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Everything posted by Pilou

  1. Thank you mdekker, but there is a .html at the end of the url and when i use your module, it's not add. :/
  2. Pilou

    Duplicate URLs

  3. Pilou

    Duplicate URLs

    Hi all, I noticed on a Tb blank install, a item call Duplicate URLs in the Preferences menu. On my Ps migrated to Tb, the item is not present. I add it (copy the strings from on site to the other) with the add option in the Administration / Menus tab. But why I click the Duplicate URL tab, I have an error message http://i.imgur.com/PbInO8K.jpg Any idea ? Kind regards Pilou
  4. @alwayspaws I did the same. It works but some bugs remain but it's always better than Ps :-)
  5. {id}-{rewrite}.html to {rewrite}.html
  6. 350 approx
  7. Hello mdekker, Finally, I found the default product url is {rewrite} in tb. In Ps, it was {id}-{rewrite}. So I removed {id} and it's ok. I can save it on Seo & Url Tab. Now, I must find how to redirect old url {id}-{rewrite}.html to new one {rewrite}.html
  8. Pilou


    Hello, Sometimes, product don't have to be indexed by Google (or other). Is it possible to add a NoIndex button in the product tab ? It would be great ! Kind regards Pilou
  9. Hello mdekker, No. As I said, product route is actually www.mydomain.com/category/99-my-product (no .html at the end) Kind regards and thx for help. Pilou
  10. @mdekker, thanks for help Here are my PS_route http://i.imgur.com/XhtgkAV.jpg What is wrong ?
  11. mdekker, thank you very much. Can you tell me where in the db please ? Nice job man ;)
  12. Hello Lesley, Thanks for your answer. No, I can't.. When i changed the product url into "{id}-{rewrite}.html", i had an error message when i tried to save : "Route "product_rule" with rule: "{id}-{rewrite}.html" needs a correct delimiter"
  13. Hello all, First of all, I would like to thanks all dev, all moderators and all who make this possible. I am a Ps users til v1.3.7 if I remember well. :) I tried the Migration Module. Just before that, I go back to the default theme of Ps (may be not important) The migration module worked well without any error. But I have a small problem with my url's. In Ps, I delete the category in the product url to have a clean url like www.mydomain.com/99-my-product.html After the migration, url's are back to something like www.mydomain.com/category/99-my-product (no .html at the end) I think it's not good for SEO, isn't it ? Sorry for my bad english, but my mother language is french. Kind regards, Pilou
  14. Hi ! I use Akeeba Solo : https://www.akeebabackup.com/products/akeeba-solo.html Very easy to use :)
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