insert maybe? I'm on TB 1.3.0 with community default theme.
  5. Is there another suitable solution for the European VAT regulation? Maybe even with manual validation?
  6. Hi, I'm using this old thread to report that something doesn't seem to work right anymore with the module. In one shop taxes were deduced from customers that have random stuff in the VAT ID address field and then I saw those errors in the logs: VAT number [xxxx] could not get validated due to a validation web service outage (Server error: `POST http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/services/checkVatService` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: Error 500--Internal Server Error Maybe the module can be updated as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73443655/why-does-this-vat-number-validation-script-return-an-error Cheers!
  7. Would you know a workaround to keep it from creating the duplicate entries?
  8. Thanks for the tip, but there is only one cart block module installed. So unfortunately that's also not it. As mentioned, I suspect something in @datakick's Chex module, because if i deactivate it, the cart is ok.
  9. I managed to have the same sizes now on both, but still the last product is doubled on the checkout page. Any idea why this even happens?
  10. Unfortunately not. I know in PS it's possible with the M4PDF Plugin, which could also work in ThirtyBees.
  11. This wouldn't solve the double appearance, wouldn't it?
  12. There really is nothing. Could it be it has something to do with your Chex module? If I deactivate it, it seems to work right.
  13. It's the community standard theme. Nothing is modified besides some colors in the css. I compared it with the unaltered current version.
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