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Posts posted by Traumflug

  1. Does it work with Elastic Search?

    I didn't try, I just wanted to express that $5/month for just email delivery is a pretty steep price and worth looking for a better solution. Like keeping your current hosting for this email stuff, for example.

  2. It just occurs to me that my previous post could be interpreted like I consider thirty bees to be technically behind. That's certainly not the case.

    Thirty bees receives such technical upgrades, too, and even better ones. Just not all at once, breaking everything, but in small, handleable steps. For example, just over the last few weeks database access code was changed. Same functionality, but better abstracted and also some 10 to 20% faster. Earlier, HTML minimization was removed, because it turned out that minification takes much longer than just delivering that HTML as-is. Installer returned to display hints on installation errors. Step by step, always keeping stability at highest priority. Because a fancy shop is nice, a reliable shop is crucial.

  3. I must say he has an interesting opinion about PS 1.7

    Not entirely unfounded. Problem with 1.7 isn't that it's technically worse. Problem is that they couldn't stem to keep the quality, much less improve it. Badging a product as "stable" isn't sufficient to make it actually stable. If one introduces technical changes, one also has to have the manpower to debug this, which is typically more work than just introducing the change.

  4. @alwayspaws

    Which compression are we discussing? images or a whole webpage or what, please?

    JPEGs and PNGs are already compressed, compressing them twice makes no sense. Dynamic content like the main HTML page can't be compressed in advance, because it doesn't exist before it's requested. Remaining parts are JS and CSS, like @lesley mentioned.

    And not to forget HTML from the full page cache. If pages can be cached, this cache page can be compressed when creating the cache file already, saving compression on each delivery.


    Actually with http/2 becoming prevalent the methodologies are changing. Here is a good article on resource handling, https://medium.com/@asyncmax/the-right-way-to-bundle-your-assets-for-faster-sites-over-http-2-437c37efe3ff

    To cite this article:

    Even in HTTP/2 environment, any level of concatenation showed a significant improvement compared to non-concatenation.

    Additionally, there are more intelligent ways than dumb concatenation. JS and CSS can be scanned for duplicate definitions, duplicates can be eliminated. Unused definitions can be removed as well. This takes a while, but at installation/theme build time we have plenty of this time.

    That said, I don't consider all this to be pressing urgent. That's something to keep in mind when working in this area for more important reasons and dessert topping for those who have a well running shop already, enjoying to squeeze out the last 10 or 15 percent.


    I hope I step on no toes with this.

    When did that ever stop you? LOL!

    Never. But I want sensible people to be prepared for their flat feet :-)

  5. Trying to upgrade a current store to compete with all these snazzy pay per month stores that just work but being the DIY type is hard.

    I think Havouza is on the right track. Asking for a password is almost the same as asking shop visitors to log in. If they're logged in, they can get custom prices according to the group they belong to. It's all there in 30bz core already. Setting automatic logout time to a very long time (100 years) also means customers coming along more often don't have to log in each time.

  6. I hope I step on no toes with this.

    If something is too slow, adding even more software, well, tends to slow things down even more. Simply because more software means more CPU cycles burnt. That's a simple logic, just not very popular.

    To get things faster, one has to remove something.

    For example, CSS and JS files aren't dynamic, so they can be minified at installation time. Doing this for every page request from scratch is a bit ... uhm. To get this minification, one can simply run such a minifier over every file existing in the installation.

    Another one is to join files. Serving two 5kB files is slower than serving one 10 kB file. PS 1.7 did something in this direction in its default theme. The number of files was simply reduced at theme build time.

    Third one coming to mind is to compress files in advance. Letting Apache do this compression means each file gets compressed for each page request, so the very same task get repeated thousand of times every day. Nice plan for wasting processing resources. Apache can be instructed to serve files as compressed content without actually compressing them. That means, files on disk have to be already compressed, which is achievable easily. Result: compressed once, served often, less CPU load, improved performance.

    I'm pretty sure your patches are welcome. For myself, I'm currently covered with more crucial tasks.

  7. Because Google suggests it?

    They suggest to use heading tags and are correct with this. They do not suggest to always start with <h1>. For example on Wikipedia, H1 tags are reserved for system provided stuff, articles use H2 for top headings. One can also start with H3 or lower. An article description isn't topmost content anyways, so starting with smaller than H1 is only natural.

    If your theme is of value, makers have taken care that headings fit to standard text. Trying to set font sizes manually means fighting the theme. That's very rarely the right way.

  8. it is not default ps tb icon.

    Depends on what "default" means. "default" = the icon delivered with the distribution: yes, that's missing. "default" = fallback if not even the distribution delivered icon is found: that's what gets delivered in the case discussed here.

  9. Hmmz, xlsx, ods, odt, xls, you name it

    That's the problem, there are so many different formats.

    If you want a comma in the value itself, make sure you enclose it in quotes.

    I fear it's difficult to change how a given spreadsheet exports CSV. There is no clear standardization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values#Standardization


    Reliance on the standard documented by RFC 4180 can simplify CSV exchange. However, this standard only specifies handling of text-based fields. Interpretation of the text of each field is still application-specific.

    Personally I tend to put emphasis on one format, only, and support that in all observed flavors. A .xls written by Excel, then converted by PHPExcel might give different results than a .xls written by OpenOffice or GNUmeric, then interpreted by PHPexcel. All of these desktop applications support exporting to CSV, so it's (almost) no extra work for merchants to do this export.

  10. So I think Saffari was trying to download the icon and when it failed the question mark was used instead.

    This question mark is the downloaded icon. In some circumstances shop software doesn't find the right one and sends this question mark instead.

  11. Now I actually tried with the CSV above and see, uhm, there is no way to import tags:

    0_1498901564199_CSV import.png

    Twelve fields, none of them for tags.

    About field separators. CSV means "comma separated values" and that pretty much explains what's expected. Nevertheless 30bz has ; set as default field separator. As far as I can see, one should change this to , and multiple value separator to ;. This matches the given CSV file, then.

    Now, this CSV has such a multi-value field for tags. But instead of using ;, it puts all tags into one long string. This explains why it's knocked off at 32 characters.

    For the fix I have to guess a bit (can't test, see above): the field with tags should change from "dog collars, collar charms, charm for collars, patron saint of all animals, St. Francis" to dog collars; collar charms; charm for collars; patron saint of all animals; St. Francis

    See the quotes removed and , replaced by ;? That's the point.

    About how to fix this in the spreadsheet. Obviously it's a good idea to set ; as field separator for CSV export to match 30bz' default. That's probably the better choice for languages with , as decimal separator anyways.

    On how to generate multi-fields in a spreadsheet? No idea. Didn't know spreadsheets actually allow to do this and a quick google brings nothing like this up. Which raises the question: how did the PrestaShop guys expect this to work?

  12. When I edit a file using cpanel I rename with an x in front of the original name

    Didn't think about adding something in front. I'd also change the suffix, at least for PHP files. There's an autoloader which picks up everything having a .php suffix so keeping the suffix might end up in duplicate code.

    As a non coder this works for me!


    I’d love to learn better ways though!

    Even better? Make this whole shop installation a Git repository. Then you can apply patches even without editor and roll back and forth such changes in seconds. If you manage to do this as well, you're no longer a non coder :-)

    When maintaining servers (general ones, not shop installations), adding the date as suffix has served me pretty well, though.

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