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Posts posted by doclucas

  1. Just note that PS 1.7 one page checkout is flawed in the sense that it has full page reloads, rather than quick AJAX responses of each section. You can read lots of discussion about it on the web. And there is: 5. Improve the shopping cart quantity box logic, by changing it to dropdowns that match the max quantity available in stock, instead of AJAX check of every quantity up/down change. 6. Improve checkout by adding a stock check and a stock correction popup that will allow cart quantity to be automatically adjusted to the max quantity available in stock. For example, if I added 5 pieces of a certain item to the cart (when it was available) and check out when there are only 3 left, there will be a popup notice explaining the stock issue that will allow quantity correction with a click of a button (on that popup). Example: alt text

  2. @violinparts said in Setting up elasticsearch module:

    One issue I find with the official module is that it does NOT provide cron for indexing. So, I find that I have to manually index every time after I listed products for the products to be included in search.

    I just found out that the module already has a built-in cron option. All you need to do is just add the following cron job to the thirtybees cronjobs module: https://www.example.com/module/elasticsearch/cron?token=[YOURSITESECURITY_TOKEN] (replace example.com with your site's address and [YOURSITESECURITY_TOKEN] with your site's FO security token.

    Tested and works perfectly fine.

    alt text

    When using the cronjobs module, I highly recommend that you implement the following fix until it gets re-released with it already implemented: https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/20351

  3. ~~It seems like the module currently completely ignores (doesn't compare) the cron last execution time and the set frequency that it should be executed and just follows the run frequency set in the server cron manager. That said,~~ to fix the time not getting updated, do this: Edit /modules/cronjobs/controllers/front/cron.php

    Find: 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'IF (`one_shot` = TRUE, FALSE, `active`)'], Replace with: 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NOW()'], 'active' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'IF(`one_shot` = TRUE, FALSE, `active`)'],

    Hope this helps :)

  4. A very simple & basic way to check is to add the following code: if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'democheck') { if (defined('_PS_MODE_DEMO_')) { echo '_PS_MODE_DEMO_ is defined'; }else{ echo '_PS_MODE_DEMO_ is NOT defined'; } exit; } Right above: if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEMO_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEMO_', false); }

    Then load your homepage adding ?democheck to the end of the url, like so: www.example.com?democheck It will output on the screen if it's defined or not.

  5. @dynambee said in Setting up elasticsearch module:

    @doclucas said in Setting up elasticsearch module:

    Thanks @violinparts @dosbiner I have installed Elasticsearch version: 5.6.10 and it now indexes fine in the BO. I think it's extremely important to write that it is only compatible with ES v5 and is not compatible with v6, both on the module download page and inside the module page itself (in the BO).

    I believe the PS module was written to work with ES 5.4 (used by Cloudways) and ES 6.0 as those were the two commonly available versions at the time. At one point I had an ES 6.0 server set up for testing purposes and it worked okay. I don't have it running at the moment though so I can't test further. Maybe @lesley can comment on the expected compatibility?

    ES v6 has implemented some changes in the way the client and server communicate that are not backward compatible, Is it possible you were actually running it on v5 and not v6? I have tried this on several NIX boxes and Windows boxes without success. Only ES v5 works, no matter what configuration I tried, but I would love to see a proof that it is working on v6 and the way to make it happen. :)

  6. @Baarssen @Traumflug Found the problem. Edit controllers/admin/AdminThemesController.php Change: $xmlFile = $sandbox.$themeDir.'/config.xml'; to $xmlFile = $sandbox.$themeDir.'/Config.xml';

    That's Config with a capital C.

    Hope this helps. :)

    On git: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/579

  7. I have the same problem on TB 1.0.6 on my Linux server. It says Bad configuration file. However, when uploading the same exact theme file to TB 1.0.6 on my windows server (WAMP) it works perfectly. @Traumflug - any way to debug what's causing this?

  8. I must admit that overall I like the TB version. There are still a few issues with it that need correction, one I just fixed here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/20282 And the other one is the missing cron options, which are quite important in this kind of module. Hopefully @mdekker or someone else will add this feature soon.

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