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Everything posted by Pilou

  1. Hi Slick_303, Thanks for your answer. I just did the update and it seems to work better. Edited 5 products and 4 were ok to save and for one only, I needed to push F5 two or three times to access the 'save' button. May be you're right about the server, but my prestashop run on the same one and it's ok. Thanks again all 😉
  2. Ok, I will check this, thank you datakick.
  3. Ok, thank you again. The console of Chrome tell me : GET https://domaine.com/adminxxxxx/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&token=1cde86543fce9cd47906f6b79c6b0137&id_product=46&action=Attachments&updateproduct&ajax=1&rand=1571906412506&_=1571906412033 503 and sometimes, there are no error in Network XHR
  4. Hi datakick, Thank you for your answer. No, I run it on PlanetHoster. As you can see before, I had this bug before updating to 1.1.x I was just thinking it was already resolved. Sometimes, when I clean the cache, it works, I can save the product modification. Can it be a cache problem ?
  5. Hello, So I upgrade my test shop to Tb 1.1.x via the CoreUpdater. But no change, always the spinning button 'Save' and sometimes a message like this:
  6. It's a test site. Thanks for explanation. I will go to 1.1x in a day or two !
  7. Hi slick, What do you mean by bleeding edge ? I use Tb 1.1.0.
  8. Hi Slick_303, Thanks for your answers. Always the same error. I tried to disable overrides but i changed nothing. I think I do not have overrides. In the console(F12 in Chrome), I have some red lines in Network, XHR: like this one : https://domaine.com/adminxxxxx/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&token=1cde86543fce9cd47906f6b79c6b0137&id_product=35&action=Associations&updateproduct&ajax=1&rand=1570770887616&_=1570770887276 or this one: https://domaine.com/adminxxxxx/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&token=1cde86543fce9cd47906f6b79c6b0137&id_product=35&action=Quantities&updateproduct&ajax=1&rand=1570770887744&_=1570770887279 ps: sorry for my poor english, my mother language is french...
  9. Hello, I still have a problem with the "Save" and "Save and Stay" buttons that run without saving the changes. I now have a message that appears: And this is not a virtual product ... Can you please help me ?
  10. Bonjour, J'ai de nouveau le soucis des boutons "Enregistrer" et "Enregistrer et rester" qui tournent sans que l'on puisse sauver les modifications. J'ai maintenant un message qui apparaît: Le plus bizarre est que ce message parle de Virtual Product alors que là, j'édite un produit qui n'est pas virtuel..
  11. Hi, Had same issue, I uninstalled the module and re-installed the new one and all is ok.
  12. Thank you !
  13. Hi, Where can I find the Mollie v3.4.4 module please ?
  14. Merci pour l'info !
  15. Je viens de voir que sous Chrome, ça fonctionne parfaitement. C'est juste avec Firefox que le problème apparaît.
  16. Bonjour, J'ai fait une copie de mon Ps qui est en production. Migration vers Tb 1.08 puis mise à jour vers Tb 1.1.0, aucun soucis apparent en Front end. En Bo, les icônes "Enregistrer" et "Enregistrer et rester" lors de l'édition d'un produit ne sont pas actives. Elles tournent en rond sans que l'on puisse cliquer dessus. C'est une version de test installée sur le même serveur que mon Ps en production avec lequel je n'ai pas le soucis. Que faire svp ? Cordialement, Pilou
  17. Hello, Mollie ps v3.3.2 seems to work (in test mode) on Tb.
  18. In Europe, I think this is not legal.
  19. Bonjour, Où en est la mise en conformité de Tb vis à vis du RGPD svp ? Hello, What is the compliance of Tb with the RGPD please ? Kind regards, Pilou
  20. When I put gasoline in my car, it doesn't work... But if I put it in another car, this one works well ! What to think about ? :-)))
  21. Pilou

    Mailalert module

    Ok, thank you datakick. Yes it works: https://i.imgur.com/ehiDgxc.jpg
  22. Pilou

    Mailalert module

    Hello datakick, Thank you for the answer. Sorry, but I do not understand where do I need to edit the hook code.. In which file please ? mailalerts.php ?
  23. Pilou

    Mailalert module

    As I tried to resolve this, I enabled the debug mode and I have this message : Warning à la ligne 265 du fichier /home/www/***********/classes/PageCache.php [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() Do you think it's important ?
  24. Pilou

    Mailalert module

    Hello datakick, Module is enabled Product Availability is enabled Stock Management is enabled Product can be orderd when out of stock User is not logged in I tried to modified the code of mailalerts.php as you described but it has no effet. But thanks for trying to help, i appreciate a lot.
  25. Pilou

    Mailalert module

    Here is a printscreen of my Prestashop, you can see the product is out of stock and you can write your email. https://i.imgur.com/VETYM5Z.jpg Here's the printscreen of my Thirtybees shop, product is out of stock and nowhere to write your email https://i.imgur.com/IcBMPjF.jpg And i activated the option "customer out of stock" in mailalert module.
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