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x97wehner last won the day on May 31

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  1. I did something a little different, but similar within the warehouse theme. It's not perfect, but works pretty well still. It's a construct of CSS and JS primarily on the radios. It was with @wakabayashi's help. You can see the result here https://twighockeycompany.com/hockey-sticks/senior-sticks/rogue-c-hockey-stick-senior document.querySelector('#buy_block').addEventListener("click", function(event) { updateLabelsSelectedClass(); }); updateLabelsSelectedClass(); function updateLabelsSelectedClass() { var attributes_options = document.querySelectorAll('#attributes input'); if (attributes_options) { attributes_options.forEach(function (element) { var label = element.closest('li').querySelector('label'); if (label) { (element.checked) ? label.classList.add('labelSelected') : label.classList.remove('labelSelected'); } }) } }
  2. Hi, Every free shipping customer facing module I've ever seen only shows the free shipping amount target in the shop's default currency or that value currency converted. What we really seek is the ability to show a specific free shipping target amount in the currency the customer is using. We have one shop, it is not multi-store. I can make the backend work correctly already for providing free shipping, but the front office customer display does not work this way. What I mean is this: Free shipping at are store is order amounts of EUR € 100, USD $ 100, and CAD $ 150. As you can calculate, these are not even currency conversion calculations so using the default currency conversion doesn't work. We have the back end setup to handle this correctly for orders. But I want to show the customer how close they are to this amount on the front end. Have a module that just converts our default currency for this, doesn't work since they are static amounts and conversion amounts aren't applicable. Has anyone seen a module that can handle this display type well?
  3. This ended up being a TB bug in BE that @datakick resolved quickly. Thanks again for the fast resolution.
  4. I was able to validate that this is only happening on bleeding edge. I flipped it back to 1.5 stable and it works perfectly. Update to the latest bleeding edge, and I get the same issue. There is nothing being logged in the tb /log directory or on the collectlogs module. This has only been an issue since I updated to bleeding edge about two weeks ago and remains an issue with the latest update. It appears to be a bug in the latest tb updates. Any idea what could be causing it @datakick?
  5. And this is the snippet of code driving the error message: <?php /** * Smart Popup (Newsletter Popup) * * @author Rolige <www.rolige.com> * @copyright Since 2011 Rolige - All Rights Reserved * @license Proprietary and confidential */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config/config.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../init.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../rg_smartpopup.php'; $module = new Rg_SmartPopup(); if ($module->active && $module->public_key == Tools::getValue('public_key')) { $json = Tools::file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($json, true); if (!$data || !isset($data['rgsp_id']) || !isset($data['rgsp_token'])) { RgSpTools::log('Subscription: Data error', $data); die(json_encode([ 'result' => RgSpSubscriber::RESPONSE_ERROR, 'msg' => $module->l('An unexpected error occurred, please try again later.', 'subscription'), ])); }
  6. We use pop up module by Rolige, https://addons.prestashop.com/en/promotions-gifts/41771-smart-popup-newsletter-popup.html. It has worked great for years, but with the latest bleeding edge update, we now get the below error. I checked with the developer and he, as I expected, will only provide minimal support since this is not actually prestashop. He did advise that this issue is usually caused by a permissions issue. His actual words "file permissions, be sure that all your files are accesible, normally 0755 for directories and 0644 for files." My question is likely for @datakick, but is there something related to newsletter subscriptions that would have changed in the latest bleeding edge versions and would have caused this issue? If so, ho would I resolve it? I appreciate the help.
  7. Twig Hockey Company https://twighockeycompany.com
  8. You'll either have to adopt a weight-based shipping price model or a dollar based price model. You can set the price for each weight tier or dollar tier according to where a second bag would fit into it.
  9. Personally, I manage my ads independently with each media tool. They all have different ad needs and campaign structures and I'm relatively familiar with them so I just do it myself and bounce around. Hubspot is the tool I'm most familiar with, but it's generally priced for larger businesses (Which I am not.)
  10. I don't believe you'll find it's that easy. The whole digital ad space changes so often that it takes a third-party software to help you build and manage the ads in the format you are inquiring about. You can use the @datakick module to get your product feeds flowing into all those services and that will give you a nice head start. From there you can either utilize each service to build your ads independently, or you can utilize a third party software that allows you to do the same in a more uniform format.
  11. If they give you the incorrect shipping address, there is not much to do except have them pay the difference, or cancel and refund and let them reorder correctly.
  12. That's unfortunate. I really hampers the customer experience not seeing that customization they are ordering during checkout. Thank you for the response.
  13. @datakick, making sure you see as I expect you can advise the quickest. Is there a way to get that customized product data to show in chex below the product in cart, similar to what it is doing above?
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