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Posts posted by Traumflug

  1. I beleive, all this extra steps worth not much compared to (re)installation from scratch ?

    An installation from scratch means a new, empty database. All products, all product pictures, all customers, all orders gone. If you can afford this, sure, go ahead.

    Doing a fresh installation, then pulling over the data is probably possible, but much more complex than the recommended upgrade process. If you want to try: backup the database in the old shop and keep that old shop running. Then restore that database in the new shop. Then copy over all files in img/, upload/ and download/. Then run the upgrade SQL query. Then cross fingers I didn't forget something in this list. It's asking for trouble.

  2. I have to run chown and chmod after each new module install

    To avoid this one can unpack like this: sh sudo -u www-data unzip <module>.zip Where 'www-data' is the web user.

    Another alternative is to install the module using backoffice, of course. Back office -> Modules and Services, then click on Add a new module near the top right corner.

  3. What’s wrong with update via git pull + composer update if i have ssh access?

    This certainly works with some extra care:

    • The database upgrade script should be run nevertheless.
    • Having an admin folder named admin-dev is fairly easily predictable, removing a level of security (password security is still there). Having a different name brings a folder name mismatch.
    • Having the installation folder in place ... well, anybody can re-install the shop.
  4. I simply changed the db prefix from tb_ to something else. Then, it gets connection.

    Looks like your database was already written from an earlier installation attempt. Before repeating an installation one should remove the database used, using e.g. phpMyAdmin.

    Yes, the installer could be instructed to do this automatically, but then there's a risk to delete years of collected data unrecoverably.

  5. you also want to delete the following modules:

    graphnvd3 gridhtml pagesnotfound sekeywords

    Actually, one can remove no less than 25 modules:

    graphnvd3 gridhtml pagesnotfound sekeywords statsbestcategories statsbestcustomers statsbestmanufacturers statsbestproducts statsbestsuppliers statsbestvouchers statscarrier statscatalog statscheckup statsequipment statsforecast statslive statsnewsletter statsorigin statspersonalinfos statsproduct statsregistrations statssales statssearch statsstock statsvisits

    For those who have access to the command line: sh rm -rf modules/graphnvd3 modules/gridhtml modules/pagesnotfound modules/sekeywords modules/statsbestcategories modules/statsbestcustomers modules/statsbestmanufacturers modules/statsbestproducts modules/statsbestsuppliers modules/statsbestvouchers modules/statscarrier modules/statscatalog modules/statscheckup modules/statsequipment modules/statsforecast modules/statslive modules/statsnewsletter modules/statsorigin modules/statspersonalinfos modules/statsproduct modules/statsregistrations modules/statssales modules/statssearch modules/statsstock modules/statsvisits

  6. @MockB

    Reported 3 months ago by @DRMasterChief in that topic [...] again mentioned by me in that topic [...] and no one seems to care about it…

    It was taken care of last October already: https://github.com/thirtybees/advancedeucompliance/commit/46ad6f900e4d2c2b629ff8ffe20f17795db55d6b and that was mentioned back then: https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/12096

  7. In the original expression the semantic is: "look, if $productStockCriteria[‘usable’] exists and return the value of isset, if yes, or false otherwise. But what we really want is: "look, if $productStockCriteria[‘usable’] exists and return the value of $productStockCriteria[‘usable’], or false otherwise.

    You nailed it! Now I see it as well. Thanks a ton for your efforts!

    Here's the commit: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/f75ccbf2251b6b875cc3ac0da26c657223212d62

  8. This a classic it/developer problem: Always trying to perfect things.

    Very true. "Can we make a release now?" ... "Oh, wait a moment, let's just fix this one thing before doing it". And these moments eventually added up to months now.

    Another one is: pretty much all developers run code from latest Git, so they have a tendency to forget that many others simply don't have all the new bells and whistles yet. There are 805(!) commits between 1.0.3 and current master, none of them in a release. Ouch!

    That's why there are plans to make shop installations less dependent on actual releases. Just update to latest Git without a newer release happening. Easily roll back if a new feature doesn't work as expected, just to update a few days later again, this time with the regression fixed.

    Bright plans? Certainly. And I hope we're bold enough to make it happen, step by step, with your support. Next step is the 1.0.4 release: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/milestone/6

  9. If you want to start fresh, do so with a new installation. Delete the database, delete all the files, unpack the distribution again.

    Then, on the page where you enter shop name, your name and such stuff, watch out for a checkbox "install demo data". It's checked by default, but can be changed.

    That said, all these demo products are quite helpful when learning about how all the shop features work. Accordingly it might be a better idea to install them, then add your own products, then remove them. Having a second installation in a subfolder works for learning, too.

  10. I always thought thirty bees has CMS pages already. Not exactly prominent, but existing. One needs them e.g. for the legal fine print or shipping fee explanations.

    And then, what's the distinction between a generic CMS page and a landing page? It's URL?

  11. Looking at this part of PHP documentation: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php#language.operators.comparison.ternary, both versions should be actually ~~the same~~ equivalent:

    The expression (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) evaluates to expr2 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 if expr1 evaluates to FALSE.

    Since PHP 5.3, it is possible to leave out the middle part of the ternary operator. Expression expr1 ?: expr3 returns expr1 if expr1 evaluates to TRUE, and expr3 otherwise.

    Are you sure, @CHitzmann?

    P.S.: Also, the parameter in question to getProductPhysicalQuantities() is a boolean, so something like this would look fine: php isset($productStockCriteria['usable']) ? true : false

  12. One thing to note is that the latest release of this module is almost a year old. If you download it from Github https://github.com/thirtybees/beesblog/archive/master.zip you might have even better results. Some 45 commits since then.

    Don't forget to delete these three co-modules before doing so. They'll get re-created from the main module, but only if they don't already exist.

    Installation and even more, uninstallation, needs work. I started with this already.

  13. I just tried and in a demo installation it works. Installing module Bees Blog also installs three other modules, Bees Blog Categories, Bees Blog Popular Posts and Bees Blog Recent Posts.

    If possible, try to uninstall all four modules, then reinstall them. With some luck this cleans out some garbage.

    If it still doesn't work or uninstallation is impossible, one can look into database table tbmodules_ (where _tb__ is the prefix). There are all modules listed which are considered to be installed. Uninstalling means removing the entire table row. So:

    • Remove all four modules as much as possible with Backoffice.
    • Remove all their table lines, if still there.
    • Clear the cache (removing everything in cache/ using the shell of FTP).
    • Try to install Bees Blog.

    Can't verify this procedure myself, as it works here, but each step should be fairly safe.

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