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Everything posted by jmeca

  1. doing tests with another template you also see the address of other customers in the registry so I do not think it has anything to do Niara
  2. In the additional address I am doing practices to register and I get the address of other customers in the additional address. I don't know if this is due to the Niara template or the program. I've been in prestashop for quite some time and I don't remember this problem so it must be new now so you should check it out. Thank you very much for your collaboration.
  3. El template Niara tiene bastantes problemas con Onepage Checkout error 500 y pedido instantaneo muchas veces no funciona y otras guarda direcciones de otros clientes con el problema que eso tiene que otros clientes vean la direccion de otros. No se ahora mismo cual puede ser la solucion de esto pero si teneis esta plantilla funcionando hacer comprobaciones de los errores antes de poner en produccion.
  4. Hi. How can i Update jquery? because 1.11 version in thrity bees marks as a vulnerability
  5. jmeca

    Preventing spam

    If you have problems whit mail from .ru go to your email panel control an make a filter to reaching mail from .ru
  6. After breaking my head for a few days I have come to the conclusion that the problem was Ningx, surely in the last update of plesk they have included a ningx update and it has brought me upside down, until I have changed to apache the problems have not been solved. If anyone can help you.
  7. don't worry more about this, lost job start new again
  8. And I don't know how composer works or how it's installed. I'm sorry.
  9. Thank you very much for your attention, because this is really strange, because the web was really working well but I don't know what happened that overnight it doesn't work at all. I'm not saying it's from the thrirtybees code. I'm just asking for help to see if I don't lose all the work I've done. As I'm not an expert programmer, I don't understand what you mean, what happened is that as it didn't work well I recovered a backup from two days ago and installed it again including the database, but it still doesn't work. Right now I don't remember if there was an update of plesk and/or some module of thirtybees too.
  10. Thanks for your attention, I really don't know what the problem is, I have disabled all debug modes in /config/ and in the back office I have disabled all the modules I have installed I have only left the main installation and not all of them. and the problem keeps coming up, I've been using prestashop for many years since 1.4 and I don't think this has ever happened to me before. I also tried to change my php to 7.1 and lowered it to 7.1. The website is: https://expomueble.es I thought it was only in firefox but you also see the error in chrome after deleting the history.
  11. Hi, there: I have the following problem attached: Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/----------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/-------------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 70 Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/--------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/------------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 70 Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/var/www/vhosts/------------------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/../symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php' (includepath='/var/www/vhosts/---------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/pear/pearexception:/var/www/vhosts/------------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/pear/consolegetopt:/var/www/vhosts/-------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/var/www/vhosts/----------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/pear/archivetar:.:/opt/plesk/php/7.1/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/-------------------------/httpdocs/BEES104/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 70 That only appears in the firefox browser and I have no idea what it means.
  12. Definitivamente incompatible el modulo Redys y el modulo cumplimiento avanzado EU. Por probar he desintalado el de tb y he instalado el de ps y sigue sin funcionar. Seria bueno buscar una solucion a este problema, pero yo no entiendo de programacion.
  13. Hola he estado trasteando con el modulo y thyrti bees y resulta que el modulo redsys es imcompatible o da muchos problemas con el modulo "cumpliento Avanzado EU" en concreto si tienes activada la opcion de "Habilitar la pagina de pago avanzado" en concreto no se puede realizar el pago ni se muesttra el modulo teniendo esta opcion activada y aunque la deactives tampoco funciona. Otra cosa seria bueno poder incluir imagenes en los foros para aclarar mas las cosas, de momento, no veo la opcion de incluir imagenes.
  14. Hi, there: Well it would be very interesting for me too, I already have a very advanced site with this system https://ventaregalo.com and after having worked so hard it would be a shame if I lost it.
  15. Ademas he probado esta version y versiones anteriores y otra version que esta funcionando sin problemas en otra tienda ps 1.6
  16. Si, el modulo esta activado para todos los grupos de clientes, paises , transportistas y monedas en las restricciones de formas de pago No se si hay que activarlo en algun otro sitio, creo que no por lo menos en ps 1.6 era asi
  17. el modulo se puede conseguir en la pagina de descargas de Redsys.com por si a alguien le hace falta no tiene que gastarse dinero.
  18. Hola he instalado el modulo Resys para el pago con tarjeta de credito mas popular en España lo he bajado desde la pagina web de Redsys y no se activa. en la pagina de pago de pedidos no aparece activo cuando esta completamente configurado y activado. alguna idea?, por favor.
  19. Sorry for disturb i try another layout of templete that you see and it fitt ok. Thank you very much for your help
  20. Thank you very much for your answer, I'm trying to set up a page with a template that is not the default and in the mobile version the search bar covers the drop-down menu, so I was trying to make the logo smaller if it solved the problem. https://ventaregalo.com But I've also seen that thirty bees doesn't have like the ps 1.6 to change the logo on the mobile version. Today we have to think that the mobile version is almost more important than the desktop version and this has broken my mind a little bit because I have been trying ps 1.7 and I am not convinced and yet I like a lot of thirty bees but as I said before without the mobile version is almost impossible to move forward.
  21. Hi: Is posibol change size for mobile logo?
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