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BillyTheMountain last won the day on September 22 2022

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  1. Hello ! I'm using with TB1.2 : FRONT - cash (by Simon Daigre) to accept cash payments when collecting the order in shop - medmathcaptcha (by Mediacom87), Mathematical captcha - oa_features (by Open agence) to assign image to feature value - eo-orderreference (by Profileo) to add a customizable text field on the basket summary (reproduced on the invoice) - pdfstampplus, «PDF Stamp+» (by Dr. Lowel P. O'Mard) to mark on flying the PDF file (or PDF files within a zip archive) of the virtual products with an identifying stamp BACK - dmuebpexport (by Dream me up) to export accounts to EBP accounting software (or others accepting a CVS file) - ordersplusplus : ordres++ - par Prestalia) to have a better overview of the orders and their contents (useful to make the shipments faster) - uoreminder (by Aurone) to automatically email customers with unpaid orders
  2. Hello! Thank you very much for all this work. I am part of an NGO, the Gisti, which has been happily using TB for the past 3 years, instead of PS1.6, for the sale of its books (paper and PDF ebooks), goodies, registration to study days, and to allow our supporters to make donations. We would now like to allow subscriptions to our publications. This little email is to tell those who are hesitating that if the TB organisation has gone through some turbulence in the last year, on our scale, this software has always proved to be much more efficient than PS1.6 (and even PS1.7, whose multitude of malfunctions pushed us to change cremerie for TB), so we have decided to support the momentum given by the new team by starting today our support to the project, 100$ per month. Long term support. Have a nice day Marc
  3. Bonsoir à tous, Je suis également depuis 2 ans un utilisateur, ravi, de TB 1.0.8 (ex PS 1.6.1). Je ne suis pas passé ici depuis avril, mais de voir que le projet semble repartir, je vais venir plus souvent :)
  4. It works 🙂 Thank you very very much musicmaster for this solution, and the explanation ! Have a nice day Marc
  5. Thank you Musicmaster 🙂 I fully understand that the French translation is still only partial, that it needs help for to be improved (and I started contributing with https://crowdin.com/project/thirty-bees , I hope to approach 100% for the french pack by April-May). But that ThirtyBees does not display anything when the French translation doesn't exist, not even the English expression, it's a bug. Which is surprising is that everything worked well before the update of the French language... (How do you get the translation display you put in picture? Which software? it's very cool !) Have a nice day Marc
  6. Hello Discovering this forum devoted to bugs, I report in English a bug solved that I had indicated on the French forum a few days ago. I've been using ThirtyBees for three months to replace a 1.6.1.x PS, and I'm very happy. Thank you very much for this great software. This small email to distribute an info that can be used by others: On an online store TB 1.0.8 in French, confirmation emails (order_conf) sent to customers do not display the products, contrary to the mails received by the admin (new_order). The problem is due to the absence in the /mails/fr/ folder of these four files, present only in /mails/en/: /mail/fr/order_conf_cart_rules.tpl /mail/fr/order_conf_cart_rules.txt /mail/fr/order_conf_product_list.tpl /mail/fr/order_conf_product_list.txt Have a good day Marc
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  7. Hello, There is a BIG bug in the French translation if it is Update with the "Add / Update a language" function of the "Localization / Translations" backoffice page : Lots of backoffice words disapears (no translation or word in english, just an invible link...). With "Français (French)" or "Français CA (French)", it's equal. Little exemples : In the "Catalog / Products" page : - the tab link name "Associations" - the tab link name"Images" In the "Advanced Parameters / Performance" page : - "Smarty - Application Cache" - "Cache" - "MySQL" - "Disable non thirty bees modules" - "Profiling" - "Use the PHP Encryption library with the openssl extension (highest security)." - "Use Rijndael with the openssl extension." - "Server Side Caching" - "redis (you must install the redis extension)" - "Full page cache " (...) I have the same result with two TB 1.0.8. So I have change the Employees languages for the english, but this is not a solution Any way to solve this? Thanks in advance and have a nice day, Marc
  8. Bonjour J'utilise ThirtyBees depuis trois mois en remplacement d'un PS 1.6.1.x, et j'en suis très content. Merci beaucoup pour ce superbe logiciel. Ce petit mail pour diffuser une info qui pourra servir à d'autres : Sur une boutique en ligne TB 1.0.8 en langue française, les mails de confirmation (order_conf) envoyés aux clients n'affichent pas les produits, contrairment aux mails reçus par l'admin (new_order). Le problème est dû à l'absence dans le dossier /mails/fr de ces quatre fichiers, présents uniquement dans /mail/en/ : /mail/fr/order_conf_cart_rules.tpl /mail/fr/order_conf_cart_rules.txt /mail/fr/order_conf_product_list.tpl /mail/fr/order_conf_product_list.txt Le même problème se pose peut-être dans d'autre langues que l'anglais, je n'ai pas testé. Bonne journée Marc
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