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Posts posted by Traumflug

  1. @wakabayashi said in DSVGO ThirtyBees Modul:

    Ich lese gerade ein Interview: https://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2018-05/vera-jourova-eu-kommissarin-datenschutz-grundverordnung-dsgvo/seite-2

    Was soll man dazu noch sagen? :dizzy_face:

    Zitat: ZEIT ONLINE: Die großen Konzerne können einfach einen Anwalt anrufen, um die DSGVO umzusetzen. Aber kleinere Betreiber, gerade Blogger und Vereine, haben oft nicht das Geld und wissen nicht, wie sie alle Kriterien umsetzen sollen.

    Jourová: Die sollen mir eine E-Mail schicken. (E-Mail: vera-jourova-contact@ec.europa.eu)

    Was man dazu sagen soll? Ich muss gestehen, dass ich mit der DSGVO auch nicht gerade unüberwindliche Hürden sehe. Soweit ich das bislang überblicke, kann man das schon alles machen.

    Das Problem sehe ich eher darin, dass all die verfügbaren Softwaren bislang einfach wie verrückt Daten gesammelt haben. "Kostet ja nichts, vielleicht kann man's mal brauchen" oder "Ist einfacher" oder so ähnlich. Entsprechend braucht es jetzt eine recht grundsätzliche Änderung der Denkweise. Das ist die grösste Hürde, die ich sehe. Da muss seit Jahren existierender und einwandfrei funktionierender Code überdacht werden, total entgegen dem üblichen "funktioniert doch!", das üblicherweise als höchste denkbare Qualitätsstufe angesehen wird (tatsächlich jedoch das unterste akzeptable Minimum darstellt).

  2. We will have to get used to use true session cookes

    Sounds reasonable. I'd even say there's no reason to set a cookie until the visitor puts something into the cart. And then one can make the consent part of the click on 'buy'. Zero additional hurdles.

    That said, I certainly see how hard it is for many to say bye-bye to cookies which are simply there, for years.

  3. Unless you uploaded manually crafted thumbnails it's safe to simply regenerate them.

    The sum of product images is pretty big, because themes need so many different sizes. By default there are 8 sizes for each product image, plus another 8 sizes for high resolution images (if enabled), plus the original.

  4. The best way to generate money is to sell modules.

    Agreed, there is quite some evidence that this is true. Still it comes with a major caveat: inevitably this focuses development work on modules, while the core software needs just as much attention. There's a reason why PrestaShop started to rewrite major sections of it. thirty bees comes with this reason as well, but tries hard to solve it without disrupting merchants businesses. And I think it's safe to say, thirty bees is so far successful with this.

    thirty bees could also choose the PrestaShop way: deprecate existing, free features in favor of costly modules. But then one eventually ends up with not an open source e-commerce software, but with only a skeleton of that. Not very helpful and also not inviting to new merchants joining the platform.

    That's why I consider crowdfunding to be better than selling modules. Price for merchants is about the same, but merchants get not only a new or renewed piece of software, but also a strong argument into the future of the platform.

    I donated 10$

    Big Thank You!

  5. Looks like you need a theme developer, unless you're willing to learn theme development yourself. Which in turn needs a list of things to desired changes, the more precise, the better. And expect a four digit bill. Such fundamental changes aren't trivial.

    Alternative is to evaluate all the existing (PrestaShop 1.6) themes for the one which matches your expectations best.

  6. There is no "mobile" version of the default theme. The concept of distinguishing by device type was abandoned on favor of distinguishing by browser window sizes. For starters: https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrapgridsystem.asp

  7. I think a nice, modern and up-tp-date front office experience is critical.

    Good point. Raises the question, what exactly such a 'modern' theme would look like.

    So far, the default theme was also kind of a feature exhibition. It shows many of the bells and whistles the software is capable of. Before going into production, the usual way to go is to turn of half of them. Where every merchant has a different idea of which half is to be turned off.

    Would a clean front page with a reduced feature set really work for thirty bees as a software, keeping it attractive for newbies, giving them an idea of the really rich set of add-ons available? I'm not sure about this. While me myself is a big fan of KISS, I read and hear calls for even more features everywhere. Calls for feature removals ( => clean GUI) are very rare. What do new merchants really want (which isn't necessarily what they say to be wanting) ?

  8. statsmodule : The version of your module is not compliant with your thirty bees version.

    What is your thirty bees version? Just uploading all the new files gives you all the new code, but not a new version.

    Version is shown in back office in the upper left corner. In case that's still '1.0.3', edit config/settings.inc.php, second last line, the one with _TB_VERSION_.

  9. I was considering disabling the menu since it blocks out using the spell check

    Sounds like a reason to remove it. As far as I can see, all functionality is accessible without it as well.

  10. Regarding 2: thirty bees is indeed made with internet access in mind. That's where the customers come from, after all, and being accessible for customers is the whole point of e-commerce. That said, you can turn off module upgrade checks in back office -> Administration -> Preferences.

    Other issues? Well, that's why it's Open Source, one can find and fix such issues for such custom usages.

  11. Regarding 1: it's a feature well known as Multishop. Yes, one can run multiple sites off a single installation. All these sites operate on the same database and the same web server, though, so I whouldn't try with a thousand sites, for plain performance reasons. This feature works ideally when operating a few similar sites.

    If you're concerned about upgrades, see https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1726/new-crowdfunding-campaign

  12. Here’s a mockup of the consent popup: https://codepen.io/firstred/pen/odyYYp

    Excellent strategy!

    Three cents:

    1. One can't deselect the first checkbox. Intuitively I'd expect a slider starting at zero or another checkbox with 'None'.
    2. This one: Make sure the website looks consistent should be granted with or without cookies :-) First visits to a site are without cookies and first visits are the most important ones, so one can't afford to have a messed up design, then.
    3. I'd drop the word Performance. Meaningless buzzword.
  13. the alternative fonts defined in your CSS and hope the layout does not look too bad.

    These Google fonts are Open Source, aren't they? Accordingly, font and alternative font can be the same.

    AFAIK, the original idea of these Google fonts was the hope to have shorter loading times due to another site visited by the user downloading the font already. With virtually every site choosing a different font this foundation dwindles. I'd simply stop asking for Google fonts from Google sites and provide my own copy instead. Server load for serving files unprocessed (like fonts, static images, static pages) is minuscule.

  14. Any way to deactivate the core caché to be able to use my module?

    Uhm. This sounds a bit like asking for trouble. Core thirty bees is pretty good at caching already, I can hardly imagine to get this substantially better. One has to turn on and test all the options, of course.

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