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Everything posted by mauroagr

  1. @vsn Good. Then now working.
  2. Hi I can 'disable' the modules list to update. I have a little fear that workers click and update it and bug some things. How i can 'disable' or only master can see the upgradabled modules. Thanks Mauro
  3. Dear Lesley, Have a lot of improvements that can be make in all platforms (PS, Magento, TB, etc), but some is hard to do, in programming and need time. The TB are making a big work to increase some things that PS not make. The speed is important to me. The one step checkout, i particular preferer the step by step, about the customer dont see all fields that need fill to make a order. I think will migrate my PS in next weeks, only not need make 'theme' upgrades, is one big time save. Thanks. Mauro
  4. @vsn said in Making prestashop urls compatible with TB (1.0.6): supplier: {id}-{rewrite} manufacturer: {id}-{rewrite} CSM: {id}-{rewrite} CSM: {id}-{rewrite} I think is about the code can't recognized if is suppliers or manufacture about is the same rewrite. In my configuration, i have underscore _ and double underscore __ then working good. Check if your original config not have this too. Thanks Mauro
  5. To report: I test migrate from to 1.0.6 direct using the migration module, working fine...fine.
  6. Thanks @wakabayashi, I solved using array_split and merge to add fields in middle. If is only at the end array, working the example, but i will add in the middle. Thanks @Traumflug Mauro
  7. Solved! public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $part1 = array_slice($x->fields_list, 0, 1); $part2 = array_slice($x->fields_list, 2,1); $part3 = array_slice($x->fields_list, 4, 4); $part4 = array_slice($x->fields_list, 8); $this->fields_list = array_merge($part1, $part2, $part3, $extraFields1, $part4); AdminController::__construct(); }
  8. Friends, I am working to override 'part' of adminOrdersController. I try to add onde extra field in orders list, but i dont will copy all _contrunct() from core to add ond extra fields. I try use this, but dont get success. Any can help. public function __construct() { $x = new AdminOrdersControllerCore(); $this->fields_list = array_merge( $x->fields_list, ['tracking_number' => [ 'title' => $this->l('Número Rastreio'), 'havingFilter' => true, 'width' => 100, ], ] ); return AdminOrdersControllerCore::__construct(); }
  9. Thanks, this solve, https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1258/how-to-add-an-extra-textarea-field-on-product-page But, i don't like override admin tpl, about lcan lost some improvement in upgrade, but solve. Thanks
  10. Dear Friends, I create in my PS, 3 extra fields after product description when we create a product. This i use to specifications, included itens, and extra informations to stay a better view to customer. But not have a hook in admin, i create it to solve. Can be add in new version, a hook in the space between description and tags? Thanks Mauro
  11. try this: - Disable friendly URL - Clear Cache - Close browser and try again. if not run try: - left button in image, open in new tab, if you see the image. - if not, try chenge the folder permission to 777, and check again. In admin, sometimes the PS/TB stay the thumbs in cache.
  12. Nice, then is solved? Need some help?
  13. When i dont will show the real manufacture or dont know it, i use my business name to do, like i am the manufacture. I think is a good workarround. I dont test, but try dont add manufacture name in product detail i think they dont will show.
  14. Sorry lesley, i use the search and dont find. Then i think that are not deploy...thanks for inform
  15. Hi, I make a litte tutorial to migrate it from PS1.6 to TB https://github.com/thirtybees/docs/blob/master/thirtybees/installation/migration.md
  16. Check here, i make a little tutorial that i use to migrate from 1.6 to 1.0.6 https://github.com/thirtybees/docs/blob/master/thirtybees/installation/migration.md
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