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Everything posted by jmeca

  1. jmeca

    Smarty problem

    This is in log file: *ERROR* 2020/06/10 - 19:34:33: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/xxxxx/xxxxx/expomueble.es/cache/smarty/compile/41/64): failed to open dir: No such file or directory at line 77 in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_method_clearcompiledtemplate.php i have 777 permision in smaty folder Any help please?
  2. Hello, after changing the server I have problems with smarty, many 500 errors, I will attach an image to see the problem which is quite frequent. I have multishop activated
  3. I prefer to buy your One page chekout module, think is nice, only two questions: is ready for multishops? Have it spanish translations? Thank you very much for your help
  4. Thank you very much for your help and interest in helping me. I'm quite scarce in programming and I don't know how to do what you propose. If you think you can fix it, we can fix an amount to solve it, if your time allows?
  5. Only white screen can i see
  6. This is i can see in thirtybees logs: *ERROR* 2019/10/25 - 08:50:49: Property Address->postcode is empty at line 1036 in file classes/ObjectModel.php *ERROR* 2019/10/25 - 08:51:03: Property Address->phone_mobile is empty at line 1036 in file classes/ObjectModel.php *ERROR* 2019/10/25 - 08:52:00: Property Address->postcode is empty at line 1036 in file classes/ObjectModel.php *ERROR* 2019/10/25 - 08:52:13: Property Address->phone_mobile is empty at line 1036 in file classes/ObjectModel.php and server logs: "POST /modules/carriercompare/ajax.php?rand=1571995250129 HTTP/1.1" 500 27623 "https://ventaregalo.com/carrito" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:69.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0" I have php 7.3 centos 7 in server
  7. Hello: can anyone help whis this error in the module: v_201_81f15105651dacb0970cd4ec1ed27695.js:4 POST https://ventaregalo.com/modules/carriercompare/ajax.php?rand=1571986317760 500 (Internal Server Error) Please
  8. Thank you very much for yur help Petr it work perfectly now
  9. Can anyone help, problems in Niara theme, quick order: An invalid form control with name='id_state_invoice' is not focusable. autenticacion?back=https%3A%2F%2Fventaregalo.com%2Fcarrito%3Fstep%3D1&display_guest_checkout=1:1 An invalid form control with
  10. Well, it's weird, because it doesn't show any errors.
  11. I think it's ok
  12. Yes of course
  13. I have multishop too
  14. Hi. Thanks for your help. If I have the transporters already created. I have downloaded it from here https://github.com/thirtybees/carriercompare In the shopping cart do not appear shipping costs as shown in the image
  15. Hello, thank you for contacting, this only happens in Instant Checkout, when you enter all the data and you reach the final button "proceed to checkout" and you give the button does nothing, does not advance to the next step of the order you can see it in the following link: https://luzmayor.com/en/autenticacion?back=https%3A%2F%2Fluzmayor.com%2Fcarrito%3Fstep%3D1&display_guest_checkout=1 In the standard order 5 steps and one page chekout works correctly only fails in instant order Thank you very much for your help
  16. Installed the carriercompare module and is always looking for information does not show results Any help, please? https://luzmayor.com/carrito
  17. After many tests on the server I think the problem was that I had SSI support enabled, because since I disabled it has not reproduced the problem. I hope it continues like this, thank you very much for your collaboration.
  18. Hello I have problems with the template because in opc or instant checkout the Procced Chekout button does not work. I fill in the data and it doesn't go on, any idea? please I have tb 1.1.0 and Spanish and English language and neither works well https://expomueble.es
  19. The problem was some overrides of an uninstalled module that had not been deleted. Thank you very much for your help and collaboration.
  20. I only have opcache activated I will deactivate it and see if the problem is solved
  21. I'm using plesk and apache no ningx i don't think i have engitron cache
  22. No i'm running plesk
  23. I believe that I have deleted almost all the unnesary modules for my store and continues to leave the address of other customers when I register as a customer, I send you an image
  24. I have already disabled also the full page cache and cleared by ftp I use plesk server no cpanel and I'm using multishop in case it's of any help. I am also deleting all non-original modules to see if the problem is caused by any module. I will give you more information when I finish all the work. I bet very strongly on Thirty Bees because I don't like PS 1.7 at all. I hope it don't disappoint me.
  25. if I have already cleared all the caches including the browser and cookies and history and continues to leave the address of other customers
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